Surnames » Prevost » Profiles

Anne Prévost MP (1681 - c.1740)

Anne Prevost, geboren te Marck (62-Guînes) op 18 februari 1681, gedoopt te Guines {dtb Guines} op 23 februari 1681 (doopgetuigen waren Abraham Loisel en Anne Albert), dochter van Charles Pruvost en Mar...

Blanche Adet MP (1539 - 1598)

Notes * Location info: a possiblement vécu à Montreuil-sous-Bois, Isle de France, France

Catherine Bonhomme dite Beaupré MP (1677 - 1745)

GEDCOM Source ===@R1050710867@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. === GEDCOM Source ===Ancestry Fam...

Charles Prevot SV/PROG MP (c.1650 - 1688)

Prevost in BoucherCharles Prevost was born about the year 1650 to Henri Prevost and Jeanne de Fief. He came from a village described in the Guines registers as Dombroy, probably Dombrie, near Saint-Ama...

Charlotte Vié MP (1578 - 1664)

Notes * Location info: a possiblement vécu à Montreuil-sous-Bois, Isle de France, France

Claude-Anne Prévost MP (1665 - 1690)

Sources: Birth and Baptism: Généalogie Québec, - acte/58057

Claude Prevost MP (1656 - 1689)

Claude Prevost MP (c.1690 - aft.1770)

Reference: Ancestry Genealogy - SmartCopy : Nov 15 2018, 2:07:34 UTC

Claude Masson MP (1605 - 1653)

Notes * Location info: Isle de France, France (birth)* NOTE: Date of birth inferred from date of baptism. Place of birth inferred from place of baptism.

Conte Claudio Linati MP (1790 - 1832)

Claudio Linati (1 February 1790 – 11 December 1832) From Wikipedia : En | Fr | Es Claudio Linati (1 February 1790 – 11 December 1832) was an Italian painter and lithographer who studied under Jacques-L...

David Prévost (Prévot), b1 MP (1675 - 1685)

Richard Ball - notes"Botha, C.G. - The French Refugees at the Cape page 81 David Pruvost, born at Marcq, March, 1675, died 1685Boucher, M -The Cape Huguenots from the Calaisis, in Familia p. 15 The son...

Félicité-Perpétué Bujole MP (c.1755 - 1810)

Sources: "Acadian Immigrants to Cabanocé/Cabahannocer, 1766" - In report of Acadians at Oxford, MD, Jul 1763, listed as Perpetuel Bigeos, age 8 Cabanocé, La Luisiana census, 1769, listed as P...

Françoise Cadieux dit Courville MP (1669 - 1723)

Françoise-Marie LeBlanc MP (1662 - 1745)

GEDCOM Source ===@R-1195646461@ Quebec, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1967 Operations Inc 1,1091::0 === GEDCOM Source ===1,1091::14875351 === GEDCOM Sourc...

Sir George Prévost, 1st Baronet MP (1767 - 1816)

George Prévost, 1st Baronet (19 May 1767 – 5 January 1816) was a British soldier and colonial administrator. Born in Hackensack, New Jersey, the eldest son of Swiss French Augustine Prévost, he joined ...

Guillaume Prévost MP (1777 - 1837)

Guillaume Prévost MP (bef.1747 - 1816)

Isabelle Prévost / Provost MP (1646 - 1722)

Elisabeth was a "Fille du Roi" who immigrated to New France in 1669. She was the sister of Marguerite Provost who married Martin Poisson. === GEDCOM Source ===@R-1195646461@ Quebec, Vital and Church Re...

Jean-Baptiste Prévost MP (1662 - 1737)

Fils de Martin Prévost, Jean-Baptiste porta au baptême 14 enfants nés du premier mariage avec Marie-Anne Giroux en1683 et 11 enfants du deuxième mariage avec Geneviève Sédillot. C'est de ce deuxième ma...

Jean Prévost MP (c.1653 - bef.1709)

Jean : born in Québec on January 31st, 1660 he was baptized on February14th. He married Françoise Cadieux, daughter of Charles and MadeleineMichelle Macard in Québec on May 4th, 1690. He died in Québec...

Jeanne Prévost MP (1632 - 1699)

Notes * Location info: Isle de France, France (birth,marriage), Québec (death)* NOTE: Date of death inferred from date of burial. Place of death inferred from place of burial.* NOTE: Selon les recensem...

