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About the Sea surname

Sea tribe of Ona people in Tierra de Fuego and in Patagonia of the Holy Land of America ,
the so called Sea Indians ,related to the Tehuelche ,may be descended from A-She'a-Lat-Tewa-'El ,
son of A-Wa-Ken-Ne-Wa-Ha ,the last ruler of Hiero-Solyma ,the capital of the land ,until about 645 BC ,
before the Babylónian conquest .

He was called Ceneu in Wales ,where ,after having freed themselves from captivity,he and his family
appears to have moved ,and founded kingdoms,father of Mar ,father of Arthwys,identifyable with Arthur,
king of Brittain in the 6th century BC .
Mar means the same in Spanish Latin as Sea in English ,so Mar ,son of Ceneu may well be identical
with A-She-'a-Lat-Tewa-'El ,that is with Elsea ,father of the founder of the Wessex kingdom in Britain .
Elsea thus may be a hibrid name made from El Mar ,and Sea .

Tehuelches and Sea-Onas speak a language related to that of Awanakünna or Ona-Künnü ,
speakers of which are descended from one of the sons of Sha-Meg-Ra-ya-Na - whose name in Greek
traditions is hermés Trismegistos ,and who is the generic ancestor of Hermion peoples of Germania - ,
called A-Wa-Ke-Wan-Na ,whose name is equal to the antique Ókeanos ( Ookewan ).
A-She-'a-Lat-Tewa-El might have been supported by the Hermion tribe of the Ocean ,and this might be
the reason he was referred to as Mar by the Welsh of Spanish origin and Sea by those in Brittannia of
Anglosaxon descent .
levites of Hermion tribes are of German langauge ,descended from Er-Ge-Mar-Rem-Ma son of Qahete
son of Al-Laya-Wa ; they may be called Sea Germans ( Mar-Geerremma-an ) .

Mar / Elsea's son was ,in Byblical terms,A-Pat-Daw-Ha ,father of Az-Zhe-Rabba-Bal ,identical with Hystaspés,
father of Dareios / Asdrubal ( Az-Set-Darewi-Bal ),king of Persia and Phoinikia, called by Picts Drust .
the name Arthur may come from Artu-Ur ,the name of the country with the capital Tushpa,that might originally
have been located around the town of Ortospana ( Or-Toshpa-Na ) ,now called Kabul,where Pashto
people lives,among others .
Artaios ( Artawi ) was the ancient name of Persians or Parsavas .
Artuur thus would mean Lord of Persia ,and therefore Arthur ,king of Brittain ,is identifyable with Hystaspés,
father of Dareios ,king of Khórasmia .

Hystaspés / Vishtaspa's name may come from Wistsahspa,that is West-Sax-Apa .
Therefore Arthur,son of Mar, appears to be identical with Cerdic ,son of El-Sea ,founder of Wessex kingdom
in Britain in 546 BC ,equal to 519 AD, of the Northern aera of begin in 1065 BC ,at the time Dareios founded,
by killing the usurper Maguses ,as one of the Seven Persians ,at his age of 30 years ,the new kingdom of Persia .

Some Sea families in Brittain therefore may trace their origin back to El-Sea ,alias Mar,son of the last exiled
king of Hiero-Solyma ,and king of parts of Wales and England ,to those of their descendants that have
remained in exile ,while Sea Indians and Tewelches to those having returned to the Holy Land .
Elsea may also be the ancestor of Alsea tribe .

See Bodó,Rostás,Gödri,Pasto,Artois,Elfer,Gandin,Dicker,Edelsztajn,Edlstein,Drust,Milko,Hannofer,Azarbaijani,
Chontal,Csonka,Pawel and others !

Balázs Déri