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Nourse Genealogy and Nourse Family History Information

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  • Abigail Nourse (1734 - 1820)
  • Amos Nourse, U.S. Senator (1794 - 1877)
    Nourse (December 17, 1794 – April 7, 1877) was a medical doctor who became a U.S. Senator from the state of Maine for a very short term. Born in Bolton, Massachusetts, he graduated from Harvard College...
  • Bathsheba Nourse (1703 - 1741)
  • Benjamin Franklin Nourse (1807 - 1836)
    Benjamin Franklin Nourse Benjamin Franklin Nourse graduated as B.A. at Jefferson College, and as M.D. at the Medical Society, Washington, D.C. in 1829. Was appointed Acting Assistant Surgeon, US Navy. ...
  • Edith Nourse Rogers (1881 - 1960)
    Nourse Rogers (March 19, 1881 – September 10, 1960) was an American social welfare volunteer and politician who was one of the first women to serve in the United States Congress. She was the first woma...

About the Nourse surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Nourse surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Nourse surname.

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