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  • Max Raymond Emile Aron (1892 - 1974)
    Max Aron was a French doctor and biologist. He was a professor of histology with the Faculty of Medicine of Strasbourg and is best known as the co-discoverer of the thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). ...
  • John Erhard Areschoug (1811 - 1887)
    Johan Erhard Areschoug (Johannes Erhard Areschoug, Philos. Doctor, Botanices et Oeconomiae) was a Swedish botanist who was a native of Göteborg. He was a member of the Arreskow family (in Swedish). His...
  • Михаил Васильевич Игнатьев (1894 - 1959)
    российский и советский статистик, биометрик и антрополог. Окончил с золотой медалью гимназию (1913), поступил на юридический факультет Московского университета, преобразованный после событий Октябр...
  • Vladimir Vodyanitskyi (1892 - 1971)

A group collecting the most famous and least known biologists.


A biologist, or biological scientist, is a scientist who studies living organisms, often in the context of their environment. Biologists involved in fundamental research attempt to explore and further explain the underlying mechanisms that govern the functioning of organisms. Biologists involved in applied research attempt to develop or improve more specific processes and understanding, in fields such as medicine, industry and agriculture.

While "biologist" can apply to any scientist studying biology, most biologists research and specialise in specific fields. In this way, biologists investigate large-scale organism interactions (ecology), whole multicellular organisms, organs, tissues, cells, and small-scale cellular and molecular processes. Other biologists study less direct aspects of life, such as phylogeny and evolution.

As with other scientists, biologists conduct research based on the scientific method, with hypothesis formation, experimentation and documentation of methods and data.









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