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People Connected to Guernsey

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  • Francis Gerard St. George Tupper (1844 - 1924)
    Francis Gerard St. George Tupper The Peerage #534213, Born in 1844 at St. Peter Port, Guernsey, Channel Islands. Son of Daniel Tupper and Anna Maria Le Marchant. Married Loveday Wilhelmina Bo...
  • Major-General Barrington Bulkeley Campbell, 3rd Baron Blythswood (1845 - 1918)
    Wikipedia contributors. " Barrington Campbell, 3rd Baron Blythswood ." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Maj.-Gen. Barrington Bulkeley Campbell, 3rd Baron Blythswood The Peerage, #37402, Born o...
  • James Thoume, Esq., of Bonair, Guernsey (c.1816 - 1864)
    Biography== James Thoume, Esq., of Bonair, Guernsey was born circa April 19, 1816 in Guernsey. His parents were James Thoume, Bon Air and Mary Querier . James married Amelia Jeune . Together they had t...
  • Pierre Thoume (1642 - d.)
    Biography== Pierre Thoume was born in 1642 in Guernsey. Pierre married Marie Demouilpied . Together they had the following children: Pierre Thoume . More research is required, also may be desc.
  • Albert Admore (c.1847 - d.)
    ALBERT JOHN ADMORE was born in Channel Islands, Guernsey, in 1847; he is the eldest son of seven in family of John Hugh Admore, and educated in his native place ; he entered upon the medical profession...

People Connected to Guernsey

Image right - Map of Guernsey Adapted (colour) from Wiki Commons

See also

See Guernsey Surnames

MANY Guernsey family trees can be seen at

Guernsey Genealogical Resources

Donkipedia - Family History in Guernsey
This is a very comprehensive site and should be your first port of call.

1 Starting out - Main Records and Locations

1.1 Civil Registration (Births, Marriages and Deaths)
1.2 Church Registers (Baptisms, Marriages and Burials)
1.3 Census

2 Donkipedia resources

2.1 Lists and Indexes

3 Going further

3.1 World War I
3.2 World War II
3.3 Property deeds & Livres de Perchage
3.4 Occupational records

3.4.1 Merchant Seamen
3.4.2 Butchers
3.4.3 Silver makers
3.5 The Poor
3.6 Newspapers
3.7 Societies
3.8 Links to other research groups

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Historical and Political people

- accommodated by the project Historical Guernsey which covers the History of Guernsey and historical/political people. Some of these are also listed in the Famous people category.

Famous or Notable People

Those people of note with connections to the county are listed below. Some of these connections are a little tenuous - counties like to lay claim to people of renown! Please visit Guernsey - Famous People and add them to the listing there.


People from Guernsey who went to the "New world" and were early progenitors in those countries. Where the earliest ancestor is known please add them to the list of "Guernsey families on Geni" below if that was their roots, or to the appropriate county project.

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Heads of Guernsey Families on Geni

