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Historic Buildings of Wigtownshire - (now Dumfries and Galloway), Scotland

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Historic Buildings of Wigtownshire

Historic County of Scotland

Now Dumfries and Galloway

See Historic Buildings of Britain and Ireland - Main Page

Image right - Glen Luce Abbey

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If you have information about any of the Buildings mentioned below please share it here. If you have ancestors linked to any of the places please add them to the project.

The object of this project is to provide information about historic buildings in the county of Wigtownshire - (now Dumfries and Galloway), with links to sub-projects for specific buildings as appropriate. GENi profiles of people associated with those establishments can be linked to this project and/or to individual projects where they have been set up.

Historic Buildings of Wigtownshire

... in alphabetical order

❊ Indicates an available image in Gallery attached to the project

Including Castles, Abbeys, Manor Houses, Mansions, Stately Homes, Country houses, Estate houses, Courts, Halls, Parks and other listed buildings of historic interest


  • Airyolland
  • Ardwell Mote
  • Auchengower
  • Auchneight Castle
  • Auchness Castle


  • Baldoon Castle
  • Balgreggan
  • Balgreggan House
  • Balgreggan Mote
  • Balzieland Castle
  • Barmeal Castle
  • Barnbarroch Castle
  • Boreland Mote, Kirkcowan
  • Broadwall


  • Carscreugh Castle
  • Castle Ban
  • Castle Clanyard
  • Castle Feather
  • Castle Hill, Whithorn
  • Castle Kennedy - built here in 1607 by the 5th Earl of Cassilis. Destroyed during the 1715 Jacobite Rising. The Cassilis family moved to a village near Stranraer and the Stair family inherited the Castle and lands in 1677. The 3rd Earl of Stair became inspired by the gardens of Versailles, in France, and saw to it that the gardens at Castle Kennedy were remodelled in the image of these royal French gardens. During the 19th century, Lochinch Castle was built on the property of what is today known as Castle Kennedy Gardens. Though referred to as a Castle, this elegant Victorian building was never intended for battle and therefore lacks fortifications necessary for castles used for defence. The Earl and Countess of Stair currently reside in Lochinch Castle.
  • Castle Loch Castle
  • Castle of Park ❊
  • Castle of St. John
  • Castle Stewart
  • Castle Wigg
  • Corsewall Castle
  • Craigcaffie Tower
  • Craigdhu
  • Craighlaw
  • Craigoch Castle
  • Crailloch Mote
  • Cruggleton Castle ❊ A solitary arch of Cruggleton Castle is all that remains of a grand eight-tower castle. Overlooking the Solway Firth, the castle was constructed on an earlier promontory fort, and its stone was later plundered for building.
  • Cults Mote
  • Cutreoch


  • Droughdool Mote
  • Druchtag Castle
  • Druchtag Mote Hill
  • Drummore Castle
  • Dunaldboys
  • Dunragit House
  • Dunskey Castle


  • Eggerness
  • Eggerness Castle


  • Freugh


  • Galdenoch Castle
  • Garthland Castle
  • Glenluce Abbey ❊ Founded around 1192, by Roland, Lord of Galloway (Speculate this is the right person CJB). The white-clad Cistercian monks who settled in this secluded valley of the Water of Luce most probably came from Dundrennan Abbey, near Kirkcudbright. Monastic life lasted for 400 years, but because no cartulary – or register – for the abbey survives, its history is sketchy. The Protestant Reformation of 1560 changed all that. The 15 monks in residence at this watershed in Scottish history embraced the reformed religion. In return, they were allowed to live out the remainder of their days in their crumbling cloister. Abbot Thomas and five monks were still there in 1572, but shortly after that the centuries of prayer came to an end.
  • Glen of the Hole Castle


  • High Drummore


  • Innermessan Castle
  • Innermessan Mote
  • Isle of Whithorn Castle


  • Kildonan
  • Kilhilt
  • Killaser Castle
  • Killumpha Tower


  • Larg Castle
  • Loch Maberry Castle
  • Lochnaw Castle
  • Lochnaw motte
  • Long Castle
  • Low Ardwell Castle


  • Mindork Castle
  • Moure Castle
  • Myrton Castle ❊ - built on a 12th century motte, now a ruined 16th century L-plan tower house. It rose to four storeys and a garret, within a parapet, and had open rounds at the corner. There was another building at the base of the motte. It was originally a property of the MacCullochs. Sir Alexander MacCulloch of Myrton torched Dunskey Castle in 1503, and was the King's Master Falconer. James 1V visited in 1504 (and 1511) during a pilgrimage to the shrine of St. Ninian at Whithorn. The tower was ruined by the late 17th century, and a new house was built nearby. The property was sold to the [ Maxwells of Monreith. In 1685, who removed to Myrton from nearby Dowies. They altered the building, and a wing was still occupied in the 19th century. The Maxwells built Monreith House close by, which is still occupied.


  • Old Castle of Ravenstone
  • Old Lochnaw Castle
  • Old Place of Mochrum
  • Old Place of Monreith ❊


  • Penninghame Hall
  • Physgill House
  • Port Castle


  • Ravenstone Castle ❊
  • Round Dounan


  • Sinniness Castle
  • Skaith Mote
  • Sorbie motte
  • Sorbie Tower


  • Wigtown Castle
  • Woodhill

References and Sources

Wigtownshire/Dumfries and Galloway Specific


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Historic Buildings Projects for other Scottish Counties

See Counties of Scotland

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// Historic Buildings of Angus

// Historic Buildings of Argyllshire

// Historic Buildings of Ayrshire

// Historic Buildings of Banffshire

// Historic Buildings of Berwickshire

// Historic Buildings of Buteshire

// Historic Buildings of Caithness

// Historic Buildings of Clackmannanshire

// Historic Buildings of Dumfries-shire

// Historic Buildings of Dunbartonshire

// Historic Buildings of East Lothian (Haddingtonshire)

// Historic Buildings of Edinburghshire

// Historic Buildings of Fifeshire, Scotland

// Historic Buildings of Inverness-shire

// Historic Buildings of Kincardineshire

// Historic Buildings of Kinross-shire

// Historic Buildings of Kirkcudbrightshire

// Historic Buildings of Lanarkshire

// Historic Buildings of Linlithgowshire

// Historic Buildings of Moray, Morayshire or Elginshire

// Historic Buildings of Nairn or Nairnshire

// Historic Buildings of Orkney

// Historic Buildings of Peebles-shire

// Historic Buildings of Perthshire

// Historic Buildings of Renfrewshire

// Historic Buildings of Ross and Cromarty

// Historic Buildings of Roxburghshire

// Historic Buildings of Selkirkshire

// Historic Buildings of Shetland

// Historic Buildings of Stirlingshire

// Historic Buildings of Sutherland

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