Lucien-Anatole Prévost-Paradol MP (1829 - 1870)

Prévost-Paradol (8 August 1829, Paris – 20 July 1870, Washington, D.C.) was a French journalist and essayist.Contents [show] Background[edit] Prévost-Paradol was born in Paris, France, conceived throug...

Marguerite Carreau dite Lafraîcheur MP (1661 - 1737)

GEDCOM Source ===@R-1195646461@ Quebec, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1967 Operations Inc 1,1091::0 === GEDCOM Source ===1,1091::14871905 === GEDCOM Sourc...

Marguerite Louise Prévost MP (1562 - 1575)

Marguerite Prévost MP (1726 - 1726)

Marianne Jeanne Borgne MP (deceased)

Reference: Ancestry Genealogy - SmartCopy : Nov 15 2018, 2:07:34 UTC

Marie-Anne Françoise Giroux MP (1666 - 1711)

GEDCOM Source ===@R-1195646461@ Quebec, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1967 Operations Inc 1,1091::0 === GEDCOM Source ===Institut Généalogique Drouin; Mon...

Marie Françoise Prévost- Provost MP (c.1690 - 1775)

GEDCOM Note ===Marie-Francoise Prevost ou Provost est inhumée le 17 août 1775 à Ste-Foy. Elle est agée de 86 ans selon la transcription de l'acte de sépulture.Source: PRDH - Sépulture No 377413 et Fami...

Marie-Françoise Quebedeau MP (c.1730 - 1804)

Sources: Burial:

Marie Jeanne Dodier, Fille du Roi MP (c.1647 - 1706)

Marie-Madeleine Berthelotte (Berthelot dit LeLoutre) MP (1662 - 1748)

GEDCOM Source ===@R-1195646461@ Quebec, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1967 Operations Inc 1,1091::0 === GEDCOM Source ===1,1091::14952518 === GEDCOM Sourc...

Marie-Marguerite Prévost MP (c.1655 - 1732)

Marguerite was a King’s daughter Sources: WikiTree Nosorigines

Marie Prevost MP (1896 - 1937)

Marie Prevost Marie Prevost (November 8, 1896 – January 21, 1937) was a Canadian-born film actress. During her twenty-year career, she made 121 silent and talking pictures. Prevost began her career du...

Marie le Fébre SM/PROG MP (c.1651 - bef.1701)

no.: MOOC8/1.64 Testator(s): Maria Lefeber12 Maij 1701Inventaris en exacte tacxatie der roerende en onroerende goederen nagelaten, en met de dood ontruijmt bij de overleeden vrijburgeresse Maria Lefebe...

Marie Bruneau (Prévost) MP (c.1651 - 1711)

Marie was born in St.Paul, év. d' Orléans(Loiret), France, daughter of Antoine Prévost and Marie Penneau. She was a 'fille du Roi' or King's daughter, one of the 774 girls who were brought from France ...

Marie Prévost MP (c.1636 - 1700)

There are no documents that identify her as Marie-Madeleine, that's her daughter's name. Marie was born in France, and her parents are unknown. NOT in Quebec to this couple: Martin PRÉVOST, Marie Olivi...

Marie Brisson MP (1675 - 1750)

Marie Olivier Ouchistauichkoue Manitouabeouich (Manitouabeouich/Manit..., Manitouabeouich MP (1615 - 1665)

Sources=* Location info: Huronie , Québec * et Marthe Prévost sont photographiées ici près du mémorial érigé sur les terres de Martin Prévost à Beauport, près de Québec.Le mariage entre Martin Prévost ...

Marie-Thérèse Prévost MP (1665 - 1743)

Thérèse: born and baptized in Québec on June 3rd, 1665. She married Michel Giroux, son of Toussaint and Marie Godard, on August 18th, 1683 in Beauport. They had 12 children.

Martin Prévost MP (1538 - 1610)

Notes * Location info: a possiblement vécu à Montreuil-sous-Bois, Isle de France, France Married Blanche Adet on May 4, 1561Other children: Marguerite (1562), Michel (1563), Catherine (1569), Madeleine...

Nicolas Prévost MP (1601 - 1653)

Notes * Location info: Isle de France, France (birth)* Était un marchand .* NOTE: Date of birth inferred from date of baptism. Place of birth inferred from place of baptism.

Nicolas Joseph Prevost MP (c.1700 - bef.1777)

Sources: Census - "Census of Pointe Coupee, Louisiana, 1745" edited by Bill Barron (called Collet, married to Jves (Yves/Ines) Dubos, age: 45) Nicolas PRÉVOST was born about 1700. The locati...

