Genealogia das famílias da província de Salcete / Genealogy of families of the province of Salcete.
This is a project to compile the genealogical profiles of illustrious/noble ancestral families either related directly or indirectly belonging to the province of Salcete from pre-15th century. All the descendants of these noble and illustrious families of the Portuguese empire Goa, belonging to Província de Salcete are recorded here.
Província de Salcete was made of: Raiá, Margão, Colvá, Utordá, Loutulim, Curtorim, Verná, Betalbatim, Nuvém, Navelim, Órlim, Carmonã, Assolnã, Chinchinim, Cavelossim, Majordá, Seraulim, Benaulim, Chandor, Macasana, Rachol, Varcá, Velim, etc...This serves as a catalogue to help find your ancestry.
Project Founder: Sebastião José Roiz
Project Main Collaborator: Jules Fausto Mendonça de Sá