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1820 Settlers - Clark's Party (Including Brown's and Stubbs Divisions)

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  • Coenraad Johannes Roux (1846 - 1901)
    Died during the ABW in the Standerton Concentration camp Cause of death: Phneumonia Notice/Sterfjkennis
  • Thomas Parrymore (c.1801 - 1857)
    Settler to South Africa with Clark's Party on the Northampton.-----------------------------------------------------------------First Marriage : "South Africa, Church of the Province of South Africa, Pa...
  • John Brown (1791 - 1835)
    DN: British Settler= John Brown 28, Fisherman and trader, together with his wife Ann Cane 25, and 2 daughters, were members of William Clark's Party , Brown and Stubbs Divisions, of 88 Settlers on the ...
  • Ann Brown (1792 - 1857)
    1820 British Settler= John Brown 28, Fisherman and trader, together with his wife Ann Cane 25, and 2 daughters, were members of William Clark's Party , Brown and Stubbs Divisions, of 88 Settlers on the...
  • Ann Fynn (1817 - 1839)
    1820 British Settler= John Brown 28, Fisherman and trader, together with his wife Ann Cane 25, and 2 daughters, were members of William Clark's Party , Brown and Stubbs Divisions, of 88 Settlers on the...

Clark's Party

1820 Settlers

Including Brown's and Stubbs Divisions

Main reference The Settler Handbook by MD Nash

See also eGGSA - The 1820 Settler Correspondence

Additional information from South African Settlers

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Party Details

Leader - William Clarke

  • Number 88
  • Area Party originated from London
  • Area Allocated to the Party Collingham on the Botha's River, and at the Clay Pits -the location being named Collingham.
  • 1820 Settler Ship


  • Dates
  • Departure Portsmouth 13 December 1819
  • Arrival Table Bay, Cape Town - 26 March 1820
  • Final Port - Algoa Bay, Port Elizabeth 30 April 1820

(Other parties on this voyage Dalgairn, Mahony, Pigot, W Smith))

The Pringle party which sailed on the Brilliant arrived on the same date.

M.D. Nash 1987 - Settler Handbook

"No. 6 on the Colonial Department list, led by William Clark, a surgeon of 19 Nelson Street, Commercial Road, London. After entering his name on the list of Bailie's party, he approached the Colonial Department for an official appointment as surgeon in the new settlement at the Cape, and when that was refused he applied for permission to take out a joint-stock party of 33 men and their families (none of whose names appeared in the final sailing list). Clark then arranged to include under his direction a group of young men from the Refuge for the Destitute in Hoxton, London, which supplied their outfits and paid their deposits. The party was accepted on the recommendation of the Governor of the Refuge for the Destitute, Robert Crosby, and deposits were paid for 31 men.

John Brown, who described himself as 'fisherman and trader', and John Stubbs, an 'agriculturist' of 48 Kenton Street, Bloomsbury, London, joint leaders of a proprietary party, joined forces with Clark after their own application had been refused and many of Clark's people had dropped out. Clark's party as it was finally constituted comprised William Clark as the nominal head; nine independent settlers, mostly married men with families (Harvey, Haugh, Honey, John and Henry Marshall, Taylor, Wentworth, Richard and John White), who had paid their own deposits; 11 men and a boy in service to Clark, some or all of them sponsored by the Refuge for the Indigent; and Brown and Stubbs with eight men and an orphan lad under indenture. Four other men who had engaged to emigrate with Brown and Stubbs eventually joined the party led by Charles Dalgairns which sailed in the same ship. As far as is known, the whole party was recruited in London.

Clark's party embarked at Deptford in the regular freight ship Northampton, which sailed from Gravesend on 13 December 1819, arriving in Table Bay on 26 March 1820 and Algoa Bay on 30 April. The two divisions of the party separated after landing: Clark's division was located at the source of Botha's River, and named the location Collingham; Brown and Stubbs were located at the Clay Pits, north-east of the Kap River".

Members of Clark's Party

Bold links are to Geni profiles; other links are to other biographical notes

John Box 29.

Edward Charsley 18. Labourer.

William Clark 25. Surgeon.

Wife Catherine Eliza 27.

James Dawson 18. Tailor

James Desert 30. Silk weaver.

James Evans 32. Labourer.

Wife Mary 30.

William Fulton 18. Labourer.

