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1820 Settlers - Duncan Campbell's Party

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Duncan Campbell's Party

1820 Settlers

Main reference The Settler Handbook by MD Nash

See also eGGSA - The 1820 Settler Correspondence

Additional information from British 1820 Settlers to South Africa and South African Settlers

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Party Details

Leader - Duncan Campbell

  • Number in the Party 28
  • Area Party originated from Hampshire, England
  • Area allocated to the party eventually at Thorn Park, near Grahamstown
  • 1820 Settler Ship


  • Dates
  • Departure 7 January 1820
  • Arrival Table Bay, Cape Town - 16 April 1820
  • Final Port - Algoa Bay, Port Elizabeth 15 May 1820

(Other parties on this voyage Biggar, Bowker, Cock, Ford, Gurney, Hyman, James, Menezes, Osler, Parkin)

See Correspondence etc. relating to this party eGGSA

M.D. Nash 1987 - Settler Handbook

"No. 27 on the Colonial Department List, led by Captain Duncan Campbell of Portsmouth, a half-pay officer of the Royal Marines. This was a proprietary party; Campbell paid deposits for 13 men (including himself) over the age of 18 and four 'parish boys'.

Captain Campbell's proposal to emigrate was submitted to the end of September 1819, and its prompt acceptance was perhaps due to his brother's friendship with an influential member of the Colonial Department staff. Campbell was eager to accompany his friends Thomas Philipps and the Griffith brothers, who had already been notified of the succes of their applications. The labourers he planned to take with him were recruited from wales, but all withdrew from their engagement almist immediately.Campbell blamed this change of heart on 'prejudices', which could signify either radical propaganda against emigration or rumours of the dangers awaiting the settlers at the Cape. More labourers were recruited in the Portsmouth area, but there were further desertions and replacements before Campbell could submit a final list, and in the event only 10 of the 12 men he engaged appear to have left England with him. The party sailed form Portsmouth on HM Store Ship Weymouth on 7th January 1820 and arrived in Table Bay on 26 April. Elizabeth, the year-old daughter of Robert Horton, died at sea. On 29th April Captain Campbell was married in Cape Town to Mary Anna Maria Tucker, who may have been a fellow-passenger in the Weymouth.

Land had been purchased by the colonial government at the Zonder End Rover in the Caledon district of the western Cape for the location of some of the settler parties, and Campbell's people disembarked at Simon's Bay on 9 May and travelled overland to join the parties of Griffith, White and Neave. The location proved unsuitable, however, and in August Campbell and what was left of the party - Stroud and Horton and their families, Lovelock, Penny and two of the 'parish boys' - were moved at government expense to Albany, where Campbell had been granted a large farm near Grahamstown. His farm Brakfointein, pn Botha's River, was renamed Thorn Park".

Members of Duncan Campbell's Party

Bold links are to Geni profiles; other links are to other biographical notes

Duncan Campbell, 39, Capt. Royal Marines (half-pay).

Richard Chance 13

John Edgecombe, 16

W Gladstone, 20 - Not listed by MD Nash, but listed by Hockly. May not have sailed.

George Goff, 18 - Not listed by MD Nash, but listed by Hockly. May not have sailed.

John Hawkins, 13

Robert Horton, 40. Butcher.

Wife Elizabeth Freeman 26

  • Elizabeth Horton 1. (died at sea)

Charles Jordan, 26.

WifeMartha 25

  • Charles Jordan 3

John Kimmish, 19 Labourer

John Littlefield, 40 Labourer.

Wife Mary 28

  • John Littlefield 18 Labourer
  • Charles Littlefield 13

William Lovelock, 40, Labourer

George Penny, 22 Labourer.

Wife Nancy 20

George Shepard, 23. Servant.

Wife Elizabeth 20

John Stroud, 30. Carpenter.

Wife Elizabeth 30

John Hilson Wills, 29. Tinman.

Wife Mary 30.

  • Margaret Wills 7


A party of 28 from Hampshire led by Captain Duncan CAMPBELL Royal Marines, sailed in "Weymouth". They were located on the left bank of the Zonder End River, Caledon. They were shortly transferred to Brak Fontein on Botha's River, Albany, thereafter named Thorn Park.

Main sources for party list

Return of settlers under the direction of Captain Duncan Campbell (Cape Archives CO 6138/1,81); Muster-roll and Log of HM Store Ship Weymouth (Public Record Office, London).

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