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The philosopher, poet and musician Prof. Dr. Friedrich Nietzsche, born October 15th 1844 at Röcken (today a district of Lützen, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany), died August 25th 1900 at Weimar, Thuringia, Germany.

Meanwhile the family tree of Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844 – 1900) is built up with nearly 200 members beginning in the 17th century.

Now it's up to add all those people, who followed his ideas.


  1. Bernard Berenson
  2. Henri Bergson
  3. Eberhard Freiherr von Bodenhausen Degener
  4. Harry Graf Kessler
  5. Gabriele Muenter
  6. Max Oehler
  7. Karl Ernst Osthaus
  8. Lou Louise Andreas Salomé
  9. Mary Pearsall Smith
  10. Henry van de Velde

Influenced by Nietzsche

  1. Theodor Adorno
  2. Georges Bataille
  3. Jean Baudrillard
  4. Prof. Dr. Otto Biswanger
  5. Giannina Braschi,
  6. Martin Buber
  7. Albert Camus
  8. Emil Cioran
  9. Hélène Cixous,
  10. Deleuze, Derrida,
  11. Dreiser,
  12. Evola,
  13. Foucault,
  14. Sigmund Freud
  15. Stefan George
  16. Gide,
  17. Martin Heidegger
  18. Iqbal,
  19. Karl Jaspers
  20. Jünger,
  21. Carl Jung
  22. Franz Kafka
  23. Nikos Kazantzakis
  24. Dr. Friedrich Koegel
  25. Albert Langen
  26. Oscar Levi
  27. London,
  28. Thomas Mann
  29. Julius Meier-Graefle
  30. Mencken,
  31. Richard Meyer
  32. Dr. Adalbert Oehler
  33. Dr. Richard Oehler
  34. José Ortega y Gasset
  35. Paglia,
  36. Dr. Arnold Paulssen
  37. Ayn Rand,
  38. Rainer Maria Rilke
  39. Albrecht Rosenthal
  40. Maud Rosenthal
  41. Jean-Paul Sartre
  42. George Bernard Shaw
  43. Sjestov,
  44. Spengler,
  45. Leo Strauss,
  46. Strindberg,
  47. Miguel de Unamuno
  48. Veyne,
  49. Williams,