John Goulding 18. Nailmaker.

Richard Harvey 40.

Wife Sarah Cummins 36.
Children :

John Haugh 39. Cowkeeper and grazier.

Wife Elizabeth 40.

Charles Holliday 14 (servant to William Clark).

Jeremiah Honey 36. Farmer.

Wife Ann Webb 30.

Henry Marshall 28, Silversmith.

Wife Mary Heartrell 24. (Mary Marshall 32, is also listed as part of Shepherd's Party.)

John Marshall, John 40. Gardener.

Thomas Parrymore 18. Shoemaker.

William Robertshaw 18. Labourer.

John Taylor 38. Shopkeeper.

Wife Mary 40. c John Walton 8.

George Thorn 28. Farmer.

William Wentworth 35, Carpenter.

Wife Frances Maria Paice 24.

John White 18. Rope-maker.

Richard White 40. Merchant and rope-maker.

Isaac Williams 18. Shoemaker.

Members of Brown's and Stubbs Divisions

Bold links are to Geni profiles; other links are to other biographical notes

George Blakemore 33. Farmer.

Wife Sarah West 34.

John Brown, 28. Fisherman and trader.

Wife Ann Cane 25.
Children :

David Davis, 40. Smith.


  • David Davis 16.

William Denham, 31. Labourer.

Wife. Sarah 32.

  • George Denham 3.

Thomas Fancutt, 28. Husbandman.

Wife. Ann 32.

  • Louisa Fancutt 11
  • Thomas Fancutt 9.

William Harrison, 34. Farmer and butcher.

Thomas Mainman, 25. Labourer.

John Saunders, 36. Gardener.

Wife. Ann 33.

  • John Saunders 9,
  • Thomas Saunders 4.

John Stubbs, 35. Agriculturist.

Wife Ann Campbell 34.

Ebenezer Warner 28, Husbandman.

Wife Louisa McCall 28.

Charlotte Whitfield 23 (listed as Charlotte Brown).

Thomas Foss.

Robert Reynolds Wheelwright.

Thomas West.

Daniel Wood. Butcher.

Elizabeth Buckingham...

who was apparently maid servant to the Stubb's family. She married Daniel Wood (above) who was killed in action during a skirmish with the natives in 1828. She then married Thomas William Stevens on 8 Feb 1830. Note - not listed in the 1820 Settler Handbook - source of information not given on her profile.

Main sources for party list

Agent of Transports' List of persons belonging to Mr Clark's party embarked on board the Northampton (Cape Archives CO 136); Special Commissioner W Hayward's notes (Cape Archives CO 8542); Reminiscences of Thomas Stubbs, ed WA Maxwell and RT McGeogh (Cape Town, AA Balkema, 1978).

A young woman who was entered in the sailing list as John Brown's sister, Charlotte Brown, is believed to have been Charlotte Whitfield, who settled near Brown at the Clay Pits and bore him five children between 1822 and 1829.

The names of the nine independent settlers of Clark's division are confirmed in Special Commissioner Hayward's notes, but the list of Brown's and Stubbs' settlers is known to be inaccurate and incomplete. Major George Pigot complained to the Colonial Department that the naval authorites at Deptford would not allow any person whose name was not on the official list to board the Northampton and he obtained the Department's sanction to admit substitutes in place of last minute withdrawals from his party. Brown and Stubbs were less influential than Pigot and desperate to emigrate, and substitutes in their party appear to have travelled under the name of the people they replaced, rather than risk rejection by bringing the changes to the notice of the authorities. No mention has been traced in colonial records of David Davis snr and jnr, Harrison and Saunders, other than their names in the sailing list, and it is possible that they did not emigrate.

  • It is known from Thomas Stubbs' reminiscences that his father's party included three men, Tom Foss, Robert Reynolds and Daniel Wood, a butcher; an orphan lad of about 15, Tom West; and an 18-year-old maidservant (probably Elizabeth Buckingham), whose names do not appear on any list and who must be presumed to have joined the party as replacements for late withdrawals.

Further reading

Reminiscences of Thomas Stubbs, ed WA Maxwell and RT McGeogh (Cape Town, AA Balkema, 1978);

Journals of Sophia Pigot, ed Margaret Rainier (Cape Town, AA Balkema, 1974).
This includes an account of the Northampton's voyage.

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