Mittelsinn and Burgsinn are communities in the Main-Spessart district in the Regierungsbezirk of Lower Franconia (Unterfranken) in Bavaria, Germany and members of the Verwaltungsgemeinschaft (Administrative Community) of Burgsinn.
No later than the 19th century, there were Jewish families living there who formed their own community and built a synagogue. This was destroyed on Kristallnacht (9 November 1938), as recalled by a memorial plaque at the savings and loan institution across the street from the synagogue’s former site
The story of the Jews of Würzburg
The Jewish Community of Würzburg Video Interview with Holocaust Survivors
Burgsinn and nearby Jewish Communities (Scroll to bottom of page)
Jewish Life in Mittelsinn
Taken from: Mittelsinn (VG Burgsinn, Main-Spessart-Kreis) Jüdische Geschichte / Synagoge
In Mittelsinn existed a big Jewish country community until 1938/1939. The existence of that community started around 17/18th century. The district was reigned by different persons to whom Jews had to pay for their permissions to stay. They were called
“Schutzjuden” which means “Protected Jews” and for this “Protection” of the local government they had to pay. The governments could be Earls, baronets, lords (nobility) or priests also. At first the families were only allowed to keep one or two children living with them, while the other children had to leave the community and stay with relatives in another community until they got a permission to live there too.
The family “von Hutten” took two Jews (that means Schutzjuden). In 1720 three Jews were mentioned who not only had to pay for their permission, but they had to pay for their water and their fountains as well.
In 1766 the Juliusspital hospital in Würzburg (reigned by a bishop) had seven Schutzjuden, district Hessen-Kassel had twelve , and the Hochstift Würzburg (that means that parts of Würzburg and surroundings were donated to the bishop or some other clerical person by the local sovereign), had five Jewish families (that means they took the whole family!) Until 1785 Hessen-Kassel reduced the number to nine, and Juliusspital increased it to ten.
During the first part of the 19 th century the Jewish population increased (the reason must have that they now allowed the whole family to live there). From 1814/1815 34 people,8,9% of 384 to 1843 180 people (24 families and a lot of children) and 1867 162 people (32 families , 15,7 % of 1033)
Mittelsinn was the most important city in the community of Sinntal because they had the most Jewish community members. In the middle of the 19 th century the numbers of Jews were reduced because of emigration (also the Non-Jewish population). The Jewish population increased again around 1900 to 152 people (16,2 % of 938), 1910 120 people that means 11,9 % of 1012).
The community had a synagogue and a school (beit-sefer) which was part of the synagogue and a mikwe ( Auerbach near the synagogue, Auerbach is the name of the street).
Cemeteries were Altengronau and Pfaffenhofen. They had a teacher, who also was chasan and shochet and the teacher H. Strupp should be mentioned because he got a medal , called Luitpoldkreuz in 1914.
They closed the school 1924 because there only were few children but they reopened it 1931. In 1936/37 they had to expand the Jewish school because the children were not allowed to the normal basic school any more.
Around 1925 there were 118 Jewish community members ( 10,7% of 1100 inhabitants). The heads of the community were: Nathan Rosenthal, Max Kahn, Jakob Baumann, L.Heinemann,L.Strauss. Teacher was Raphael Adler. The organization „Chewre“ was 1932 under the leadership of Max Kahn. The Jewish community now belonged to the districtsrabbinat Aschaffenburg. Heads of the community in 1932 were Leopold Strauss and Markus Strauss.
1933 there were only 105 Jewish people living in Mittelsinn. Only a few left Mittelsinn until 1938. When Austria and Germany were combined in 1938 you heard of the first breaking into Jewish shops, destroying the windows of the synagogue and several Jews left Mittelsinn. After the Novemberprogrom 1938 ( in Germany the Kristallnacht is now called Novemberprogrom because a night of crystal sounds like attending a wedding)
the Nazis destroyed synagogues, Jewish shops and flats and more Jews left Mittelsinn. In April 1939 no Jews were living in Mittelsinn any more.
