Technical problems?

Started by Private on Tuesday, July 9, 2013
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Erica Howton, I think HistoryLink may have just choked on the large number of profiles in that project. I've run it again and (after taking a while to complete) it is now included.

Thank you Jeff!

That inspired me to add a bunch more projects to the app, hope I didn't break it. :)

Jeff: I tried a descendant graph on this profile (Frantz Clymer), which had a chain of about 5-6 male-only profiles (no spouses, 1 child) which where just now added above an existing "family" (i.e. spouse and more than one child).

It failed to retrieve info from Geni on the first generation of search.

... however, after changing the focus back to myself, doing a 2-gen ancestor graph, then trying Frantz again, it worked.

You might want to check the log to see if there was anything 'interesting'.

I did get some interesting stuff. At generation 8, it spit out this, which I'm not sure what that means.

{u'error': {u'type': u'ApiException', u'message': u'undefined method `api_proxy\' for #<User::ProfileOpenStruct id=0, class=Profile, first_name="The Geni Team", name="The Geni Team", guest?=false, system_profile?=true, destroyed?=false, new_record?=false, block_exists?=false, following?=false, path_to=nil, relationship_description_to=nil, projects=[], events=#<EventSet:0x007f49ee7dbcb8 @query=#<ModelSet::SetQuery:0x007f49ee7dbc40 @set_class=EventSet, @set=#<OrderedSet:0x007f49ee7dbba0 @order=[], @position={}>>, @created_at=2013-11-27 08:56:16 -0800>, user=#<User::UserOpenStruct id=0, class=User, name="The Geni Team", user_type="system", guest?=false, system_user?=true, projects=[], flash={}, is_favorite?=false, hide_invite?=true, last_comment_on=nil, profile_id=0, share_on_facebook=nil, trace_data={:id=>0}, profile=#<User::ProfileOpenStruct ...>>, walk_ids=[]>'}}

Then later it fails out because it's having a problem getting the JSON from Geni.

As of this writing, I'm not getting any graphs from Ancestor Graph.

... on Firefox.

This reminded me that I'm also having trouble with Firefox. I'm trying to take your advice and transition over to it, but for some reason, I can't log into Geni at all in it. I just get into a loop on the log-in page. Any thoughts about what the problem could be?

Kelly: It could be a Flash issue; be sure it (and Firefox) are updated.

Regarding the graphing problem. I found an odd thing:

I wasn't getting a graph (at all), and the descendant search seemed 'stuck' at generation 4. I switched from Firefox to Safari, did a small descendant graph from a different profile, and it worked.

Went back to Firefox and did only two generations of descendants (on the one that didn't work before) -- and now the graph is drawn!

A bit of a puzzle!

Related but different 'bug': While doing descendants here:
… there was an 'unresponsive script' error (js.'something I didn't capture').
This occurred during generation 6 (as noted at the top of the window); clicking continue actually stopped the work, and the resulting graph had generation 5 (and part of 4) were displayed "all white".

There should be well over 13,000 descendants of Bishop Hans Herr (once all the profiles are on Geni …).

I expect your last issue was just choking on the limits of the Graph SVG. I don't think it can handle graphing that many descendants. It's not an issue with the Ancestors because there is a fixed limit. I'll give it some local testing.. maybe there is a point I should stop it and say.. "too many descendants... go lower in the tree."

Let me know if any of the Firefox issues pop up - I haven't see them myself.

I found a labeling anomaly : Try 1 generation of descendants for

There are 9 children; the sector at the bottom has the label 'inverted'.

Dan Cornett, thanks for the report. I pushed out a change which should fix that issue.

The mis-directed label now appears as expected - Thanks!

This is a bit off-topic, but I've been trying to switch over to Firefox, but for some reason, I can't log into Geni -- I just get sent into a loop. I'm still on XP (yes, I know), but Firefox seems to work fine or better for everything else.

Private Make sure Flash and Java are up to date and enabled. I run 3 different versions of Firefox with no problems.

Kelly: Also try Chrome. If it also 'loops', then it's not the browser.

re: Graphs failing & counting descendants

Well, it seems that the "Descendants" Graph won't be much help in counting more than ~4000 or 5000 descendants from a profile; the graphing facility 'fails' at about that number (e.g.: when the number of 'sections' on the circle gets to be too many to calculate the drawing of them correctly).

Thank you, Eldon. I updated both Flash and Java, but still no luck. Since my computer is so old and a bit "delicate", I hesitate to download another browser. The switch-over may have to wait until I get a new computer later this year.

When I try to have Geni into tree view - nothing happens, just a blank space where the tree normally is. Worked just fine a couple of days ago, and everything else works fine, I think.

Does anyone else have this problem today, or is it just here by me, in Norway?

Are you using Firefox Karin?

No, I use Google Chrome, Hans.

Always used Google Chrome without any trouble for over 7000 profiles, so it's frustrating that it's all blank today. :-(

I'll try to restart and look for updates once more, and hope it will work again soon.

Had the same problem in Firefox. Repeatedly. Smth w the Java or Flash plugin. Ended up reinstalling Firefox + Java, Flash. Did the trick.

New Flash update yesterday to deal with a new vulnerability identified.

New Java updates also.

Ok, I try to update Flashplayer and Java.

Eek Private User, I think we broke the mtDNA search on History Link :-(

Nope, it's looking fairly obvious that we broke everything else too :-(
It stops loading after a couple of generations, if it starts at all.

Showing 31-60 of 160 posts

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