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About the Zulu surname

Zulu people in KwaZulu and Natal,as well as at other places in Africa ,just as Ulua ,called also Chontal
one in Nicaragua around Matagalpa ,may basically be descended from Awa-Za-Lawa'a-Ha ,
son of Aba-Rag-Raha ,called also A'al-Lep-Par-Gal-La ,son of A'al-Apar-Gela son of Sheg-Ha-Rawam-Ma
from the tribe of Aba-Nawa-Ma-Wan-Na ,founder of the Golden City of Mano(n)a in te Holy Land of America,
the capital of the kingdom of the Chosen People ,in about 2121 BC .

He is the generic ancestor of Phoincian peoples,as a Phoinix was called Aba-Nawa in Aigyptian .
Other names of his include Ze-'Aba and Aba-Na-'Ayan-Nawa , and Dionysos - the youngest of the 12 "gods" -

as well as Bakkhos (  Bagksh ) at Greeks,corrsponding to his contemporary name ,as king of Gitu ,

Unuma-Bakesh .

A'al-Lep-Par-Gal-La might be the ancestor of those founding places ending to Galpa,like is Mata-Galpa,
Teguci-Galpa and others in teh region .
His descendants moved namely into a region of Ze-Be-Laya-Na ,the generic ancestor of Belize and
its people,the Maya,called A'awa-Layan-Na ,which must have been where the rest of the possessions
of the latter tribe lie ,in Central America,where Nicaragua is too .
Another son of his was Awash-Sham-Ma-Rawa ,of whom Samus tribe may be descended .

Ulua - and Zulu - thus may be descended from the Phoinician Awa-Za-Lawa'a-Ha .
They are called Chontal ,that may be explained from Chuan'-Natal ,as if it was the original of Natal of
the Zulu,but inhabited rather by people deisginated as Chwana - perhaps there were such in Natal too ,
before the Nguni or at the same time .

Later,the founder of Silla / Singra appeared in Asia ,called Hamdalpa ,who might have also been
Han-Matagalpa ,somebody from Ulua, a Zulu .
His son ,Sek T'arhae may well be the ancestor of Tarasco people in Michoacan ,of language close to
Chibcha and to Matagalpa .
He might have come from Bawad-Te-Lak-Ha-.Me ,just liek later kings of Tse-Wa'ana ,the Holy City on
the Holy Land of America ,as it is written .
One of them was A'akha-Zawa ,who apparently was called Ulu by Polynesians of Hawai'i - also of
origin from Hawaiki ,the great Tapu of Yo ,where Waikha and Tapuyo peoples still live - ,and may be the
ancestor of early Zulu kings .
As it is known,rulers and the people of the country were taken by those of Babele into exile for at least
70 years,for some for more ,in about 654 BC .
Bantu language of the Zulu and of other related tribes may come from those of the exiled royal family ,
settling in Africa after Babylón being defeated or during its flourish ,who did not return to the Holy Land
after 584 BC ,and of their descendants .

Such might be the clans of A'al-Lawa-'A-Ba ,A'a-Lawa-Haya ,A-Waya-'Az-She, A-Waya-Ra-Ma ,
Arga-Ze-Rawa-Ha,A'an-Ma-Tse-Wa-Ha,A'agha-Zha and others ,who may be the ancestors of Lulalaba,
Luhya,Swazi,Marawi,Rozwi,Tswana,Zhagha, and of other modern Bantu peoples respectively .

See Natal,Chontal,Nicaragua,Seok,Balikó,Karagunis,Karagounis,Ardo,Ghana,Tenerife,Goda,Bite,Sára,
Szandai,Backhaus,Damara,Maestre,Estremadura,Páez and others !

Balázs Déri