1817 Houshold heads
In the Jewish Matrikellists of 1817 in Mittelsinn they mentioned 19 heads of households:
- Mordche From Goldschmidt ((low trading, broker),
- Israel Jakob Schlesinger (merchandise trade),
- Menlein Samuel Gundersheimer (retail and broker),
- Meier Sußmann Simon (goods, raw and cattle trade),
- Joseph From Westenberger (goods, raw and cattle trade),
- Hirsch Schmul Gundersheimer (retail and broker),
- Süßmann Katz (retail and broker),
- Veilche, widow of Salomon Abraham Hecht (goods, products - and cattle trade),
- Joseph Mennlein Engel (retail, broker),
- Josel (Joseph) Schmul Kahn (products and livestock trade),
- Moises Schmul Kahn ((products and livestock trade),
- Moises Josel Gärnter (retail),
- Brendle, widow of Hirsch Jüdlein Strauss (cattle and retail),
- Josel Samuel Nußbaum (broker and messengers walking),
- Samuel Mendel Stern (Livestock),
- Moses Oppenheimer (trade in goods, since 1821),
- Abraham Westenberger (cloth and wool trade),
- Kaufmann Oppenheimer (Butcher and agriculture)
WW1 heroes
In the First World War fell from the Jewish community
- Leopold Nussbaum (born 10.Mar.1887 in Mittelsinn, , before 1914 was living in Lage/Lippe died: Jul/30/1916),
- Salli Kahn (born Nov/29/1897 in Mittelsinn Died: 09/Jun/1917),
- Abraham Rosenthal ( born 21.Aug.1887 in Mittelsinn, Died. Jul.24.1915). Also, like
- Max Nussbaum (born May/19/1881, in 1914 in Nesselröden .. resident, found 06/Jul/1917)
Around 1925, when 118 Jewish community members were counted (10.7% of a total of about 1,100 inhabitants), were the chief the Jewish community,
- Nathan Rosenthal,
- Max Kahn,
- Jacob Baumann,
- L. Heinemann and
- L. Strauss.
As a teacher, Raphael Adler was active in the community. He gave (after the closure of Jewish parochial school in 1924) now still 11 Jewish children to receive religious instruction. Of Jewish associations , there was the charity and burial club Chewre (1932 under the direction of Max Kahn).
The Jewish community was part of the Distriktsrabbinat Aschaffenburg . 1932 were the community leaders Mark Leopold Strauss and Strauss. As a teacher, was Siegfried Strauss worked (even up to 1938).
1933 105 Jewish people lived at the site. Despite the increasing repression and the consequences of the economic boycott left until the beginning of 1938, relatively few of the place.
In March 1938, broke after the "Anschluss" of Austria in the field of anti-Jewish riots Gemünden: Mittelsinn in Jewish shops were broken, smashed windows, partially destroyed the synagogue. Soon after, the majority of the Jewish population left the place (about 70 people).
After the pogrom of November 1938, in which the interior of the synagogue and the rituals and destroyed Jewish homes were invaded, migrated further eleven Jewish population, a total of 81 in 1938 and 1939 have 7 Jewish people Mittelsinn leave. A part could emigrate, but most moved within Germany (61 to Frankfurt to Aschaffenburg eight, three to six Geroda and Homburg and in four other cities).
Jews from Mittelsinn Who perished in the Holocaust
Among the born Mittelsinn and / or longer time on site resident Jewish people are in the Nazi era perished (details according to the lists of Yad Vashem, Jerusalem and the specifications of the " commemorative book - Victims of the Persecution of Jews under the National Socialist Tyranny in Germany 1933-1945 "):
- Bertha Cohn born Kahn (1884)
- Gitta Dillenberger born Gerson (1892)
- Mina GERSON born Gundersheimer (1865)
- Sofie Gerson (1897)
- Berta (Babette) Goldschmidt born Schlesinger (1867)
- Heinrich Grünbaum (1867)
- Rosa Gutmann born Schild (1887)
- Bessi Herz born Gerson (1890)
- Max Herz (1886)
- Moses Herz (1885)
- Samuel Herz (1894)
- Isidor Hirschhorn (1906)
- Cornelie Hofmann born Schloss (1863)
- Abraham Kahn (1886)
- Arthur Kahn (1911)
- Berta born Gundesheimer Kahn (1890)
