Technical difficulties?

Started by Private User on Thursday, February 16, 2012
Problem with this page?


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Showing 241-270 of 1546 posts

can anyone tell me where ONE stands for? The first to shake hands? I have not doubt this mister crfffiluy has the flue in his bottle, but I think we should be aware of drunk people too in discussion lines.....
[[54]do you want to have a look at this mystery guy?

Lúcia Pilla, did you notice this insect visits Brazil toot?

Mike Stangel
i'm on a glass fiber network. speed is not an issue...

BTW wouldn't it be more logical if discussion threads would start with the latest message (as is done elsewhere) rather than the oldest message?

Pam Karp One of the things you could try doing is to adjust your settings under names at the bottom of the tree screen - selecting "do not guess names" - worth a try!

Thanks June. I'll try that.

Private User
Indeed it was worth a try, thank you.

re: "How to tell if the page is fully loaded?"

A "spinner" on a browser tab is one way ... however, not everyone has settings such that this is visible.

Empty fields (in Edit Profile, at least) have a "ghost text" value or "helpful prompt" in them. If that "ghost text" is not showing, then the page is not fully loaded.

I find if I "click in a field too soon" (before that "ghost text" appears), it won't accept any value I type in. If I recognize that I clicked too soon, I can delete any typing I did, then click "anywhere but in a field" on the page, and wait for the "ghost text" to appear. Then everything will "save" properly.

I am presuming that the interval between the page "visually appearing complete" and the "ghost text appearing" is when the behind-the-scenes little programs are being load -- for things like the location "hot guesses", etc.

I too have struggled recently with entering location details.
It cannot be due to page not being totally loaded as the birth date will register, as will the death date but not either of the locations.
I have tried typing the location entirely by hand, using Geni's "auto suggestion", cut&paste from another profile and the "edit details" drop down menu. All to no avail.
This has been happening in tree view when adding a new profile and also when editting a profile in tree view.
Actually opening a profile page and then editting it seems to be more likely to work but i have not experimented much.

Another technical issue that i have noticed is that when you search by Surname the surname page that is displayed has a hyperlink to "Start your XYZ family project" which has not worked on the occassions that i have tried to use it to start a project.

Not sure if this will work for everyone, but I find I can speed up the loading of fields by saving the page, that is, for example:

Open up the Profile for editing, and you see that the fields are just white with not ghost samples in the fields. Press "Save and Continue" and you end up in the Relationship tab.

Now, either press "Save and Continue" again (which will usually mean that the fields will be ready faster in the Relationship tab, or if you are only entering in the first page anyway, click on the tab for the first page, to take you back.

Almost always, the first page will be ready.

When it comes to the Relationship page, I may have to do this two (or even three) times, but it will be MUCH faster than sitting and waiting.

Also, if you want to add a photo to the profile, and you find you are not connecting, try clicking on the "Source" tab in the first profile view.

Something about changing from Overview to Source can sometimes prompt the profile to load.


I enter all the names from the tree view and add the profile. Then go to the profile and edit profile. The trick is to wait until all the outside pages finish loading, then enter all the data. I never use the location fields but enter everything in the edit location fields. That way you don't have the erroneous data such as postal codes, new counties instead of the correct historical ones etc.

I tend to use the edit location fields for the first profile of the day, as you say to avoid odd looking or just wrong details that Geni adds.
Once i have saved that first profile i copy the location and then just paste it when working on the relatives, same result just a bit less typing.

Dan Cornett
Your experience is similar to mine. When the ghost text ( MM DD YYYY, Start typing...) is not yet visible the page is apparently not fully loaded and any entry will not be accepted.
The fact that it sometimes takes (much) longer to load a page might indeed be related to all those things happening 'behind-the-scenes', but that's something only Geni would know.
In any case I would like Geni to improve that behavior.

Eldon Lester Clark et al
'the trick is to wait until all the outside pages finish loading'
my point is that i don't want to wait that long or to click here and there or reload a page or to use all the other tricks. too much hassle. i want it simple, consistent and fast....

rvk, until Geni does away with Flash (a work in progress) we just have to live with it. I don't like it either but there are a lot of things in life I don't like but live with. I have found that I can enter the locations while the outside connections are loading, then do the dates. I am supposed to get a fiber connection, maybe this month and it will be interesting to see what happens then.

I have a relative that want to be removed from getting anymore email, how do we do that? I

On every email you recieve from Geni there are clear instructions on how to stop them coming.

"reloading a page i have do to more than 50% of the time when i want to add a photo"

now it is 100% of the time.
even after browser tab stopped spinning.

Private User - is this when trying to load direct from the Tree view, or are you using one of the "load" options from the Media Tab of a profile?

Dan Cornett
it's when i click "add photo" on the profile page

See if you have the same problem by first clicking on the Media tab and doing an upload from that point. Knowing that upload also fails -- or not -- may help Geni staff figure out what is happening.

Blocking Users doesn't work - at all now.

Originally, you could block a user from communicating or editing your profiles. Then Geni removed the block on editing profiles. Now the block on communicating has been removed as well.

Why continue with the Block User function - it doesn't do anything at all.

Does anyone know how to add an image from iPad 'photos' to a Geni project, using only an iPad?

The usual 'upload' process does not seem to look in my 'photos' for the downloaded image.

Cannot be done as far as can tell. There is no way to navigate to the directory. It's an iPad issue. I do have success with an Internet image saved as a document in Geni.

Thank you Erica. I will try again, this time saving the image as a Geni document.

Is anyone else having issues trying to invite someone to their family group? I just keep getting a page telling me "Error you don't have permission to this page"... When I go back and look at the profile of the person I invited - it says that its pending - so I'm guessing it worked anyway - but it was odd to get the error...

I am having the same issue sometimes when I add someone from the tree view. The person will appear when you reload the page. This is a random issue.

Private User, can you give more details about blocking users not blocking them from contacting you?

Michelle. I've forwarded examples to you by mail.

If you block a user, does that removed them from your tree?

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