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1820 Settlers - James' Party

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  • Frances Cawood (1817 - 1887)
    "South Africa, Church of the Province of South Africa, Parish Registers, 1801-2004," images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 14 Jul 2014), South Africa > Cape of Good Hope > Grahamstown, Bathurst, St John th...
  • Joseph Pinnock (1819 - 1820)
    1820 British Settler Joseph Pinnock 1, together with his parents and sibling, was a member of James Party of 60 Settlers on the Weymouth . Joseph died at sea. Log and Muster of the Weymouth Joseph ...
  • Harriet Pinnock (1817 - d.)
    1820 British Settler= Harriet Pinnock 3, together with her parents and sibling, was a member of James Party of 60 Settlers on the Weymouth .Party originated from Wiltshire.Departed London, 7 January 18...
  • Elizabeth Webb Pinnock, SM/PROG (1791 - 1857)
    There was an Elizabeth Smith born to Marchant Smith and Betty Pearce Webb, baptised on 3rd Feb 1791 at Hinton Charterhouse, Somerset, England.. Somerset, England, Marrigiage Register Bonds and Alleg...
  • Elizabeth James (1787 - 1819)

// James' Party

1820 Settlers

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Main reference The Settler Handbook by MD Nash

See also eGGSA - The 1820 Settler Correspondence

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Party Details

Leader Samuel Taylor James

  • Number 60
  • Area Party originated from Wiltshire
  • Area Allocated to the Party Bethany on the Lynedoch River - the location being known early as Bethany.
  • 1820 Settler Ship


  • Dates
  • Departure 7 January 1820
  • Arrival Table Bay, Cape Town - 16 April 1820
  • Final Port - Algoa Bay, Port Elizabeth 15 May 1820

(Other parties on this voyage Biggar, Bowker, Duncan Campbell , Cock, Ford, Gurney, Hyman, Menezes, Osler, Parkin)

M.D. Nash 1987 - Settler Handbook

"No. 35 on the Colonial Department list, led by Samuel James, a carpenter of Westbury, Wiltshire. This was a joint-stock party, recommended and financially aided by the parish authorities and the 'gentlemen of Westbury', and was initially organised under the direction of Samuel Watson. James proposed that he should take over the direction of the party after Watson and several others decided not to emigrate, and the remainder of the group then amalgamated with the remainder of a party from Frome in the neighbouring county of Somersetshire. The Frome contingent - Bartlett, Hayward, Randall and Usher - belonged to a group organised at first under the leadership of Stephen Bourne, who was arrested for debt and replaced as leader by John Colston. Colston, an army pensioner, was recalled to his regiment when England was threatened with civil disturbances after Peterloo, and the party disintegrated. Another late addition who was absorbed by James' group was Philip Pinnock, who had planned to lead a party from Beckingham.

A philanthropic gentleman of Frome, T Bunn (his official standing in the parish, if any, is not clear) conducted most of the correspondence with the Colonial Department on the Frome emigrants' behalf. According to Bunn, many of the town's 10,000 inhabitants were unemployed and eager to emigrate; a local pensioner phrased it more vividly - 'This Town is all a tiptoe to go to the Cape of Good Hope'.

Deposits were paid for 12 men, and James travelled to Portsmouth to see his party aboard HM Store Ship Weymouth before returning to Westbury to fetch his wife, who had recently given birth to twin boys. She and one of the infants died on board the Weymouth before the ship left Portsmouth; the second infant died soon after putting to sea.

The Weymouth left Portsmouth on 7 January 1820, reaching Table Bay on 26 April. Four more children of the party died during the voyage: two children of Philip Hobbs (one an infant born at sea), a son of Philip Pinnock and a daughter of Robert Rogers. A daughter of James Usher, christened Eliza Weymouth, was born at sea on 10 March. The Weymouth reached Algoa Bay on 15 May and the party was located on an arm of the Lynedoch River, naming its location Bethany".

Members of James's Party

Bold links are to Geni profiles; other links are to other biographical notes

William Banks 23. Basket maker.

Wife - Sarah 22.

William Bartlett 22. Gardener. (Later married Selina Hayward of this Party).

James Hayward 39. Labourer.

Wife - Tabitha Pristow 37.

Richard Hinton 39. Blacksmith.

Wife - Sarah Viney 36.

Phillip Hobbs 26. Gardener.

Wife - Francis Charity 25. (Phillip later married Jane Mary Ann Randall of this Party.)

Samuel Taylor James 31. Carpenter.

Wife - Elizabeth James 33 (died at Portsmouth).

Thomas Lanham 30. Tiler and plasterer.

Wife - Elizabeth Whitmarsh 27.

Philip Pinnock 32, Farmer.

Wife - Betsey Pinnock 26.
Children :

James Randall 44. Labourer.

Wife - Rebecca Watts 33.

Robert Rogers 25. Carpenter.

Wife - Sarah Newman 26.

James Usher 36. Bricklayer and carpenter.

Wife - Sarah Holloway 36.

Thomas Warren 44, Cordwainer and gardener, late seaman.

Wife - Mary Warren 42.
Child :

Main sources for party list'

Return of settlers under the direction of Samuel James (Cape Archives CO 6138/1,101); Muster-roll and Log of HMSS Weymouth (Public Record Office, London).

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