ATTENTION Curators, please assist

Started by Mike Stangel on Friday, September 15, 2017
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Showing 91-120 of 1565 posts

Angus Wood-Salomon Thanks again!

Unknown Profile, Norman is your profile. You are the manager. It is best to contact the curator of the profile, Angus Wood-Salomon.

To get one of your profiles to be a Master Profile, you should prepare it by making sure it is accurate; has as much documentation/sources as you can find; and place a biography in the "about". You then give a link to the profile here:

FYI - Curators do make master profiles for other reasons even when they are not fully documented; for example, to prevent bad merges when there are similarly named people; when it is a critical profile in a high traffic area; when there has been recent issues in the area; etc.

Just the question.

As I have seen, for American popular people, MP is often put.
Is it possible to also set MP for Russian popular personalities? (Movie actors, singers, poets, writers, others)
I have a project with them.

Private User, Private User also has identified Rusian notables. Here is an artist - RF People's Artist Vladimir Benediktovich Nosik that is a master profile. He places Wikipedia or other websites in the "about". Perhaps you would consider inviting him to your project.
Anyway, the answer is "yes", place your prepared profiles in the link in my previous response.

Sorry Angus. Only got here this morning.

Will have a look. The @angus won't work today.☺

I have some profiles that need merging with the big tree. Can someone help me out?

Here they are:

Margaret E. Shove

Cardine Baco Catherine Paris

Pierre Charles Paris

Jeanne L'Escallier

Louis Sevestre

Rev. Edward Shove

Thanks in advance.

Private User

Thanks, man. =D

That proposed merge is with a 'claimed' (erroneously) profile; it has been reported. Once Customer Service deals with that, it can be merged.

Could someone please unmerge this profile?

Ernest Klestadt

Thank you. Parentage needs to be straightened out.

Private User, I have reversed the last 3 merges that all had different parents.

Leanne Minny (Volunteer Curator), could you please tell me which other two profile merges you reversed? Thanks.

Hi I need curator help with profile. I had merged some people here but all didn't merg and it won't let me finish I put some stuff I found on Charles Whitlatch to confirm his lines and matches lines I have. Could someone please help me.

Charles A Whitlatch, Jr.

Thanks Billie

Kindly merge my son in law's Terrence Baiju Raphael profile. His partner is my daughter Ann Terrence and my daughter has only one partner and that is Terrence Baiju Raphael.
Thank you

Aloysius M. Gonsalvez (Aloy) I'm happy to help but I see only one partner linked to your daughter's profile and that's the one you mention. So I do not quite understand your question

Please merge the following three profiles for Larry Wolynetz:


Евгений Владимирович Терещенко: Looks like the relationship was fixed by Виктория Владимировна Садовая.

Avi Glazer: merged, along with duplicates in the immediate family as well.

Perfect, Dan Cornett. Thanks.

Could you please set the right set of parents for this profile?
Lourença Escórcio Drumond de Velosa
Her parents are Manuel José de Oliveira and D. Antónia Escórcio Drummond


Private User, your request is all set now.

Curator, a simple merge, Henry III, king of England


Henry III, king of England

Thanking you

Hi Angelina, There is no need to create a duplicate of Henry III. He is already attached to his wife.

yes i am aware of that, please merge it, so it is tidy , thanks

Thats what you do with other profiles , is it Not?

If you want to have management of his profile, you can just request it on the existing profile. Merging in unnecessary duplicates requires a lot of time and wasted work, fixing up data conflicts and names etc. when you can achieve the same result by requesting management of the profile.

Showing 91-120 of 1565 posts

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