This project seeks to list representatives of all of the Jewish families from the Moroccan town of Tiznit in region of Souss-Massa
Wikipedia [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiznit]
David & Leah Cohen Emigrated from Tiznit (Tiznet) to Canada in 1968 https://www.jta.org/1968/07/16/archive/oldest-immigrant-comes-to-ca...
Canadian Jewish Archives Interior, Dorval Airport, (r-l) David Cohen of Tiznit, Morocco, arriving with Simy (daughter) and Leah (wife) to Canada. Met by Jeanette Golstein (daughter) and her son. Photograph accompanied by Press Release dated July 10, 1968 from Paul David Shubin of Combined Jewish Appeal stating that "Mr. Cohen is 102 years old and is the oldest immigrant ever admitted to Canada, according to the Canadian Immigrant Department", along with other details regarding their arrival and settlement in Canada. – July 10, 1968. [http://www.cjhn.ca/en/permalink/cjhn28469]
Jewish Cemetery of Tiznit Morocco [https://jewishphotolibrary.smugmug.com/AFRICA/AFRICANorth/MOROCCO/S...]