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1820 Settlers - Carlisle's Party

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  • William Chadwick (1802 - 1876)
    1820 Settler to South Africa with Carlisle's Party on the Chapman.----------------------------------------------------------------Death Notice :
  • Rupert Corden (1805 - 1838)
    1820 British Settler= Rupert Corden 15, was a member of Carlisle's party of 15 people on the Chapman .Party originated from StaffordshireDeparted Gravesend, 3 December 1819. Arrival Table Bay, Cape Tow...
  • Frederick Carlisle, SV/PROG (1804 - 1863)
    British Settler=Brother of John, Leader Carlisle's party of 15 people on the Chapman , aged 16.Party originated from StaffordshireDeparted Gravesend, 3 December 1819. Arrival Table Bay, Cape Town - 17 ...
  • John Carlisle SV/PROG (1797 - 1859)
    1820 British Settler=Leader of Carlisle's party of 15 people on the Chapman , aged 22.Party originated from StaffordshireDeparted Gravesend, 3 December 1819. Arrival Table Bay, Cape Town - 17 March 182...

Carlisle's Party

1820 Settlers

Main reference The Settler Handbook by MD Nash

See also eGGSA - The 1820 Settler Correspondence

Additional information from British 1820 Settlers to South Africa and South African Settlers

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Party Details

Leader - John Carlisle

  • Number 15
  • Area Party originated from Staffordshire
  • Area Allocated to the Party Belmont on the Blaauwkrantz River
  • 1820 Settler Ship


  • Dates
  • Departure London, 3 December 1819
  • Arrival Table Bay, Cape Town - 17 March 1820
  • Final Port - Algoa Bay, Port Elizabeth 10 April 1820

(Other parties on this voyage - Bailie, Mandy Sailing in company with the consort the Nautilus )

Correspondence Relating to this Party eGGSA

M.D. Nash 1987 - Settler Handbook

"No. 16 on the Colonial Department list, led by John Carlisle, a son of the Rev. William Carlisle of Belmont, near leek, Staffordshire, who conducted most of the correspondence with the Colonial Department on his son's behalf. The party was recommended by Nicholas Carlisle Esq.

This was a proprietary party, notable for the youthfulness of its leader and nearly all its members, and consisting entirely of males. There is no record of its being a parish party but from its composition it seems very probable that some part at least of the deposits was paid by the parish. The settlers' baggage was forwarded by fly-boat (canal boat) from Leek, where the party was recruited.

The three teen-age lads - Sampson hayes, James Bassett and Rupert Cordon - were all late additions to the party and may have been workhouse boys.

Deposits were paid for 11 men. The party sailed from Gravesend in the Chapman on 3 Dec 1819 - a last minute arrangement resulting from the reduction of Bailie's party, which was to have occupied the whole ship - and arrived in Table Bay on 17 March 1820 and Algoa bay on 10 April. Carlisle was located near Grahamstown on the Blaauwkrantz River and called his estate Belmont".

Members of Carlisle's Party

Bold links are to Geni profiles; other links are to other biographical notes

Benjamin Bassett 39. Miller and army pensioner.


  • James 12.

George Belfield 19, Labourer

John Carlisle 22

later married Catherine Philipps - daughter of Thomas Philipps, Philipps' party in 1826

Frederick Carlisle 18

James Chadwick 18, Farmer's Servant

Samuel Chadwick 20, Farmer's servant

William Chadwick 18, Farmer's servant

Rupert Corden 13 (servant of John Carlisle).

(Later married Mary Ann Pedlar of Biggar's Party).

Robert Edge 22 Labourer

James Gamble/Basset? 12 (servant to John Carlisle)

Samuel Hayes 34, Woodcutter.


  • Sampson Hayes 13
  • Samuel Hayes 8

William Rowe 23 Labourer

Samuel Wheeldon 18 Labourer


A party of 15 from Staffordshire, led by John CARLISLE, sailed in "Chapman". They were located on an arm of the Kowie River, Their location being called Belmont.

Main sources for party list

Return of settlers under the direction of John carlisle (Cape Archives C) 6138/1,48). This is the London list; no Agent's Return has been traced giving the state of the party on its arrival at the Cape. However, references have been found on colonial records to Rupert Gordon and to all the adult members of the party but William Rowe. an earlier list of the party (Public Record Office CO 48/42, 481) does not include James Bassett but there is an entry for James Gamble, 12, a servant of John Carlisle. Gamble may have been entered in the final return as Basset's son to avoid paying a separate deposit for him.

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