The project is dedicated to collecting in one place profiles and photos of people, who were elected to Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania. All these persons should have a Master Profile created for them.
If in your family tree you have persons who were elected members of the Lithuanian Seimas, please add them to this project. Also please specify this project under GENI photos, where members of the Lithuanian Seimas are present.
The first widely elected body in Lithuania after the declaration of independence on February 16, 1918, was the Constituent Assembly of Lithuania. The election was held on April 14–15, 1920. The voter turnout reached about 90%.
The primary role of the Constituent Assembly was to adopt the Constitution of Lithuania, which was accomplished on August 1, 1922. The new constitution gave broad powers to the parliament, the Seimas, elected to a three-year term. Seimas would select the Cabinet of Ministers and elect the President. In addition, the Constituent Assembly adopted numerous laws, including a broad land reform and introduced Litas as the national currency.
The First Seimas of Lithuania was the first parliament of Lithuania elected in accordance with the constitution of 1922. The election took place on October 10–11, 1922. However, no party was able to form a sustainable coalition and the Seimas was dissolved on March 12, 1923. New elections were held on May 12 and May 13.
The Second Seimas of Lithuania was the only regular interwar Seimas which completed its full three-year term. The Christian Democrats gained two additional seats which were enough to give them a slim majority. The Seimas continued the land reform, expanded the network of primary and secondary schools and introduced a system of social support. However, it did not bring political stability, as it saw several short-lived governments.
The Third Seimas of Lithuania in 1926
The Third Seimas of Lithuania was elected on May 8–10, 1926, with the Christian Democrats in opposition for the first time. The Lithuanian Popular Peasants' Union and Social Democrats formed a coalition government which lifted martial law, restored democratic freedoms, and declared broad amnesty to political prisoners. However, the government was sharply criticized following some unpopular decisions. The Seimas was interrupted by 1926 Lithuanian coup d'état in December, when the democratically elected government was replaced with the authoritarian rule of Antanas Smetona. The Third Seimas was dissolved on March 12, 1927 and new elections were not called until 1936.
The Fourth Seimas of Lithuania was elected on 9 and 10 June 1936. Elections took place under the constitution of 1928, which had been proclaimed by president Smetona without the assent of the Seimas. The parliament was elected to a five-year term. With opposition parties effectively barred from participating, Lithuanian Nationalists Union got 42 (of 49) seats, with the remaining seven seats taken by the Young Lithuania, a youth branch of the Nationalists Union. The primary task of the new Seimas was to adopt a new constitution, which was accomplished on 11 February 1938. The new constitution provided for even more powers to the president.
After the Soviet ultimatum in June 1940 and subsequent occupation, the Fourth Seimas was dismissed and a puppet People's Seimas was elected in a heavily rigged elections, in order to give legal sanction to the occupation and annexation of Lithuania by the Soviet Union. The new parliament proclaimed the Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic, petitioned for admission to the Soviet Union (a petition that was accepted on August 3, 1940), adopted a new constitution and renamed itself to the Supreme Soviet of the Lithuanian SSR, a rubber stamp legislature.
Please read more within the Lithuanian part of this project.
Šis projektas skirtas i Lietuvos Respublikos Seimą išrinktų žmonių profiliams ir nuotraukoms surinkti vienoje vietoje. Visiems šiems asmenims turėtų būti sukurti Master Profile - tai yra viešas, žymaus asmens profilio formatas. Kreipkitės į kuratorius, kad jie pakeistų paprastą profilį į Master Profile.
Jeigu savo giminės medyje turite asmenų, kurie buvo Lietuvos Seimo nariai, prašome juos įtraukti į šį projektą. Taip pat prašome nurodyti šį projektą prie GENI nuotraukų, kuriose yra Lietuvos Seimo nariai.
Ikikarinėje Lietuvos Respublikoje buvo išrinkti keturi (4) Seimai:
- Lietuvos Steigiamasis Seimas – pirmasis nepriklausomos Lietuvos valstybės parlamentas išrinktas tiesioginiuose, demokratiniuose, visuotiniuose, slaptuose rinkimuose. Jis savo veiklą pradėjo 1920 m. gegužės 15 d. ir baigė 1922 m. spalio 6 d.
- Antrasis Seimas – atstovaujamoji įstatymų leidybos institucija, išrinkta paleidus nesėkmingai dirbusį Pirmąjį Seimą. Dirbo dabartinės Maironio universitetinės gimnazijos Kaune patalpose. Antrasis Seimas buvo renkamas 1923 m. gegužės 12 – 13 d.
- Trečiasis Seimas – atstovaujamoji įstatymų leidybos institucija (Lietuvos Respublikos Seimas), dirbusi nuo 1926 m. birželio 2 d. iki gruodžio 30 d. dabartinės Maironio universitetinės gimnazijos Kaune patalpose. Trečiasis Seimas buvo išrinktas 1926 m. gegužės 8 – 10 d. vykusiuose laisvuose visuotiniuose rinkimuose.
- Ketvirtasis Seimas – ribotos galios Lietuvos Respublikos įstatymų leidimo organas, veikęs 1936–1940 m. Pirmininkas – Konstantinas Šakenis. Ketvirtasis Seimas buvo išrinktas 1936 m. birželio 10 d. pagal Prezidento Antano Smetonos išleistą 1936 m. rinkimų įstatymą.