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Historic Buildings of Peebles-shire, Scotland

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Historic Buildings of Peebles-shire

Historic County of Scotland

Now part of Scottish Borders

See Historic Buildings of Britain and Ireland - Main Page

Image right - Venlaw Castle

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If you have information about any of the Buildings mentioned below please share it here. If you have ancestors linked to any of the places please add them to the project.

The object of this project is to provide information about historic buildings in the county of Peebles-shire, with links to sub-projects for specific buildings as appropriate. GENi profiles of people associated with those establishments can be linked to this project and/or to individual projects where they have been set up.

Historic Buildings of Peeblesshire

... in alphabetical order

❊ Indicates an available image in Gallery attached to the project

Including Castles, Abbeys, Manor Houses, Mansions, Stately Homes, Country houses, Estate houses, Courts, Halls, Parks and other listed buildings of historic interest



  • Barns Tower
  • Bield Tower
  • Black Barony Castle
  • Boreland Tower


  • Caberston Tower
  • Cairnmuir House
  • Cardrona Tower
  • Castlehill Tower
  • Caverhill Tower
  • Chapelhill Farm
  • Colquhar Tower
  • County Inn bastle
  • Cow Peel
  • Cringletie House


  • Dawyck
  • Dreva
  • Drochil Castle
  • Drumelzier Castle


  • Easter Dawyck
  • Easter Deans
  • Easter Happrew


  • Flemington Tower
  • Foulage
  • Fruid Castle


  • Glentress Tower
  • Grierston Tower


  • Hallyards
  • Halmyre House
  • Hartree Tower
  • Hawkshaw Castle
  • Haystoun
  • Hopeton Tower
  • Horsbrugh Castle
  • Horse Hope Tower
  • Hutchinfield Tower


  • Kilbucho
  • Kirkhope Tower
  • Kirnie Tower
  • Kittlehall


  • Langhaugh Tower
  • Lee Tower
  • Logan
  • Lour Tower


  • Macbiehill
  • Manorhead Tower


  • Neidpath Castle ❊ - late 14th century stone four storey L-plan tower house, probably founded by Sir William Hay. Built against the steep banks of the River Tweed, it stands on site of a late 12th century castle, probably founded by Sir Gilbert Fraser. The main block with its rounded corners, originally had three vaulted rooms but extensive alterations in mid 17th century, removed the top vault and divided the middle vault, to fit in extra floors. In the small courtyard which is entered through the remains of a gateway with a round-headed arch, are a range of buildings from the 16th or 17th century. During Oliver Cromwell's invasion of Scotland in 1650, the tower was attacked and damaged by troops under General Lambert. By 1790 the castle was neglected and the upper storeys of the wing had collapsed, rebuilt by the Wemyss family they still conserve and improve Neidpath.
  • Nether Horsburgh Castle


  • Oliver Castle
  • Ormiston Tower


  • Peebles Castle
  • Plora Tower
  • Polmood
  • Posso Tower
  • Purvishill Tower


  • Romanno Tower


  • Shieldgreen Tower
  • Shillinglaw
  • Skirling Castle
  • Smithfield Castle
  • Spitalhaugh House
  • Stobo Castle


  • Tinnis Castle
  • Traquair House


  • Venlaw Castle ❊ originally a 16th century tower house, founded by the Hays of Smithfield. In 1782 Alexander Stevenson, Sheriff Deputy of Peebleshire, erected a Georgian mansion on the site of the old tower and renamed it Venlaw Castle. Enlarged in 1854 by the Erskine family, in 1892 the mansion was extended in the Scottish Baronial style, with a large south wing and a turret. The east front stands on the site of the medieval fortress but sadly no trace of Smethfield exists. Now a hotel.


  • West Linton
  • Wester Stanhope
  • Whiteside Tower
  • Whitslade Tower
  • Winkston Tower House
  • Woodhouse Hill
  • Woolandslee Tower
  • Wrae Tower

References and Sources

Peeblesshire Specific


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See Counties of Scotland

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// Historic Buildings of Angus

// Historic Buildings of Argyllshire

// Historic Buildings of Ayrshire

// Historic Buildings of Banffshire

// Historic Buildings of Berwickshire

// Historic Buildings of Buteshire

// Historic Buildings of Caithness

// Historic Buildings of Clackmannanshire

// Historic Buildings of Dumfries-shire

// Historic Buildings of Dunbartonshire

// Historic Buildings of East Lothian (Haddingtonshire)

// Historic Buildings of Edinburghshire

// Historic Buildings of Fifeshire, Scotland

// Historic Buildings of Inverness-shire

// Historic Buildings of Kincardineshire

// Historic Buildings of Kinross-shire

// Historic Buildings of Kirkcudbrightshire

// Historic Buildings of Lanarkshire

// Historic Buildings of Linlithgowshire

// Historic Buildings of Moray, Morayshire or Elginshire

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// Historic Buildings of Orkney

// Historic Buildings of Perthshire

// Historic Buildings of Renfrewshire

// Historic Buildings of Ross and Cromarty

// Historic Buildings of Roxburghshire

// Historic Buildings of Selkirkshire

// Historic Buildings of Shetland

// Historic Buildings of Stirlingshire

// Historic Buildings of Sutherland

// Historic Buildings of Wigtownshire

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