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  • Aurelie Joske (1855 - 1942)
    Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:Joske, Aurelie Aureliageborene Pawel geboren am 10. Mai 1855 in Lissa (poln. Leszno) / - / Posen wohnhaft in LeipzigDeportation: ab Weimar-Halle-Leipzig 20. Se...
  • Emma Kochmann (1873 - 1942)
    Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:Kochmann, Emma geborene Pawel geboren am 14. Mai 1873 in Oppeln / - / Schlesien wohnhaft in BreslauDeportation: ab Breslau 27. Juli 1942, Theresienstadt, Ghett...
  • Ernst Pawel (1920 - 1994)
    Ernst Pawel, 74, Biographer, Dies Ernst Pawel, a novelist and biographer, died on Tuesday at his home in Great Neck, L.I. He was 74. The cause was lung cancer, his family said. Mr. Pawel's 1984 bio...
  • Frieda Sarason (1890 - 1944)
    Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:Sarason, Frieda geborene Pawel geboren am 14. Juli 1890 in Halle a. d. Saale / - / Provinz Sachsen wohnhaft in BerlinDeportationsziel: ab Berlin 22. Juli 1942,...
  • Minna Pawel (1866 - 1942)
    Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:Pawel, Minna geborene Mottek geboren am 10. Oktober 1866 in Schönlanke (poln. Kuznica Czarnkowska) / Czarnikau / Posen wohnhaft in BerlinDeportationsziel: ab B...

About the Pawel surname

Some Pawel families may trace back their origin to paelignus ( pawel-i-gen ) tribe in ancient Sabinia.
They lived in the vicinity of lake Phukina together with their marsus neighbours and relatives.
The original of this site might have very likely been at the shores of lake Titikakha where the famous town of P'ukina,home of p'ukina people stood.
Among them there is uru tribe likely descending from Uru ,son -in-law of Agni and grandfather of a second Agni ( Ak-Gen-i ) of whom genaki people in Patagonia are likely to have come.
They are also called lupiháke,and this name is equal to al-akhalup and to lupháka referring to ka-waskar and aymara peoples resepctively.

Another grandson of his was Márkandeya according to some,who might have released kanderma that is kandeyaarma tribe in Kordofán,while his father Angeeras ( Angeel-Ras ) may have given name to today's warsangeli (war-ras-angeeli ) tribe in Somalia .
The name of those people called in antiquity marsi - who are said to descend from Kirké - may come from their ones : ma-ar-ras.

They all are related to chango,as said.

Guaskar Inka was according to the story brought up in the city of Guaskar where obviously ka-guaskar tribe lived.

See Csángó,Ótott,Montana,Koudelka,Kirkegard,Hernyéki,Diamant and others !

Balázs Déri