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1820 Settlers - Daniell's Party

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  • By Borodun - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
    Colonel Herbert Dryden Home Yorke Nepean, DSO CIE (1893 - 1956)
    Colonel Herbert Dryden Home Yorke Nepean The Peerage #238868, Born on 27 November 1893. Son of Brig.-Gen. Herbert Evan Charles Bayley Nepean and Alice Maud Ross. Married Edith Florence Woods, d...
  • Jonathan Benjamin Board, Snr SV/PROG (1797 - 1853)
    1820 British Settler Jonathan Board Carpenter 23. Carpenter, was a member of Daniell's Party of 41 Settlers on the Settler Ship Duke of Marlborough . Party originated from Devon. Departure Portsmout...
  • Dr. Charles Augustus Wentworth, SV/PROG (c.1796 - c.1834)
    Dr Charles Wentworth went to South Africa as a young man with the 1820 Settlers on The Duke of Marlborough, sailing from Portsmouth as an 'individual settler' (not part of a recognised party) to be the...
  • Ann Daniell, SM/PROG (1802 - 1839)
    1820 British Settler= Ann Handfield 18, was a member of Daniell's Party of 41 Settlers on the Settler Ship Duke of Marlborough . Party originated from Devon.Departure Portsmouth, 30 March 1820. Arrival...
  • Robert Newton Dunn, SV/PROG (1795 - 1847)
    1820 British Settler Robert Newton Dunn 24, was a member of Daniell's Party of 41 Settlers on the Settler Ship Duke of Marlborough . Party originated from Devon. Departure Portsmouth, 30 March 1820....

Daniell's Party

1820 Settlers

Main Reference The Settler Handbook by MD Nash

See also eGGSA - The 1820 Settler Correspondence

Additional information at 1820

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Party Details

  • Leader Lieut Richard Daniell of Sidbury, Devon
  • Number in the Party 41
  • Area Party originated from Devon
  • Area Allocated to the Party Sidbury Park, on the Buffels Kloof stream, Albany
  • 1820 Settler Ship under Capt. R. Jeffrey

Duke of Marlborough

  • Dates
  • Departure Portsmouth, 30 March 1820
  • Arrival Table Bay, Cape Town - 18 June 1820

Private settler parties

Duke of Marlborough

...arrived on the same day as the Sir George Osborne - 18 Jun 1820, which Nash says was the last of the ships to arrive. Generally those that fell outside the terms of the government emigration scheme (those on the Salisbury, for example,) were financed by party heads who undertook to pay their own expenses and see to the maintenance of the settlers in their parties) still received grants of land. Nash only lists one party, DANIELL's, on the Duke of Marlboro: no Wentworth is mentioned. Rootsweb reference

Known Settlers

  • Dr. Charles Augustus Wentworth who sailed on The Duke of Marlborough, from Portsmouth as an 'individual settler' to be the House Surgeon to Lord Charles Somerset after the departure of Dr James Barry

M.D. Nash 1987 - Settler Handbook

"Led by Lieut Richard Daniell of Sidbury, Devon, an officer of the Royal Navy on half-pay. This was not a government-assisted party and it fell outside the terms of the emigration scheme. No deposits were paid and no free passages provided, but the party obtained a grant of land in the proportion of 100 acres for each able-bodied man. On his arrival in the colony, Lieut Daniell applied for an additional grant 500 acres as an officer on half-pay, and this was later extended.

Lieut Daniell emigrated in partnership with his brother James Daniell, a farmer of Sidbury, and Thomas Handfield, a farmer of Ulcombe, Kent. They were accompanied by James Daniell's wife and family and a maidservant; Thomas Handfield's sister (who married Richard Daniell in Cape Town on 5 July 1820); and four menservants.

The party sailed in the Duke of Marlborough which left Portsmouth on 30 March 1820 and arrived in Table bay on 18 June. Daniell was located in Albany at Sweet Milk Fountain on the Buffels Kloof stream, to the west of the other settler locations. The location was named Sidbury Park.

The partnership was dissolved in January 1821, and the two Daniell brothers and Handfield continued to farm independently in the Sidbury area".

Members of Daniell's Party

[Bold links are to Geni profiles; other links are to other biographical notes]

Jonathan Board Carpenter. (Later married Eliza Lovemore of Baillie's Party.)

James Daniell 28. Farmer.

Wife Ann Daniel 27

  • 3 Children

Richard Daniell 29. Lieut R N (half-pay). (Later married Ann Handfield of this party.)

Ann Handfield 18. (Later married Richard Daniell of this party.)

Thomas Handfield 21, Farmer


Ellen Palliser

Edward Searle 26. (His family not mentioned in Nash or the ship's list. See Edward Searle in Sephton's Party.)


The following additional Party members are given at

  • Joseph Arrowsmith
  • J Beddy
  • Dickson
  • Robert Newton Dunn
  • Field
  • Graham
  • Hickson
  • Love
  • Martin
  • Nitch
  • Ruthven
  • Sendle

Main Sources for party list

Memorial of James Daniell, Richard Daniell and Thomas Handfield (Cape Archives CO 3918,282); Cape Town Gazette, ships' arrivals, June 1820; Special Commissioner William Hayward's notes (Cape Archives CO 8542). Ellen Palliser was given permission to leave the colony in January 1821.

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