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Join Geni to explore your genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.

For general information on Chinese genealogy, see the China Portal project.

If you primarily use English or any non-Chinese language as interface language on Geni, and you'd like to fill in the Chinese characters, please note that several of the name fields under Chinese tabs have been repurposed.

  • title: the full imperial or noble title as most recognized in posterity, including the posthumous name (諡).
  • first name: one's formal name (名), as in self-referral, or in official documents
  • middle name: one's courtesy (字) and style (號) names, referred to by peers and acquaintances, as in non-official contemporary accounts (e.g. diaries)
  • last name: one's surname (氏), i.e., one's father's surname
  • suffix: one's numerical designation among his or her generation, referred to by family members
  • birth surname: one's natal place (籍貫), also known as ancestral home, choronym, etc, which is not necessarily one's place of birth. It will appear in front of the name in brackets 【xxxx】

Most importantly, DO NOT assume that a woman adopted her husband's surname, and always leave birth surname blank unless you know her natal place. Very rarely (only in Western-influenced circles in the 20th century) do you see a woman use her husband's surname in conjunction with her own surname. In these cases, put both surnames together in the last name field, similar to a double-barreled name. The vast majority of women in pre-modern times do not have their given name recorded, so the trick is to put a space in the first name field, and Geni will delete that space and automatically append 氏 after her surname.

These name data will then be assembled behind the scene according to the formula:

  • {title}【{natal place}】{surname}{formal name}({birth order}) ({courtesy names})

See examples below. Just to be clear, the above is merely a guide, and you are entitled to fill in other data if the outcome meets your purpose. For instance, in Hong Kong and Southeast Asia many had an English name in addition to their Romanized Chinese name, and it may be desirable to also make it his/her Chinese middle name.

(If you see natal place surrounded by an extra set of parentheses, go to name preferences and select "Display birth surname as entered" or "in CAPS".)

Unless the person had lived in the West and used a particular spelling of his name, or he was famous enough that he appeared in Western publications, do NOT fill in his English (default) name. Rather, use the display name under English (default) to spell his name, in the native order, in pinyin (the official Romanization for Modern Standard Mandarin), followed by the Chinese characters.

For overseas Chinese who kept a Chinese-sounding name, even if he didn't speak a word of any variant of Chinese, it may be desirable that the Chinese characters be appended in display name.

If you are managing a large number of profiles in the old English (default) format, there is a script that Geni could run that systematically migrate your data to the Chinese name tab.


(see more in the related projects on the right --->)

Historical figures:



  • title=头衔:中国历来“官本位”,应该填生前最高的官职、爵位,或死后的封号谥号。但正式称谓过长,现在仅填世袭封爵(包括谥号)。皇帝皇后尽量用全称(〔朝代〕庙号+谥+皇帝/后,见下)。后宫女性自然用封号,平民可填"繼"、"再繼"、"妾"等表示(夫家)身份。
  • first name=名讳:一个人的正式的”名“,族谱、行状常冠以”讳“字。如果这个人改过名字,尽量用后一个名字,原名填到“别名”中。
  • middle name=字号:唐之前只有“字”,唐宋的文人开始有“号”,之后愈来愈普遍,至有清一代“号”在文人笔记中成了最常使用的称谓。清人的字号尤其繁杂,这里尽量选取常用的一或两个(用空格分开;见下边的例子),如正史记载的。与家人相关的字号,如兄弟排行(伯仲叔季),号带有“少“、“筱”、“荪”等字,优先填入此栏。其他字号填入“别名”。
  • last name=姓氏:准确地说是“氏”;上古的“姓”可以填入“籍貫”一栏(见下)。另外清代旗人的“氏”需填入“籍贯”一栏(見下),把名的首字填到这里,这样更符合当时人称呼的习惯。
  • suffix=排行:汉人习俗,晚辈不可直呼长辈名讳,只能用排行+关系,如:大哥,二伯、三舅、四姑、五姨、六叔祖、七姑奶奶等等(各地还有方言称谓)。各家习俗或不同,传统上男女分开排,且是“大排行”。只要记录了排行(用汉字一二三),家人即可知晓应该怎么称呼。另一种选择,可以把家谱排辈的辈分填到这一栏;顾虑是排到二十几世就过长了,占用空间,另外今后可以设法通过算法自动排辈,而“排行”很难自动化,需要人工输入。
  • birth surname=籍贯: 此栏本用于西方女性的maiden name(婚前姓)。由于中文没有婚后从夫姓的习俗,这一栏现在改为籍贯,或中古时期的“郡望”(尽量为本人使用或认可的行政名)。明清用省+县,依惯例缩写成四个字(除非是顺天府、应天府属县);唐宋用州县,六朝称郡县;总之用当时史书列传通例。近代人口迁徙频繁,行政区划更迭,但大体上仍然承袭“籍贯”的传统,习惯上用“始迁”之时的县名(见下:清代常见县名与现代城市对照)。少数近代女性受西方影响冠夫姓,可将夫姓父姓并列填入“姓氏”一栏。除此之外,先秦人物的“姓”可以填到这里,与“氏”分开,例:【子姓】孔丘 (仲尼)

