International Characters Recognized

Posted January 20, 2007 by David Sacks | 15 Comments

Geni can now recognize international letters and characters. Thank you to all of those who left feedback on this issue. If you are still having problems, please comment to this entry. Thanks!

UPDATE (Feb. 3): We are aware of the problem with foreign keyboards and expect the problem to be fixed in the next week. Thank you for your patience.

Post written by David Sacks

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  • Geni Team said:

    Please note that we’re aware of the international keyboard layout issue, and we’re working on it now. (This has to do with a Flash internationalization issue that unfortunately we don’t have much control over.) For now, if you are having problems entering the @ symbol for email addresses, please press Shift-2, which enters the @ symbol on a U.S.-keyboard layout.

  • David Gómez-Rosado said:

    Thanks on repairing this feature… A lifesaver! (i did have to re-enter all previous entries, but that is a small price to pay)… unrelated; Any timeline on Gedcom dtabase import? I am debating if entering hundreds of relatives by hand… or waiting on that feature (In the first case; It would be interesting to know how it would handle repeats)
    Thanks again!

  • Julie said:

    Hello. I’m French. I have problems typing “@” and “.” in email address field. “alt + 2” does not seem to work. Thanks.

  • Julien said:

    I agree with what Julie said just above. From the start with a French keyboard, we’re unable to use “@” and “.”.
    There seems to be a keyboard mapping problem.
    That is really a pity, as geni seems to be a very cool tool !
    Kind regards

  • Styx31 said:

    Yes, the Alt Gr key is not recognized in french keyboard, so we are unable to use ‘@’ (AltGr + 0).
    Think international ! Not just US/English.

  • Csongor János said:

    Hi, the website won’t display the character “ő” properly. I think the character might be unique to the Hungarian alphabet, although I am not sure.

  • Anceps said:

    The swiss-french keyboard isn’t recognized with Firefox on Windows XP (american kb is used instead), but it works fine with Internet Explorer.

  • Dejan Vesić said:

    Just to confirm – neither serbian keyboard works; to be exact, it is not possible to enter characters using AltGr.
    If the characters are on keyboard itself, you can enter them.

  • Yuliya said:

    I have problems with Russian language (Cyrillic). I can’t write names, and so on.
    Anywhere, thank you for this service! It’s really great))

  • splintor said:

    I can’t type names in Hebrew. However, I can copy and paste from naother location, and this works well.

  • Nina Rodriguez said:

    Same problem as many French people. My family is using French keyboards, and they are totally unaware (which is normal) of where the missing symbols are… It basically makes it impossible for me to use Geni as my family is French! This is a pity! Please let me know as soon as you sort out the bug.

  • Nina Rodriguez said:

    Just saw your post about next week.
    Thanks a million, that is fantastic!

  • Nahi said:

    I was wondering if you can add the ability to write 2 names for the same person so I can write my name in my native language (Arabic) as well as in English (half the family speaks one language the other speaks the other). This can be in the form of a.k.a under the name, so people can use it also for nicknames if they want to.
    I hope you like the idea and implement it.
    Thank for the service. It is awesome.
    FYI. I tried the Arabic script and it woks perfectly.

  • Nina Rodriguez said:

    I still can’t type “.” and “@” in the email field with my French keyboard.
    Thanks in advance for your answer :o)

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