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McSwiney Genealogy and McSwiney Family History Information

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  • Daniel McSwiney, M.A. (1790 - 1834)
    Daniel McSwiney - Greek and Latin Scholar, Teacher, Poet and Novelist. Daniel's father Morgan was born at the large family farm at Dromboy, Co. Cork, Ireland - six miles north of Cork City, owned by ...
  • Ethel Maude McSwiney (1861 - d.)
    b. 30 October 1861 2 Chester Place, Hyde Park Square, London. 1881 Census 36 Gloucester Square, Paddington, London Parent Henry Trower M 67 Parent Helen Trower F 64 Ethel M Trower, F, 19 Ernest Trower,...
  • John Henry Herbert McSwiney, Rev., M.A. (1826 - 1899)
    Reverend J.H.H. McSwiney, M.A. - known as Herbert.===Birth Date 25 December 1826. ===* Father's Name DANIEL McSwiney, Mother's Name Sarah McSwiney - living at Cannon Place, Brighton. * Although his fat...
  • William (Billy) Daniel McSwiney, Captain, FRGS (1861 - 1906)
    Billy (William Daniel McSwiney) was born in Kronstadt, Russia, where his father was Anglican Chaplain to the (British) Russia Company at Cronstadt and St. Petersburg. All but the eldest of his siblings...
  • A.B. McSwiney (1865 - d.)

About the McSwiney surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the McSwiney surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the McSwiney surname.

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