Stephen de Crichton

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Stephen de Crichton (Crichton of Cairns)

Birthplace: Edinburgh, Scotland, Scotland (United Kingdom)
Death: before April 29, 1452
Crichton Castle, East Lothian, Scotland (United Kingdom)
Immediate Family:

Son of Sir William de Crichton of Sanquhar, 1st Laird of Sanquhar and Isabel de Ros
Husband of N.N. Cairnes
Father of George Crichton, 1st Earl of Caithness; Douglas de Crichton; Humphrey de Crichton; Elizabeth de Crichton; Edward de Crichton and 1 other
Brother of Thomas de Crichton; Sir John Crichton, of that Ilk; Humphrey de Crichton, of Bagthrop and Edward Crichton of Sanquhar

Managed by: Douglas John Nimmo
Last Updated:

About Stephen de Crichton



A date and place of death has not been identified for Stephen Crichton of Cairns. He was still alive on 4 January 1433-34 The Scots Peerage II: 323 but he may have died before 29 April 1452, when his son James was identified as the brother of George Crichton of Cairns: "frater Georgii de Crechtoun de Carnis". Ibidem: 324


  1. The Scots Peerage II: 323-5
  2. The Peerage of Scotland
  3. Stirnet: Cairns 01
  4. Stirnet Crichton 01
  5. Stirnet: Crichton 04


7/24/22 Just came across this
Stephen Crichton of Cairns is my/our 18th great grandfather.
You (Janet)

 → Katherine Emma Schultz (Stewart)

my mother → Guy Peter Stewart
her father → Mary Emma Stewart
his mother → Peter Franklin Bomgardner
her father → Wealtha "Nettie" Bomgardner
his mother → James William Glenn
her father → Ann Glenn
his mother → Dr. Robert Curry, Jr
her father → Sarah "Sallie" Curry (Young)
his mother → Sir John Lamont Young
her father → Lady Mary Young, Lady "Clan Adair"
his mother → Joan Adair
her mother → Lady Jean ‘Jane’ Edmonstone
her mother → Sir William Edmonstone of Duntreath
her father → Helen Stirling
his mother → Sir James Stirling, 4th of Keir, 1st Lord of Cawder
her father → Sir John Stirling, Kt.
his father → Margaret Crichton
his mother → James Crichton of Ruthven
her father → Stephen Crichton of Cairns
his father


THE immediate ancestor of this family was Sir William Crichton, dominus de eo∣dem, the fifth generation of that antient fa∣mily in a direct male line, who flourished in the reigns of king Robert II. and III. and left issue two sons,

  • 1. Sir John Crichton, dominus de eodem, his successor.
  • I. 2. STEPHEN CRICHTON of Cairns,

who also left issue two sons.

  • 1. George, afterwards earl of Caithness.
  • 2. James, ancestor of the Crichtons of Ruthven,* which is instructed by many char∣ters under the great seal.


From The Scots Peerage: Founded on Wood's Edition of Sir Robert Douglas ..., Volume 3 edited by James Balfour Paul Page 56. GoogleBooks

William De Crichton, dominus ejusdem, succeeded prior to 1357, acquired Dryfesdale prior to 1361, Brunstane and Welchton in 1373, and Bradewood in 1375. He was dead prior to 1393, having had issue—

  • 1. Sir John, his successor.
  • 2. Stephen, of the Carnis or Cairns. (See Crichton, Earlof Caithness.) 1 Registrum Honoris de Morton, ii, 189. 2 Ibid., 192. 3 Sub. tit. Frendraught. , Heraldic Ms., M. 5 Laing Carters, 1212.
  • 3. Humphrey, who, circa 1416, received from his brother Sir John a charter of the lands of Bagthrop, the Byres, and others, in the holding of Carruthers in Annandale.1
  • 4. Thomas.
  • 5. Edward.

It seems probable that Thomas and Edward were the children of a second marriage.


  • Histories of Scottish families > Genealogy of the earls of Erne > (28) Page 10 Digital Image does not list Humphrey of Bagthrop.
view all 11

Stephen de Crichton's Timeline

Cairns Gardens, Balerno, Edinburgh, Scotland
April 29, 1452
Crichton Castle, East Lothian, Scotland (United Kingdom)
Edinburgh, Scotland, Scotland (United Kingdom)
Sheriff of Linlithgow