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Wartski Genealogy and Wartski Family History Information

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  • Hakadosh Hachasid Rabbi Chaim Lajser Katz- HaCohen Wartski, Ztk"l,hy"d (1890 - 1944)
    Y-DNA Group: group J-Z2215 sub-tree of the J-M267 macrogroup בן אחר בן לרבי יצחק כ"ץ,אב"ד ניקלשבורג-חתנו של המהר"ל מפראג ' son after son to Rabbi Yitzhak Katz -son-in-law of the Maharal from Pragu...
  • Rebbetzin Gitla Fajga Katz-Wartski, hy"d (1897 - 1942)
    husband: Hakadosh Rabbi Chaim Lazer wartski (hachoen) ztk"l hy"d,the son of haZadik haNistar Rabbi Benjamin Menachem(benaz)Wartski (Hachoen)ztk"l Which was one of the36 righteous and direct descendat t...
  • Hendel Wartski(Erlich) (1785 - 1851)
  • Rabbi Hersz Zv Katz Wartski, zt"l ( Leader of the Jewish community in Kalish) (1774 - 1846)
    Head of the Jewish community in Kalish מנהיג הקהילה דק"ק קאליש בן אחר בן לרבי יצחק כ"ץ,אב"ד ניקלשבורג-חתנו של המהר"ל מפראג . לפי נפתלי ווקשטיין According to Naftali Wakstein
  • Isidore Wartski (1878 - 1965)
    At one point he was the mayor of Bangor. See: to be confused with his first cousin of the same name [ Isidore Wartski ], who was a noted scholar.One of the most well-known Welsh Jewish families was the...

About the Wartski surname

The family name wartski is Named after the river and the city of warta.It can be written in several forms.

The family is a family of choanim.

It also belongs to the project