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Henry van de Velde: his family, friends, critics and the network of his clients

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Henry Clemens van de Velde (Antwerp, 3 April 1863 – Zurich, 25 October 1957) was a Belgian painter, architect and interior designer. Together with Victor Horta and Paul Hankar he could be considered as one of the main founders and representatives of Art Nouveau in Belgium. Van de Velde spent the most important part of his career in Germany and had a decisive influence on German architecture and design at the beginning of the 20th century until the mid 1930s.

Meanwhile the family tree of Henry van de Velde (1863–1957) is built up with more than 300 members from the late 18th century until now with the relations to a lot of other families.

Now it's the aim to add his partners, his collaborators, his critics, his friends and clients.