Zombies please

Started by Mike Stangel on Thursday, August 11, 2016
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Showing 2551-2580 of 2799 posts

Private User

Please provide the other profile to be merged

thanks Private User

Private User I am working on your 3 zombies

Roeschen Heilbrunn
Meier Heilbrunn
had children born in the 1870s

Private User

Thanks, Angus Wood-Salomon !

N Ferrendis Ruiz de Azagra 1100 whit conflict ^^

thanks Private User

N Ferrendis Ruiz de Azagra is no zombie any more

I removed the conflict by assigning the parents

Hi, this profile has two zombie spouses: Elizabeth Morris

Karl David Wright - set them public

Mary Elbert

Somebody's being Pig-in-the-manger with her children.

Private User, they are now marked deceased.

Thanks, Jim. Definite improvement.

Message for User rvk as he can't be reached by message:

Hello, a few years ago you added a photo to my grandmother's profile but it is not her, it is her sister-in-law. I can't delete it as it is in your folder. Please do this for me. Thank you.

Private User - tagging you for message above

@António Vieira de Freitas " O Marujo"

Not so much a zombie, more an early starter. He is shown as being born and dying in 1860 at the age of one day.
His children, born 30, 39 and 42 years later must have been sad never to have known him.
Not sure if this is the right place to report him.If it isn't, can you tell me who should be informed?

Private User and Private User picture removed from profile.

Private User, merge complete.

Bernard Miller

António Vieira de Freitas " O Marujo"

It definitely has to be researched. I did find some copies of the tree on My Heritage with a birthdate of 1849..maybe we can start there.


Private User

Thanks Jim Wile. RVK Jim deleted for you. I can't reply to your messages, maybe blocked?

@António Vieira de Freitas " O Marujo"
Thank Angus.
I went to My Heritage and found a picture of the one shown as being born and dying in 1860 - also stated by My Heritage. I had already worked out he was not the one born in 1849 with the impressive facial hair. He must have been a quick developer for a one-day-old because in the photo he looks at least 50.
I don't know how to post the picture here.
Clearly further research is needed.

Bernard Miller
António Vieira de Freitas " O Marujo"#

Please check. I hope we could use that photo, possible copyright restrictions

Private User please check and solve dataconflicts around <Private> Capadose

It has appeared at the top of the "profiles mentioned" for this discussion with a date of birth of 1860 so somebody must have put it there. Thank you. That means that the António profile that I had clicked with matching wife and children on would appear to be a reverse or inverse zombie, i.e. someone shown as dead who wasn't. So now the question remains, why is he listed as being born and dying in 1860 (with the mention that he died aged one day on both geni.com and myheritage). And somebody should at least remove his date of death. Since 'O Marujo' means 'The Sailor', I am relieved to find that he was not sailing shortly before his death at one day. I would not expect anyone to be sailing before the age of three days.

I've just checked the revisions and see that you did it all Angus, so, many thanks.


Showing 2551-2580 of 2799 posts

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