[%E5%B0%8F%E6%8F%90%E7%A4%BA%EF%BC%9A名字显示设置中请选择birth surname不用括弧。若first name(名)未知,输入时请按一下空格键,才可以保存。系统会自动消除空格字符,并显示成“某氏”。另外家族树中的人名是粗体,经常看不清;如果使用chrome浏览器可以设置advanced font,推荐使用仿宋体,效果会好一点。]


皇帝庙号谥号,大臣封号,填入title一栏;另外为了避免过长,在display name可去除籍贯。

除了flash家族树以外,建议使用Actions下拉菜单中的descendant report“后代列表”,利用hovercard(名片)可以跳转到其他人的后代。如三槐堂王氏始祖【大名莘縣】王祐 (景叔)的后裔



  • 北京 = 顺天府宛平 大兴
  • 苏州 = 苏州府吴县 长洲 元和
  • 南京 = 江宁府江宁 上元
  • 常州 = 常州府武进 阳湖
  • 杭州 = 杭州府钱塘 仁和
  • 绍兴 = 绍兴府山阴 会稽
  • 嘉兴 = 嘉兴府嘉兴 秀水
  • 宁波 = 宁波府鄞县
  • 广州 = 广州府番禺 南海
  • 福州 = 福州府闽县 侯官
  • 长沙 = 长沙府长沙 善化
  • 济南 = 济南府历城
  • 开封 = 开封府祥符
  • 西安 = 西安府长安 咸宁


  • title=頭銜:中國歷來“官本位”,應該填生前最高的官職、爵位,或死後封號、諡號。但正式稱謂過長,現在僅填世袭封爵(包括諡號)。皇帝皇后盡量用全稱(〔朝代〕廟號+諡+皇帝/后,見下)。后宮女性自然用封號,平民可填"繼"、"再繼"、"妾"等表示(夫家)身份。
  • first name=名諱:一個人的正式的“名”,族譜、行狀常冠以”諱“字。如果這個人改過名字,儘量用後一個名字,原名填到“別名”中。
  • middle name=字號:唐之前只有“字”,唐宋的文人開始有“號”,之後愈來愈普遍,至有清一代“號”在文人筆記中成了最常使用的稱謂。清人的字號尤其繁雜,這裡儘量選取常用的一或兩個(用空格分開;見下邊的例子),如正史記載的。與家人相關的字號,如兄弟排行(伯仲叔季),號帶有“少“、“筱”、“蓀”等字,優先填入此欄。其他字號填入“別名”。
  • last name=姓氏:準確地說是“氏”;上古的“姓”可以填入“籍貫”一欄(見下)。另外清代旗人的“氏”需填入“籍貫”一欄(見下),把名的首字填到這裡;這樣更符合當時人稱呼的習慣。
  • suffix=排行:漢人習俗,晚輩不可直呼長輩名諱,衹能用排行+關繫,如:大哥,二伯、三舅、四姑、五姨、六叔祖、七姑奶奶等等(各地還有方言稱謂)。各家習俗或不同,傳統上男女分開排,且是“大排行”。衹要記錄了排行(用漢字一二三),家人即可知曉應該怎麼稱呼。另一種選擇,可以把家譜排輩的輩分填到這一欄;顧慮是排到二十幾世就過長了,占用空間,另外以後可以設法通過軟件設置自動排輩,而“排行”很難自動化,需要人工輸入。
  • birth surname=籍貫: 此欄本用於西方女性的maiden name(婚前姓)。由於中國沒有婚後從夫姓的習俗,這一欄現在改爲籍貫,或中古時期的“郡望”(儘量為本人使用或認可的行政名)。明清用省+縣,依慣例縮寫成四個字(除非是順天府、應天府屬縣);唐宋用州縣,六朝稱郡縣;總之用當時史書列傳通例。近現代人口遷徙頻繁,行政區劃更迭,但大體上仍然承襲“籍貫”的傳統,習慣上用“始遷”之時的縣名。除此之外,先秦人物的“姓”可以填到這裡,與“氏”分開。



除了flash家族樹以外,建議使用Actions下拉菜單中的descendant report“後代列表”,利用hovercard(名片)可以跳轉到其他人的後代。如三槐堂王氏始祖【大名莘縣】王祐 (景叔)的後裔



  • 北京 = 順天府宛平 大興
  • 蘇州 = 蘇州府吳縣 長洲 元和
  • 南京 = 江寧府江寧 上元
  • 常州 = 常州府武進 陽湖
  • 杭州 = 杭州府錢塘 仁和
  • 紹興 = 紹興府山陰 會稽
  • 嘉興 = 嘉興府嘉興 秀水
  • 寧波 = 寧波府鄞縣
  • 廣州 = 廣州府番禺 南海
  • 福州 = 福州府閩縣 侯官
  • 長沙 = 長沙府長沙 善化
  • 濟南 = 濟南府歷城
  • 開封 = 開封府祥符
  • 西安 = 西安府長安 咸寧