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About the Putin surname

Vladimir Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin _BBC News 2.3.-14

+++ 2.3.2014+++

_____________________________________________________________ Putin’s Loose Talk About Nuclear Weapons Threatens Russia and Putin Himself

Paul Goble November 24, 2014


Putin Calls for Less 'Latinization' of Russian Language The St. Petersburg Times Published: December 26, 2014 (Issue # 1843)

+++ ???

+++ - 2015 - Congratulations to the heads of states and governments of foreign countries with the New Year... 8 January 2015 Last updated at 19:01 GMT Share this pageEmail Print

Russia says drivers must not have 'sex disorders'

Russia has listed transsexual and transgender people among those who will no longer qualify for driving licences.

Fetishism, exhibitionism and voyeurism are also included as "mental disorders" now barring people from driving.


World news: Can there be a troll activities here in the forums Geni, the gold plating occurs especially at a specific person, and his background etc.? This truthful titles on the cutting edge - but the troll is just a few the propaganda ? Welcome to the troll factory

An agency that pays "operators" to post pro-state messages online is exposed in Russia.

Etc. see the link:   

+++ 28 February 2015 Last updated at 09:56 GMT ShareFacebookTwitter.Russia opposition politician Boris Nemtsov shot dead A leading Russian opposition politician, former Deputy Prime Minister Boris Nemtsov, has been shot dead in Moscow, Russian officials say.

An unidentified attacker in a car shot Mr Nemtsov four times in the back as he crossed a bridge in view of the Kremlin, police say.

He died hours after appealing for support for a march on Sunday in Moscow against the war in Ukraine


+++ Hopes for peaceful Russian transition fade with Nemtsov: Kasparov

By Phil Stewart WASHINGTON Mon Mar 2, 2015 5:44am EST " (Reuters) - The murder of Kremlin critic Boris Nemtsov has dampened any hope for a peaceful political transition in Russia away from President Vladimir Putin's government, Garry Kasparov, a prominent opposition voice, said in an interview on Sunday.

Kasparov, a former world chess champion who lives in self-imposed exile in the United States, offered a gloomy outlook for Russia's political opposition after Nemtsov was shot dead meters from the Kremlin late on Friday.

"Boris hoped, in vain as we understand, to see some form of peaceful transition into normal, civilized democratic government," Kasparov told Reuters, describing Nemtsov as one of Russia's leading advocates for non-violent political expression.

"I see no chance for Russia now to move from Putin's brutal dictatorship into something that will be even (as) mild as we had 10 years ago," he said, predicting it could take a violent mass uprising if change was to come. .../... etc. _____________________________________________ The Kremlin is preparing a major announcement, journalists are asked not to depart for the weekend According to a source in the press service of the President of Russia in the near future is preparing a major announcement, and for this reason, heads of relevant media asked to be ready in the next few days for a possible press conference.


An illegitimate child and it the marriage, or of the people free future news coming?



Russian internet imagines a future without Putin

This week Vladimir Putin disappeared from public view, fuelling a whirlwind of satirical speculation about his whereabouts. RFE/RL report

Russian president Vladimir Putin has not been seen in public since 5 March. The media started to speculate about his whereabouts after he postponed a trip to Kazakhstan and cancelled a series of scheduled meetings.



Khodorkovsky: Putin Will Step Down in 2019 By Damien Sharkov 7/23/15 at 4:31 PM

"Filed Under: Politics

Mikhail Khodorkovsky, one of Russia's most famous political dissidents and one of the Kremlin's most prominent critics, has predicted in an interview with Russian weekly newspaper Sobesednik that Russian President Vladimir Putin's time at the helm of the country come to an end by 2019.

Khodorkovsky, once Russia's wealthiest man, amassing around $15 billion according to Forbes as head of energy giant Yukos in the early 2000s, was famously imprisoned for a decade on fraud charges after publicly clashing with Putin on several occasions. In 2011, Amnesty International declared the jailed tycoon a "prisoner of conscience" and he was pardoned in 2013 by Putin himself on the grounds that Khodorkovsky's mother was terminally ill.

The former Yukos chief has since lived in exile in Switzerland but hinted to French daily Le Monde in September that he would be ready to "lead Russia" if he believed his efforts would be welcomed. In another major move, he signed a petition backing anti-corruption activist Alexei Navalny's protest march in February.

Михаил Ходорковский: Путин победит на выборах и уйдет


Мальчик спросил у Путина Как там на Украине?

The boy asked Putin How is the Ukraine ?

"Great"(little) leader turned his back and was ashamed and did not respond to boy, to him the future generation of Russian - and not to anyone!


NOW - !

News > 20.08.2020 _"Alexei Navalny: 'Poisoned' Russian opposition leader in a coma"... !!!