The Cross for the Rescue of the Perishing is an award of the State of Lithuania, which, by decree of the President of the Republic of Lithuania, is awarded to persons who, regardless of the imminent danger to their lives, distinguished themselves by rescuing people who are dying. Citizens of the Republic of Lithuania and foreign countries who saved people on the territory of the Republic of Lithuania and citizens of the Republic of Lithuania abroad are awarded the cross for the rescue of the perishing. The same person may be awarded the Cross for Rescue (Saving) the Perishing more than once. Each new award is marked with a gold star attached to the ribbon.
The Cross for the Rescue of the Perishing was established in 1930. Each new award is marked with a gold star attached to the ribbon. The sign of the cross for saving the perishing consists of a gold cross covered with red enamel, on which is depicted a white dove carrying a laurel branch, below it is the gold legend SOS. On the other side, there is a stylized symbol of Vytis, the legendary SAVIOR OF THE PERISHING (1930-40 - SAVIOR OF THE PERISHING).
- During the period between 1930 and 1940 - 46 people were awarded with the Cross for the Rescue of the Perishing. During this time award was given mostly for rescuing drowning people.
- During the period between 1990–2022 – 1912 people were awarded (in this number are included 1884 Lithuanian citizens). During this time award was given for rescuing Jews during the Nazi occupation (more than 300 persons were awarded).
Read more here: https://lt.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C5%BD%C5%ABvan%C4%8Di%C5%B3j%C5%B3_g...
Vikipedija: Žūvančiųjų gelbėjimo kryžius - Lietuvos valstybės apdovanojimas, kuriuo Lietuvos Respublikos Prezidento dekretu apdovanojami asmenys, kurie, nepaisydami gresiančio aiškaus pavojaus savo gyvybei, pasižymėjo gelbėdami žūvančius žmones.
VLE: Žūvančiųjų gelbėjimo kryžius
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