Matoaka Amonute "Rebecca" Powhatan, aka Pocahontas - Disney and their marketed audience.

Started by Casey Lee Anderson on Wednesday, February 8, 2017
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2/8/2017 at 4:29 PM

You all do realize that the animated movie "Pocahontas" was marketed towards children, right?, When stuff is marketed towards children, people have to be politically correct and avoiding well, the blood and guts of the story, right. Movies are made for Entertainment purposes not for factual evidence. Because movies go for certain types of rating, for G-rating is for all children. In G-rated movies, there are no "adult type" of scenes if you catch me drift. To give you an idea of what the G-rating definition here is the definition of G-rated movies:

G is noted for General Audiences means all ages but also it means there is nothing in theme, language, nudity, sex, violence or other matters that the ratings board thinks would offend parents whose younger children view the picture. Meaning the factual stuff about this person could possibly offend parents of younger children and the movie instead would either have an "R-rating" meaning restricted audience instead. Meaning R-rating are for people age 17 or older. This is the main reason why it wasn't factual because it could and probably would have offended children back in my time, but nowadays I'm not sure.

2/28/2017 at 10:11 AM

I think that I speak for all adult Geni contributors when I say: yes, we all realize. Is there a reason why you asked whether we realize that?

4/28/2017 at 1:27 AM

Casey Are you re;lated tp Pocohantas? My ancestors lived in Va.and W VA and around the Eastern Cherokee.I am connected to her through Moytoy who was Chief. My Grandmother Myrtle huddleston Lindberg is the line I follow. In regards to the to the way Native Americans are portrayed in movies, this continued disrepect of the any tribe is portaying them as savage, evil , dirty redskins, and disrespective for all time. I attend pow wows frequently and if you observe white people who are dancing, the woman don't cover their shoulders and expose their breasts in low cut blouses. they do not wear skirts to cover their legs, and act peculiarly when "dancing"/ they talk during the flag song, the akita song and allow their children to run through the adult men who are wearing eagle bustles,no one has taught them how to respect warriors and veterans. Pocohantas is quite mild as to what is seen when you are at a native gathering. Movie makers have made millions of dollars portraying Indians as "bad" and using misinformation about tribal life. read some books about 1800's about the wars where the Army slaughtered villages of all inhabitants ;men ,women, children, and babies, It will make your hair stand up. Lila Lindberg Minnesota Oyate Numpa Wi

4/28/2017 at 1:28 AM

I cannot translate Swedish, sorry Lila

Private User
4/30/2017 at 6:06 PM

I was told by my father when I was a mid-teen that I am related to Pocahontus/Matoaka. He never had a chance to explain how. So, I have done a LOT of research and found it to be so. My dad told me I am 1/4 American Indian.

Private User
4/30/2017 at 6:09 PM

When you are dancing in a PowWow, you do not speak. You go in the circle as others do. And no, you will NOT see have exposed breast's and children running wild. It is a very spiritual and Earth Mother "get-together" to speak.

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