There are already 72 users and 4,328 genealogy profiles with the Remy surname on Geni. Explore Remy genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
James Whaley Married 1) Ann Remy 2) Ann, widow Carter. Barbara Remy was his consort.
Lydia Ann REMY (Jacob /REMY/, Jacob /REMY/, Jacob /REMY/, Pierre /REMY/) was born ABT 1735 in Westmorelan...
Research notes from Randy Loudoun Co., Va.
"Will of Ann Omohundro, dated Sep. 2, 1752, Proved 13 Sep. 1763,
To son William Remey all of estate.
Executor William Remey.
Witnesses: Phillip Hea...
James Whaley Married 1) Ann Remy 2) Ann, widow Carter. Barbara Remy was his consort.
Barbara REMY (Jacob /REMY/, Jacob /REMY/, Jacob /REMY/, Pierre /REMY/) was born 1737 in Loudoun Co., Virginia, a...
See for a copy of his and his wife's wills as well as a series of court cases involving disposition of the family's slaves. These documents also provides evidence about the names of children, childrens...
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