Technical difficulties?

Started by Private User on Thursday, February 16, 2012
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I still dont understand....I MANAGE 16,410; I FOLLOW 16,076...

So your argument doesn't make sense to me...Fred

I follow 108,000 profiles and it doesn't work, I have 158,000 managed profilies and that works perfect!

Point is, I didn't add any to the followed BUT could access the field until yesterday afternoon...

Perhaps geni software work in progress?

Thats what I was thinking.....

As it is, data conflicts have to be double-done....once to update data, and a second time for the conflict to be resolved....

See 2/28/ discussion with Dan Cornett....

Maybe the 2 situations are connected since they involve the same area?

Dan, I don't care! Just sick of it.

Judy/Judith...perhaps you remember BEFORE they enhanced the 'match' system.....I do NOT fondly remember having to wade thru 100's of matches for each person......BEFORE they put in the 'range' on profiles that had no dates.

Or perhaps you remember when there was NO 'hover' capibility...and the mis-merges that were rampant....

Or perhaps you remember when Geni was DOWN almost a week....

I consider these as pesky "tweaks' ....

We get too used to everything going fine....and forget WHAT was.....I spent too many years creating trees and gathering documents ON PAPER to kick too much with the relative ease of working on Geni....and the trips to libraries, historical societies, cemeteries, buying books, writing relatives....(and postage) a big relief........AND, I, in my life, have gone thru too many computer change-overs to gripe too much about the occasional hic-ups at having to re-do three months worth of work from paper back-up (this was while working at banks). At least our work is still there when the system gets re-calibrated.

If you dont want to least be NICE.

"Followed" is where all of my merge conflicts were....I had none in the other I can't access those I KNOW I have..

Eldon Lester Clark,
I found it right where it has always been in the 'Action' dropdown.

[[6000000004159887607] Its not there for me but the Family Group is. ???]

Eldon Lester Clark, it is because you are collaborators already.

If you had a pending request when you checked the Actions menu on her a text there would have told you that with a link to the requests/sent list where you can cancel the pending request.

Yes, It was 4:30 in the morning here and I was probably focusing on the long message from her and missed it. Anyway it is OK now

The "followed by me" is fixed....AND the need to re-do the items to get them out of the queue seems to also be resolved..

The bulk remove for tree matches is timing out again.

It's been doing so since yesterday.

Tech diff message when sending grni mail.

Currently anytime I click on one of the messages in my Inbox - whether the one marked New, or ones I had read in the past - I just get the "We Are Experiencing Technical Difficulties" message.

Also, one message reported in my e-mail (e-mail on Mar. 5, 12:16 am) as received is totally missing from the list. If a sender deletes a message - does it disappear from the receiver's e-mail as well? Or is this likely part of the above problem, a separate bug, or ?

I have been having the same error, with a "...Technical .

Difficulties..." message when I go to open my messages.

Now I seem to see everything mirror image, with my typing cursor on the wrong end and my words scrolling in from the right side of view. Also, the writing on the Geni page and menu's looks a different text - middle eastern or Jewish alphabet, I am not sure. Even the writing around here is all odd. Very strange,

Michele check your language settings, that sounds different from my "tech diff" messages when trying to send Geni mail.

I had to reset my date input setting today, for some reason it had swapped over to MM DD YYYY even though i am on English(UK).
No biggie but had me seeing red at one point (pink actually).

Private User I am having the same problem with my mail.

Thanks Erica - but a little easier said than done! As I can't read the foreign alphabet let alone language, I went through each of the links at the bottom of the page, but they seem to take me to only three pages , ie, or Not sure how to fix it, so I think I will put Geni to bed, as it were, and see if a little R&R will fix all my problems.

Michele the grey lettering to the left of the screen (English, Francais, mirror writing, etc.). That's the language settings.

Michele - For me, from this page - Language settings are at the very bottom - below line with copyright 2013 followed by, in Blue "About Terms Privacy Blog ..."
after "Help" I have "English (US)" [in blue] - assume that means that is language I am using after a big skip, on same line, I have (again in blue): "Follow Us", "Be a Fan" etc. - think that is set you are referring to. Not what you want. Try below that whole line.
- as I am looking, "English (US)" is first in gray list at very bottom, and comes below end of "Privacy" (in blue), continues under "Blog" (in blue).
The choices in Gray are each in that language eg "Dansk", "Deutsch"; Hebrew is written in Hebrew in Hebrew alphabet. So you should be able to find and read desired language!

Thanks Lois. All fixed. This is the 3rd time that the system has spontaneously changed my language over my last few years with Geni. Luckily, in the past, it has been the Roman Alphabet and I have been able to translate the languages (Svenska and Deutsch) and so found the place to change language quite easily. However, this time it really got me! I wonder how/why it happens? I certainly did not choose it, and am 100% that I did not do it, even accidentally, that many times, as it is quite an obscure position on the page. Makes me wonder.

What's happening? Cann't read or sent mails. Get the message: Experiencing technical difficulties. Just be patient and it will be solved soon?

Just e patient until Geni staff comes to work and can fix the problem.

:-) I do I do I do :-)

Can't read my messages

"We are experiencing technical difficulties"

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