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People in Timeline

  • 14 October, 1204 - This parish, which lies at the northern extremity of the Island, was formerly divided by the sea at what is called the Braye du Valle. That part of it which at high water was separated from the rest of the Island, and to which there was formerly no communication but by the bridge at St. Sampson's, was in consequence termed the Close, and the remainder of the parish, the Vale Vingtaine de l'Epine. The passage of the sea across this flat is supposed to have taken place about the year 1204, as at the Chief Plaids of St. Michael, heldat St. Anne,in the parish of the Grand Sarazin (now called the Catel), by Nicholas de Beauvoir, bailiff, Jean le Gros, James le Marchant, Pierre de la Lande, Robert de la Salle, Colin Heavy, Rauf Emery, Gautier Blondel, and Giullet Lefebvre, jurats of the court of our Sovereign Lord John King of England, on the fourteenth day of October, 1204, a remonstrance was made on the part of John Agenor, prior of the parish of St. Michael the Archangel in the Vale, and his brethren, Pierre de Tieauvoir, Pierre Martin, Jean Effart, Jean Jehan, Pierre Nicole, Pierre Dupre, Jean Agenor, Michael le Pelley, Jean Capelle, and others of the parish of the Vale and St. Sampson's ; 128 HISTORY OF GUERNSEY.
  • 1488 - In 1488 John Bonamy, a wealthy merchant from St Martins in Guernsey started a notebook. He recorded that in 1500 he went on a pilgrimage to Rome with his father Pierre, Marguerite Patris, Jean Jehan, Collas Tomes, Collas le Messurier, Janette Tardif, Thomas Bunell, Collas Guerin, Johan le Messurier, Collas Fouaschin, Richard Ettur, Roland Henry, Pierre Brehaut, Guillaume Ozanne, Collas du Pre, Collas Mauger, Thomas de la Court, Mrs Jehanet Baudain and Mrs Collas Effart.
  • ? - John de Beauvoir was a wine merchant. His agent Thomas le Marchant was based in Spain.
  • 1513 - The first school for young children was started in St Peter Port by Thomas le Marchant and Jammette Thehy. It was later called ‘Le Petite Ecole’ and opened for boys in 1513. At this time lessons were in French or Latin.
  • 1548 - In 1548 John Briard was given a ‘Letter of Marque’ by King Edward VI which gave him permission to capture enemy ships. This was called privateering. In later years many Islanders made money from the ‘prizes’ they captured.
  • 1563 - show that Martin Tulouff, Francoise Regnoff, his mother and Collette Salmon were sentenced to death as witches. Collette Gascoigne was whipped, had an ear cut off and was then banished. Catherine Cauches and her two daughters Guillemine and Perotine were given a short trial. They were condemned to ‘la profonde fosse’ (prison cell) in Castle Cornet before being led to Tower Hill to be burnt to death.
  • 1590 - 1600 Work on strengthening of Castle Cornet is completed, largely under the governorship of Sir Thomas Leighton
  • 1592 - John Norreys loses a ship off Alderney
  • 1616 - 15th July 1616: Under seal. Vue de Justice. Judith Germain guardian of her children, against Jean Briard (she claimed he had extended his gable into the road illegally and spoilt her view); Jean de Rozel Senr., Jean Guille, Jean Fallaize, Thomas Saumares, Jean Blanche, (witnesses), Thomas Beauvoir, Jean Baudain, Helier de la Marche, Jean du Parc, Thomas Bisson, Jean Painsec, Collas David, Isaac Bertrand, Lucas Le Rusey [Le Ruzey], Jean Carey, Edmond Ettur, Nicolas Le Cornu, Pierre Brison, Jean Le Mesurier, Thomas Blanche, Edward Grigory, Nicolas Blanche, Thomas Ollivier, Nicolas Mansell son of Robert Mansell, Edward Nicolle, Thomas Brocq, Etienne Brocq, Jean Le Petit, Guillot Bachelet, Simon Neale, Pierre Le Mesurier son of Collas Le Mesurier, Simon Grult, Thomas Pitman, Abraham Fouquin (witnesses).
  • 1813 - 27th of May, 1813.—Before Thomas Falla, Esq., Seneschal of the Court and Jurisdiction of the Fief St. Michel, present, Messieurs James Ozanne, Nicholas Le Patourel, James Falla, Pierre Falla, Jean Mahy, Richard Ozanne, Nicholas Moullin, Daniel Moullin, and Jean Le Pettevin (called Le Roux), vavassors of the said Court.

Emigrants from Guernsey.

Please add the names of people from Guernsey who settled in the "New World"


South America

United States



South Africa

1820 British Settlers in South Africa

A list of the nearly 200 wills dating from 1663-1707, transcribed and annotated by Edith Carey in 1916 in her notebook, Wills and legacies I & II, in the Staff collection at at the Library.