Nicolas Prevost dit Colet (Prevost) MP (1693 - aft.1762)

Nicole Prevost MP (bef.1729 - 1765)

Sources: Census - "Census of Pointe Coupee, Louisiana, 1745" edited by Bill Barron (wife of Francois Mahyeux - age: 16) GEDCOM Source @R-2144861598@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication...

Nicole Huot MP (bef.1656 - aft.1720)

Pierre Martin Provost dit Prévost (Prévost) MP (1611 - 1691)

Sources=* Location info: Québec , Beauport =Notes=Photographie du memorial irrigé par l'Association des Prévost-Provost d'Amérique Inc sur les terres de Martin Prévost en 1994 et visité par Suzanne et ...

Pierre Prévost MP (1574 - 1646)

Notes * Location info: Île-de-France, France (birth) Married Charlotte Vien around 1600.Other children: Nicolas (1601), Jean (1602), Thomas (1604), Philippe (1606), Côme (1608), Nicole (1609)Married Ma...

Theodosia Burr (Bartow) MP (1746 - 1794)

Theodosia Stillwell (Bartow) Prevost Burr From F, #552920 Last Edited=19 Nov 2013 Theodosia Bartow is the daughter of Theodosius Bartow. She married, firstly, Lt.-Col. Jacques Marc Prevost,...

Yves Dubois (Ines Dubot) MP (bef.1707 - bef.1784)

Sources: Census - "Census of Pointe Coupee, Louisiana, 1745" edited by Bill Barron (wife of Nicolas Prevot age: 38) GEDCOM Note Source: - - Family Data Collection- Marriages - ...

PREVOST (deceased)

Prevost (deceased)

Prevost (deceased)

Prevost (deceased)

Prevost (deceased)

Prevost (deceased)

Prevost (deceased)

Prevost (deceased)

Le Prevost (deceased)

Prevost (deceased)

Prevost (deceased)

Prevost (deceased)

GEDCOM Note ==={\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1504\cocoasubrtf830 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} {\*\expandedcolortbl;;} \pard\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx22...

? Prevost (?) (deceased)

? ?

? Prevost (deceased)

Aaron Prevost (1910 - 2001)

Abel Prevost (deceased)

Abel Prevost (deceased)

Abigail Cooper Prevost (Reeves) (1806 - 1891)

page 18 * Reference: FamilySearch Family Tree - SmartCopy : Sep 5 2023, 13:03:28 UTC

Abraham Prevost (1679 - 1769)

Baptism :

Achille Prevost (deceased)

Ada Patin (deceased)

Ada Mary Le Prevost (1881 - 1936)

Adéfinir Verraest (Prévost) (deceased)

Adela PREVOST (deceased)

Adela Prevost Galera (1900 - d.)

Adela Galera Requena (1873 - d.)

Adélaïde Paradis (c.1820 - d.)

Adélaide Prevost (Ouimet) (deceased)

Adélaïde Prevost (Carnaud) (1809 - d.)

Reference: Geneanet Genealogy - SmartCopy : Jan 18 2024, 17:02:19 UTC

Adélaïde Vigogne (Prévost) (1828 - 1906)

Adélaïde Prévost (c.1886 - d.)

Adélaïde Prévost (1755 - 1844)

adelaide Prevost (deceased)

Adelaide Prevost (Vanier) (1821 - 1894)

Adelaide Sophie PREVOST (1774 - 1858)

Adelaide Prevost (Bourgeois) (c.1808 - c.1870)

Adelaide Vanier (1822 - 1894)

Reference: FamilySearch Family Tree - SmartCopy : Mar 20 2021, 23:30:46 UTC

Adelaide FORSYTHE (deceased)

May 1967 resided Detroit, Michigan, USA

Adelaide Provost (Prevost) (1806 - d.)

Adelaide Mathilde Prévost (c.1834 - d.)

Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Apr 9 2019, 20:40:18 UTC * Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Apr 29 2021, 15:52:43 UTC

Adelaide Victoire PREVOST (c.1816 - d.)

Adelaide Marie Prevost (Boissonnault) (1835 - 1873)

Adelaise Prevost (deceased)

Adélard Prévost (deceased)

Adéle Zelie PREVOST (1846 - d.)

Adéle Antonine Pailloux (1861 - 1928)

Adèle Joséphine PRÉVOST (1826 - d.)

Adele Prevost (1863 - 1960)

Adele Prévost (Ivart) (c.1825 - d.)

Adèle Stéphanie - Alphonsine HARDUIN (1860 - d.)