- David Kahn (1894)
- Friedl Kahn (1929)
- Helene Kahn born Rosenthal (1881)
- Isaak Kahn (1903)
- Josef Kahn (1877)
- Loeb Kahn (1858)
- Meier Kahn (1891)
- Marta Kahn (1919)
- Max Kahn (1892)
- Minna Kahn born Sommer (1866)
- Moses Kahn III (1881)
- Moses Kahn III (1888) - I think this is a mistake on Yad vaShem
- Paula Kahn born Berk (1894)
- Retta Reda Kahn (1890)
- Selma Kahn born Mandelbaum (1898)
- Sophie Kahn (1884)
- Sophie Kahn (1887) - I think this is a mistake
- Susi Kahn (1931)
- Willi Kahn (1893)
- Benno Levi (1897)
- Johanna Levi (1890)
- Josef Levi (1894)
- Max Levi (1883)
- Rosa (Rosel) Löwenthal born Baumann (1902)
- Adolf Marx (1857)
- Minna Marx (1892)
- Bella Neumann born Schaumburger (1889)
- Malchen Neumann (1887)
- Adolf Nussbaum (1897)
- Elsa FINGER born Nussbaum (1905)
- Josef Nussbaum (1869)
- Karoline Nussbaum born Adler (1873)
- Karoline Nussbaum born Strauss (1867)
- Leo Nussbaum (1903)
- Simon Samuel Nussbaum (1866)
- Fanni Rosenthal born Friedmann (1881)
- Nathan Rosenthal (1880)
- Sara Dora Schlesinger (1870)
- Hugo Schloss (1871)
- Babette Sichel (1880)
- [Nathan Sichel] (1873)
- Minna Simon (1894)
- Bertha Simons born Marx (1895)
- Dora Strauss (1923)
- Hedwig Strauss born Kahn (1894)
- Leopold Strauss (born 1884)
- Mina (Minnchen) Strauss born Baumann (1896)
- Siegfried Strauss (1900)
- Willy Strauss (1902)
- Frida Strupp (1882)
- Karoline Victor born Gundersheimer (1877)
- Elise Weil born Mayer (1861)
- Fanny Weinberg born Kahn (1913)
- Mittelsinn , Wikipedia
- Mittelsinn , German Wikipedia
- Hessen Mittelsinn Cemetery
- Columbus, OH Mittelsinn emigres
- Holocaust victims from Mittelsinn
- Jewish Gen Data
- Synagogue of Mittelsinn , (German)
- Synagogue of Burgsinn , (German)
- Werner Stein Collection
Burgsinn, Mittelsinn & Vicinity
Nearby "Jewish Communities" within 30 miles (50Km) of Burgsinn:
- Mittelsinn 4 miles NNW
- Dittlofsroda 5 miles E
- Völkersleier 6 miles ENE
- Altengronau 7 miles NNW
- Gemünden 7 miles SSE
- Lohrhaupten 7 miles W
- Zeitlofs 8 miles N
- Adelsberg 9 miles SSE
- Untererthal 10 miles E
- Hammelburg 11 miles ESE
- Sterbfritz 12 miles N
- Wiesenfeld 12 miles S
- Bonnland 12 miles SE
- Bad Brückenau 12 miles NNE
- Westheim 13 miles E
- Fuchsstadt 13 miles ESE
- Bad Orb 14 miles WNW
- Geroda 14 miles NE
- Oberthulba 14 miles ENE
- Schlüchtern 15 miles NNW
- Heubach 15 miles N
- Romsthal 17 miles NW
- Wächtersbach 17 miles WNW
- Arnstein 18 miles SE
- Flieden 19 miles NNW
- Hellstein 19 miles NW
- Schöllkrippen 19 miles WSW
- Bad Kissingen 19 miles E
- Hintersteinau 20 miles NNW
- Birstein 21 miles NW
- Obbach 21 miles ESE
- Gelnhausen 21 miles W
- Egenhausen 22 miles ESE
- Steinach an der Saale 22 miles ENE
- Euerbach 22 miles ESE
- Fischborn 22 miles NW
- Hösbach 22 miles WSW
- Meerholz 23 miles W
- Goldbach 23 miles WSW
- Hain-Gründau 23 miles WNW
- Lichenroth 24 miles NW
- Veitshöchheim 24 miles SSE
- Homburg am Main 24 miles S
- Niederwerrn 24 miles ESE
- Gersfeld 25 miles NNE
- Rimpar 25 miles SSE
- Aschaffenburg 26 miles WSW
- Büdingen 26 miles WNW
- Oberseemen 26 miles NW
- Hörstein 26 miles WSW
- Alzenau in Unterfranken 26 miles W
- Crainfeld 27 miles NNW
- Schweinfurt 27 miles ESE
- Schwanfeld 27 miles SE
- Altwiedermus 27 miles WNW
- Estenfeld 27 miles SE
- Wertheim 27 miles SSW
- Höchberg 27 miles SSE
- Langenselbold 27 miles W
- Würzburg 28 miles SSE
- Fulda 28 miles N
- Gedern 28 miles NW
- Bad Neustadt an der Saale 28 miles ENE
- Untereisenheim 29 miles SE
- Oberelsbach 29 miles NE
- Kleinwallstadt 29 miles SW
- Eschau 29 miles SW
- Düdelsheim 29 miles WNW
- Oberaltertheim 29 miles S
- Gochsheim 30 miles ESE
- Fechenbach 30 miles SSW
- Bastheim 30 miles NE
- Himbach 30 miles WNW
- Marköbel 30 miles W
- Großostheim 30 miles WSW
- Großkrotzenburg 30 miles W
- Ortenberg 30 miles WNW
- Heidingsfeld 30 miles SSE