There are already 19 users and 1,360 genealogy profiles with the McAlpin surname on Geni. Explore McAlpin genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
GEDCOM Source ===@R1453374358@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Ancestry Family Tree
Captain Alexander McAlpin served with South Carolina Militia during the American Revolution.
Alexander McAlpin is a DAR Patriot Ancestor # A074420
Served with the British army as a captain and filed...
Bessie Lee McAlpin Fowler
16 Apr 1919
Fayette County, Alabama, USA
23 May 1978 (aged 59)
Fayette County, Alabama, USA
New Liberty Free Will Baptist Church Cemetery
Bankston, Fayette ...
Lowell G. McManus, P. O. Box 282, Leesville, Louisiana (1999), Marion Co, MS 8 Apr 1825 slave deed. Mark Russell of Cumberland Co. NC "of the love and affection which I bear unto my Daughter Catharine ...
Colin McAlpin (9 April 1870 – 13 May 1942) was an English composer of songs, operas and ballet music, an organist and a writer of critical essays on music.
My great grandmother was Lucinda Elizabeth McAlpin Rouse. I have found what appears to be different spellings of the McAlpin's. Is this correct? I'm putting her line together and unsure. Thank you.
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