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  • Pentti Aulis Savolainen (1927 - 1945)
  • Sam Södergren (1881 - 1959)
    Södergren, Otto Samuel Drottninggatan 160 Dead 12/10/1959. Registered in Helsingborgs Maria, Helsingborgs stad (Malmöhus län, Skåne). Born 9/22/1881 in Djura (Kopparbergs län, Dalarna). Married m...
  • Kjell Otto Gotthard Bennet (1907 - 1997)
    Sverige, kyrkböcker, 1451-1943, Malmöhus, Kropp, (Births) 1898-1920 (SCB)
  • Gösta Boltenstern (1810 - 1896)
    Thurow Gustaf Boltenstern Thurow Gustaf (Gösta), (son av Gustaf Adolf, tab 29), född 1810-10-17 i Ängelholm. Fanjunkare vid kronprinsens husarregemente 1820-11-20. Kornett 1826-06-14. Underlöjtnant på ...
  • Maria Charlotta Hedvig Ulrika de Verdier (1857 - 1950)
    de Verdier f. Ekelund, Maria Hedvig Ulrika Herrgården, Gustavsfors Dead 10/6/1950. Registered in Blomskog (Värmlands län, Värmland). Born 2/2/1857 in Raus (Malmöhus län, Skåne). Widow (7/22/1937)...


Helsingborg is one of the oldiest cities in Sweden. Its history extends to the Viking era. There has been permanent settlement since 1085. Helsingborgs geographical position at the narrowest part of Öresund made it very important for Denmark. From 1429 Eric of Pomerania introduced the Öresundstolden (the Sound Dues), a levy on all trading vessels passing through the sound between Helsingör and Helsingborg. This was one of the main income of Danish Crown. Crossing traffic (fishermen) was directed against the Hanseatic league.

Following the Dano-Swedish War (1657-1658) gave Denmark up all territory on the southern Scandianavian peningsula. King Charles X Gustav of Sweden landed in Helsingborg and took personal possession of the Scanian lands and was met by a delegation led by the bishop of Diocese of Lund, Peder Winstrup. King Charles X Gustav of Sweden attempted erase Denmark from the map by attacking Copenhagen but failed.

The last Danish attempt to regain Scania was in 1710, when 14 000 men landed on the shores near by Helsingborg. The Battle of Helsingborg was fought on the 28th of February just outside the city, which was badly affected. After the 18th century Helsingborg has lived relatively peacful existence and in the19th century the city managed becoming one of Sweden´s fastest growing cities as an important harbour and industrial city.

You who are affiliated with our beautiful city of Helsingborg are welcome to participate in this project! It includes all persons(born,residing and deceased in the city and surrounding area) who have lived their lives and build up the city and those living here today.


Helsingborg is one of the oldiest cities in Sweden. Its history extends to the Viking era. There has been permanent settlement since 1085.
Helsingborgs geographical position at the narrowest part of Öresund made it very important for Denmark. From 1429 Eric of Pomerania introduced the Öresundstolden (the Sound Dues), a levy on all trading vessels passing through the sound between Helsingör and Helsingborg. This was one of the main income of Danish Crown. Crossing traffic (fishermen) was directed against the Hanseatic league.

Following the Dano-Swedish War (1657-1658) gave Denmark up all territory on the southern Scandianavian peningsula. King Charles X Gustav of Sweden landed in Helsingborg and took personal possession of the Scanian lands and was met by a delegation led by the bishop of Diocese of Lund, Peder Winstrup. King Charles X Gustav of Sweden attempted erase Denmark from the map by attacking Copenhagen but failed.

The last Danish attempt to regain Scania was in 1710, when 14 000 men landed on the shores near by Helsingborg. The Battle of Helsingborg was fought on the 28th of February just outside the city, which was badly affected. After the 18th century Helsingborg has lived relatively peacful existence and in the19th century the city managed becoming one of Sweden´s fastest growing cities as an important harbour and industrial city.

You who are affiliated with our beautiful city of Helsingborg are welcome to participate in this project! It includes all persons(born,residing and deceased in the city and surrounding area) who have lived their lives and build up the city and those living here today.

Near by villages belonging to Helsingborg:

Allerum, Björkebogård, Bårslöv, Domsten, Fjärestad, Fleninge, Frillestad, Gantofta, Grå läge, Görarp, Hasslarp, Hittarp, Hjortshög, Hässlunda, Katslösa, Kattarp, Kropp, Kvistofta, Magnihill-Lydestad, Mörarp, Påarp, Rya, Rydebäck, Skoggömmaregården, Tånga, Utvälinge, Vallåkra, Väla by, Välinge, Välluv, Ödåkra, Östra Ramlösa