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Historic Buildings of Angus, Scotland

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Historic Buildings of Angus, Scotland

Includes Dundee City

See Historic Buildings of Britain and Ireland - Main Page

Image right - Glamis Castle

"Glamis" by Maciej Lewandowski - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.5 via Wikimedia Commons - Wiki

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If you have information about any of the Buildings mentioned below please share it here. If you have ancestors linked to any of the places please add them to the project.

The object of this project is to provide information about historic buildings in the county of Angus, with links to sub-projects for specific buildings as appropriate. GENi profiles of people associated with those establishments can be linked to this project and/or to individual projects where they have been set up.

Historical Buildings

... in alphabetical order

❊ Indicates an available image in Gallery attached to the project

Including Castles, Abbeys, Manor Houses, Mansions, Stately Homes, Country houses, Estate houses, Courts, Halls, Parks and other listed buildings of historic interest


  • Affleck Castle
  • Airlie Castle
  • Aldbar Castle
  • Ardestie Castle
  • Auchmull Castle
  • Auchterhouse Castle
  • Auchtermeggities Castle


  • Baikie Castle
  • Balcraig Castle
  • Balfour Castle
  • Balintore Castle
  • Ballinshoe Tower
  • Ballumbie Castle ❊
  • Bannatyne House
  • Barnyards Castle
  • Black Jack's Castle
  • Blackness Manor House
  • Bolshan Castle
  • Bonnyton Castle
  • Boysack Castle
  • Braikie Castle
  • Brandy Den Castle
  • Brechin Castle ❊
  • Brechin
  • Broughty Castle ❊ - Tower House, 15th Century


  • Careston Castle
  • Carmyllie Castle
  • Carnegie Castle
  • Castle of Downie
  • Castleton of Eassie
  • Claverhouse Castle, Glamis
  • Claypotts Castle ❊ - Z-plan tower house, 16th Century - preserved
  • Clova Castle
  • Colliston Castle ❊
  • Cortachy Castle ❊
  • Cossans Castle
  • Coull Castle
  • Craig Castle
  • Craig House,


  • Dudhope Castle ❊ - Extended tower house, 15th Century - in use as offices
  • Dundee Castle - 12th Century, no remains


  • Edzell Castle ❊
  • Ethie Castle ❊


  • Farnell Castle
  • Finavon Castle ❊
  • Forfar Castle


  • Glamis Castle ❊ - he home of the Earl and Countess of Strathmore and Kinghorne, and is open to the public.
  • Guthrie Castle ❊


  • Hatton Castle ❊


  • Invermark Castle ❊
  • Inverquharity Castle ❊



  • Kirriemuir
  • Kinnaird Castle ❊



  • Mains Castle ❊ - Courtyard castle, 16th Century, preserved - a.k.a. Fintry Castle
  • Melgund Castle ❊
  • Montrose Castle




  • Powrie Castle ❊ - z-plan tower house, 16th Century, ruined - 17th Century wing restored.


  • Red Castle ❊






References and Sources

Angus Specific


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Historic Buildings Projects for other Scottish Counties

See Counties of Scotland

// Historic Buildings of Aberdeenshire

// Historic Buildings of Argyllshire

// Historic Buildings of Ayrshire

// Historic Buildings of Banffshire

// Historic Buildings of Berwickshire

// Historic Buildings of Buteshire

// Historic Buildings of Caithness

// Historic Buildings of Clackmannanshire

// Historic Buildings of Dumfries-shire

// Historic Buildings of Dunbartonshire

// Historic Buildings of East Lothian (Haddingtonshire)

// Historic Buildings of Edinburghshire

// Historic Buildings of Fifeshire, Scotland

// Historic Buildings of Inverness-shire

// Historic Buildings of Kincardineshire

// Historic Buildings of Kinross-shire

// Historic Buildings of Kirkcudbrightshire

// Historic Buildings of Lanarkshire

// Linlithgowshire

// Moray, Morayshire or Elginshire

// Nairn or Nairnshire

// Orkney

// Peebles-shire

// Perthshire

// Renfrewshire

// Ross and Cromarty

// Roxburghshire

// Selkirkshire

// Shetland

// Stirlingshire

// Sutherland

// Wigtownshire

// this project is in History Link 