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British Army - 1st The Queen's Dragoon Guards

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1st The Queen's Dragoon Guards
British Army

(Reflecting historic name changes)

1st King's Dragoon Guards

1st (The King's) Dragoon Guards

The Queen's Bays (2nd Dragoon Guards)

2nd Dragoon Guards (Queen's Bays) (Badge above left)

1st The Queen's Dragoon Guards (QDG) is a cavalry regiment of the British Army. Nicknamed The Welsh Cavalry, the regiment recruits from Wales and the bordering English counties of Herefordshire, and Shropshire, and is the senior cavalry regiment, and therefore senior regiment, of the line of the British Army. The regiment is part of the Royal Armoured Corps.

The Regiment was formed in 1959 by the amalgamation of 1st King's Dragoon Guards (raised in 1685 as Lanier's or 2nd Queen's Regiment of Horse by James II of England in reaction to the Monmouth Rebellion) and the 2nd Dragoon Guards (Queen's Bays) (the former Peterborough's or 3rd Regiment of Horse, also raised in 1685 by James II in reaction to the Monmouth Rebellion).

Please link profiles of those who served in the 1st The Queen's Dragoon Guards (including the above historic regiments) to this project regardless of rank, conflict or nationality. People of note can be individually listed in Alphabetical Order below.


Regiments and Corps of the British Army

The Royal Armoured Corps

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1st The Queen's Dragoon Guards (1QDG)

The double-headed eagle came from the arms of the Emperor Franz Josef of Austria, the Colonel-in-Chief of the regiment at the time. In 1915 the badge was put aside because of Austria's part in WW1, but was taken on again in 1938.

Motto - Pro rege et patria (For King and Country)

Uniform -

Full Dress - Brass helmet fitted with the scarlet plume of the King's Dragoon Guards (KDG), a scarlet tunic with blue facings of the KDG, and blue overalls with the white stripe worn by thew Bays to complement their buff white facings adopted in 1855.

Corps March -
Quick - The Radetzky March and Rusty Buckles You Tube - Regimental Marches of Dragoon Guards
Slow - 1st Dragoon Guards and 2nd Dragoon Guards Slow March

YOU TUBE - Queen's Dragoon Guards

Nick-name - The Welsh Cavalry

Colonel-in-Chief - HRH The Prince of Wales KG GCB KT





3.1 - 1st The Queen's Dragoon Guards

The senior Cavalry regiment of the Line, "The Welsh Cavalry".
Formed 1st January 1959 (with the inherited seniority of its cavalry regiments, which were given status second only to the Horse Guards in 1713 ) by amalgamation (✽) of ...

3.1.1 ✽ 1st King's Dragoon Guards

Raised June 1685 by Sir John Lanier (See Sir John Lanier, Governor of Jersey) as The Queen's Regiment of Horse - ranked as 3rd Horse.

3.1.2 ✽ The Queen's Bays (2nd Dragoon Guards)

Raised June 1685 as The Earl of Peterborough's Regiment of Horse

3.1.1 - 1st King's Dragoon Guards

1685 - raised by Sir John Lanier as Queen's (or 2nd) Regiment of Horse
1714 - Re-designated "King's Own Regiment of Horse
1746 - Converted to Dragoon Guards
1751 - ranked as 1st (The King's) Dragoon Guards
1751 - Also known by colonel's names until 1751

Pre 1914 - Badge introduced - 1st (The King's) Dragoon Guards
1915 - Badge Changed (see right)
1921 - Name Modified 1st King's Dragoon Guards
1937 - Badge reverted to that of pre 1914 (3.1.1) 1959 - Amalgamation

3.1.2 The Queen's Bays (2nd Dragoon Guards)

1685 - raised as the Earl of Peterborough's Regiment of Horse
1688 - ranked as 3rd Horse
1715 - Re-designated the Princess of Wales's Own Regiment of Horse
1727 - Re-designated The Queen's Own Regiment of Horse
1746 - Converted to Dragoon Guards
1751 - ranked as 2nd (The Queen's) Regiment of Dragoon Guards
1751 - Also known by colonel's names until 1751

1870 - Re-designated 2nd Dragoon Guards (Queen's Bays)
Pre 1901 - Badge introduced (See right)
1902 Crown on badge changed
1921 Name modified - The Queen's Bays (2nd Dragoon Guards) (3.1.2)
1952 - Crown on badge changed
1959 - Amalgamation

Notable Personnel
























Sources, References and Further Reading

  • WIKI 1st The Queen's Dragoon Guards
  • Brereton, J M A Guide to the regiments and Corps of the British Army on the Regular Establishment (Bodley Head) 1985
  • Griffin, P D Encyclopedia of Modern British Army Regiments (Sutton Publishers) 2006
  • Lumley, Goff Amalgamations in the British Army 1660-2008 (Partizan Press 2009)

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