  • Thomas Le Conte 18/12/1661, 2/11/1663
  • Clair Blanche veuve de feu le Sr Jean Noel 24/12/1662, 15/11/1660
  • Anne Blondel 24/12/1662
  • Marie de la Rue veuve de Jean Pallot 14/12/1663
  • Gillette Sampson 11/1/1663/4
  • Sara de Beauvoir 11/1/1663/4
  • Marie Ollivier fille James 2/2/1664
  • Laurens Fallaize 22/09/1663
  • Jean Noel fils Jean, native of Sark 07/09/1658
  • Thomas Lihou fils Thomas 04/12/1665
  • Pierre Le Lievre 11/08/1666
  • Benoist Le Lievre 21/08/1666
  • Philippe Le Gros 25/08/1666
  • Susanne du Bois 23/03/1666/7
  • Estienne Falla fils Estienne 17/12/1666
  • David Le Page fils Jean 29/11/1666
  • Anne Perchard 15/05/1667
  • Clement le Jersiez 1667
  • Pauline Hamel veuve de Guillaume Jehan 17/9/1667
  • Anne de la Rue veuve de Laurens Falaize 02/12/1667
  • Catherine Andros veuve de feu Mr Jean Bonamy (SM) 02/12/1667
  • Collas L'Estoc fils Guillaume 13/04/1668
  • Jacques Allart 07/02/1659, 13/04/1668
  • Pierre Naphtel fils Collas 10/11/1661, 20/04/1668
  • Pierre Guille fils Mr Jacques Guille (SA) 04/05/1668, 19/10/1668
  • Jean Martin 01/10/1668, 19/10/1668
  • Jeanne Bobe veuve de William Paterel 02/08/1667, 19/10/1668
  • Elizabeth Rolland 07/06/1664, 10/11/1668
  • Jean Martin (SPP) 06/11/1668, ?/12/1668
  • Jean Brehaut fils Collas (T) 07/11/1668, ?/01/1668/9
  • Jacques Guille Senior (SA) 28/02/1667, 10/01/1668
  • Jean Le Cras (T) 13/11/1668, 10/01/1668
  • Thomasse Vidamour 12/01/1668
  • Jean Moorhead, 11/12/1668, 02/02/1668/9
  • Rachel Ogier veuve de Nicolas L'Estoc (V) 01/02/1668, ?/02/1668
  • Catherine Nant (V) veuve de feu Thomas Mahy , 01/01/1668, -8/03/1668/9
  • Pierre Massy fils du Sieur Thomas Massy 23/02/1668, 08/03/1668
  • Suzanne L'Homme veuve de Jean Martin (SPP) 05/01/1668, 06/06/1669
  • Leonard Massy 16/05/1669, 07/07/1669
  • Charles Bouillon (part) 26/11/1666, 1669
  • Gabriel du Périer, Maistre de la Grande Ecole (SPP) 01/09/1669, 30/09/1669
  • Eléazar Le Marchant senior fils Thomas 13/03/1666
  • Thomas Robert fils Jehannet senior (SM) 11/09/1669
  • Jenette Le Page veuve d’Isaac Robert 02/03/1669, 25/09/1669
  • Marie de Rozel veuve de Sr Jacques Bouillon, 21/09/1669, 02/20/1669
  • Thomas Le Page fils Pierre 02/10/1669, 1669
  • Nicolas Martin fils Collas (SM) 05/12/1669
  • Richard Le Ray 15/11/1669, 15/03/1670
  • Pierre Brouart fils Pierre (SPB) 19/12/1669, 25/03/1670
  • Estienne Cappelle 20/04/1669, 29/05/1669
  • Colas Torode (part) (SSav) 12/01/1669, 29/03/1669
  • Bertrand Martin 19/03/1669, 26/03/1669
  • Jean L’Anglois (V) 06/04/1670
  • Pierre James 31/03/1670, 02/07/1670
  • Job de Jersey fils Thomas 06/06/1670, 06/07/2670
  • Colas Blin 22/05/1670, 04/05/1670
  • Dame Allix Faschin 02/02/1669, 21/01/1670
  • Abraham Lyhou fils Guillaume 22/11/1670, 21/01/1671
  • Samuel Mauger 21/11/1671, 23/10/1671
  • Thomas Le Mesurier fils Thomas (SPB) 07/02/1671, 08/03/1671
  • Sara le Mesurier veuve de feue Jean Gruchy (SM) 04/04/1672, ?/06/1672
  • Thomas Mahy fils Jean (SPP) 05/02/1671
  • Samuel Noel (SPP) native of Sark 03/02/1652
  • Richard le Jerziais 28/01/1672, 04/02/1672
  • Peter de Jersey re Sir Edward Salomon of England (in Latin, not a will) 24/02/1672
  • John Mauger fils Simeon (SPP) 06/01/1669, 10/03/1672
  • Jean Effard senior (SPP) 02/09/1672, 07/09/1672
  • Pierre Cattel 06/10/1673
  • Pierre Henry fils Guillaume 16/11/1673
  • Gaspard Olivier 22/11/1673, 08/12/1673
  • Daniel Careye junior (SPP) 06/02/1673/4
  • Thomas Le Pelletier 14/03/1673/4
  • Sieur Jacques Rougier fils Jean (SSav) 04/05/1674
  • Richard Armes 02/03/1674, 23/06/1675
  • George Williamson 11/05/1675, 18/05/1675
  • François Moulins of England 23/11/1675, 15/01/1675
  • Pierre Dobrée 24/12/1675, 09/02/1675/6
