"Morley" was a convict ship that made multiple journeys to Australia
- (Convict Ship) departed England 18/12/1816 and arrived in Port Jackson, NSW, Australia on 16/4/1817 (175 convicts)
- (Convict Ship) departed Downs 18/7/1818 and arrived in Port Jackson, NSW, Australia on 7/11/1818 (164 male convicts)
- (Convict Ship) departed London, England 22/5/1820 and arrived in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia in 1820 and then arrived in Port Jackson, NSW, Australia on 30/9/1820 (121 female convicts)
- (Convict Ship) departed The Downs on 25/9/1822 and arrived Hobart, Tasmania, Australia on 11/1/1823 (172 male convicts)
- (Convict Ship) departed Dublin on 3/11/1828 and arrived in Port Jackson, NSW, Australia on 3/3/1828 (195 male convicts) - brought Whooping Cough to Australia
- (Convict Ship) departed The Downs on 10/8/1829 and arrived in Port Jackson, NSW, Australia on 3/12/1829 (200 convicts)
This project is for the second journey which departed Downs 18/7/1818 and arrived in Port Jackson, NSW, Australia on 7/11/1818 (164 male convicts)
- William Baker
- James Bardsley
- Jonathon Bardsley
- William Barker
- Robert Barnett
- John Bennett
- Benjamin Bent
- John Blakemore
- John Bluer
- John Booth
- Francis Brereton
- Squire Brooks
- Samuel Brown
- James Buckley - William Packer, Convict "Morley" 1817
- William Burgen
- John Burtle
- Joshua Bushell
- James Butler
- Thomas Butler
- William Campbell
- William Catt
- Thomas Chandler
- Edward Chapman
- William Clare
- William Clark
- Robert Clayton
- Samuel Colbrun
- Joseph Collinson
- William Connolly
- Joseph Costellow
- William Shipley Creswell
- John Croker
- John Dainty
- John Frederick Dixon Danson
- John Davis
- Joseph Dawkins
- William Dickens
- James Dickinson
- George Downes
- William Downes
- Peter Drugan
- George Dunk
- John Edlon
- William Edwards
- Henry Ellis
- Christopher Emery
- John Ewings
- Robert Fearn
- Joseph Fox
- David Gage
- Robert Godden
- William Green
- Charles Hawkins
- John Hearn
- Samuel Heather - Samuel (Heather) Eather, Convict "Morley" 1818
- Richard Heyes
- William Hill
- William Holden
- George Howard
- George Hughes
- Samuel Hulse
- Robert Hutchins
- James Hysted
- James Iffgrave
- William James
- James Jelley
- James Jelly
- John Jenkins
- John Jennings
- John Johnson
- Joseph Johnson
- Edward Jones
- Stephen Jordan
- Jeremiah Kay - Jeremiah Kay [Convict "Morley" 1818]
- James Kelly
- John Kelly
- William Kelly
- Isaac Kemp
- John Kenyon
- James Kerr
- Lawrence King
- Charles Lemon
- George Lennox
- Thomas Leonard
- Robert Liddell
- William Long
- John Lycett
- William Major
- John Manuel
- William Matthews
- John Mayall
- Edward McCrink
- William McDonald
- Andrew McIntosh
- John McMayhur
- Thomas Merry
- Andrew Mitchell
- James Moore
- Andrew Nicholl
- Henry Norton
- John Norton
- Hugh Orricher
- John Oxborough
- John Page
- Thomas Pearson
- Edward Perkins
- Thomas Plumbe
- Daniel Poole
- Thomas Powderley
- Moses Powell
- John Price
- Thomas Proudlove
- Thomas Reay
- Thomas Reddoch
- William Reiley
- John Rogers
- Thomas Rogerson
- Thomas Rooke
- John Rowter
- Joseph Sands
- John Sanfoin
- James Schofield
- Jeremiah Shee
- Thomas Sheppard
- James Sherrard
- Robert Shewman
- Peter Silvey
- David Sinclair
- William Sirdefield
- George Smith
- Thomas Smith
- Thomas Smith
- Thomas Smith
- Thomas Smith
- William Smith
- William Spears
- Thomas Spicer
- Joseph Storey
- John Sullivan
- John Sullivan
- Robert Tenant - Robert Tennant, Convict "Morley" 1818
- James Thompson
- James Thompson
- Joseph Thompson
- William Thompson
- Henry Thorpe
- George Turner
- John Waffington
- James Walker
- William Walker
- Richard Ward
- William Ward
- Walter Watchurst
- Charles Willm. Watts
- William Webb
- William Webb
- Richard Wellington
- Daniel Wells
- John Whitehead
- John Wills
- John Wilson
- William Wilson
- John Wrayson
- James Wright
- William Wright