  • Jacob Costé 07/12/1673, 07/02/1675/6
  • Richard du Feu (SPP) 05/06/1667, 02/1675/6
  • Pierre Jouanne 04/04/1676
  • Marie de Jersey (C) veufue de Mr Jacques Guille 09/09/1674
  • Marie Breton veuve de feu Moyse Vaudin 03/05/1676, ?/08/1677
  • Jean Lomer (SPP) 31/04/1677 (sic), 1677
  • Sara Du Plain native of Alderney 26/04/1677
  • Catherine Blanche fille de Pierre & femme de Pierre le Page, Dame d’elle 29/03/1677
  • Nicolas Heaume fils Pierre 24/01/1676, 1677
  • Pierre Ahier 25/05/1678, 29/05/1678
  • James Le Page 28/05/1678
  • Jean Brok (SPP) 07/02/1676, 1678
  • David Navetel senior (SA) 20/02/1677, 06/11/1678
  • Judith Robert fille Zacharie veuve de Jean Tardif 10/11/1678, 21/11/1678
  • Anne Philips veuve de Michel Guignon 07/09/1672, 05/11/1679
  • Marthe Gibaut (SPP) 04/09/1678, 06/03/1678/9
  • Elizée de Sausmarez junior (SPP) 06/03/1673, 02/05/1679
  • Jean Gavey 15/04/1679
  • Rachel Careye fille de feu Monsieur Samuel Careye 14/06/1679, ?/06/1679
  • Jean Le Mesurier senior fils Jean (SPP) 24/05/1679, 18/06/1679
  • Thomas Richardson son of John of Durham 04/05/1679, 06/11/1679
  • Pierre Mahy fils Richard 19/11/1679, 09/12/1679
  • Pierre Paint (SPP) 23/08/1679, 14/01/1679/80
  • Pierre Careye (SSAv) 23/03/1677/8, 14/01/1679/80
  • Catalogue of books in Pierre Careye’s Library at St Saviour’s church, 1679 (most had disappeared by 1695)
  • Jean Chipp of England (SPP) 02/12/1679, 17/05/1680
  • Simeon Le Goubey (SPP) 14/06/1680, 28/09/1680
  • Josué Henry (SPP) 10/06/1680, 11/09/1680
  • Elizabeth Lyhou veuve du feu le Sr Nicolas Allais (SSav) 12/08/1680, 11/09/1680
  • Sr Thomas Le Pelley 21/12/1679, 22/09/1680
  • Daniel Le Moyne native of Vitré in Brittany 06/11/1680, 24/11/1680
  • Sara Vovert [Vauvert],veuve de Richard du Feu 03/01/1679/80, 09/05/1680
  • Henry Martel( ?) 15/09/1689, 23/05/1690
  • Guillaume Ahyer 04/11/1681, 05/11/1681
  • Marguerite Rougier 05/11/1669
  • Jean Queripel fils Pierre 24/12/1681, 10/03/1681/2
  • Nicolas Le Lacheur (F) 04/02/1681/2, 08/02/1681/2
  • Marguerite de Saumares (SPP) 10/03/1680/1, 11/05/1682
  • Uriah Harrisson son of Richard of Amesbury in Wilts 19/03/1681/2, 03/06/1682
  • Coliche Robin 12/12/1681, 06/11/1682
  • Joseph Nicole senior 12/09/1682, 06/12/1682
  • Michelle wife of Jean Roland 01/04/1681, 02/03/1682
  • Anne Roland 1682
  • Catalogue of Isaac Careye’s Library in the Town Church 15/02/1683/4
  • Olympe Gagnepain 07/11/1683, 06/10/1683/4
  • Nicolas Anley of Jersey 07/11/1681, 28/02/1683/4
  • Daniel Robin fils Daniel (SPP) 16/02/1683/4
  • Thomas de Beauvoir 28/02/1683/4, 19/03/1683/4
  • Ralph Wilde 14/04/1684, 19/06/1684
  • Thomas Dolbel 28/11/1684, 15/01/1684/5
  • André Nicolas of the Câtel (SPP) 04/12/1684, 27/01/1684/5
  • James de Havilland (SPP) 20/05/1684, 01/05/1685
  • Jeanne Hairon veuve de Thomas de Putron 20/02/1684/5, 23/07/1685
  • Elizabeth le Roux veuve de feu le Sr Jean Loomer 09/11/1685, 23/11/1685
  • Leonard Brehaut 09/07/1686, 08/11/1686
  • Marie Gibaut 05/11/1686, 27/11/1686
  • Jacquette Sampson veuve de feu Guillaume Ahyer 21/08/1685, 1686
  • Helier Rose fils Elier (SPP) 27/12/1685, 09/06/1686
  • Simeone Beley veuve de feu Thomas Colin 09/06/1686, 09/06/1687
  • Pierre Jardin (SPP) 29/12/1686, 22/12/1687
  • Jean Mauger (SA) 31/03/1687
  • Elizabeth Girard 14/01/1687/8, 31/01/1687/8
  • Elie Catel 14/02/1683, 22/10/1688
  • Samuel Gagnepain junior 31/12/1688, 1688
  • Joachin James fils André (SPP) 02/11/1689 1689
  • Jean Ahyer senior (SPP) 04/12/1689, 11/12/1689
  • Jean Deshayes of France, British Subject 16/11/1687, 28/02/1689/90
  • Aaron Anley 30/04/1692, 02/01/1692/3
  • Samuel Dobrée fils Thomas (SPP) 25/04/1677, 03/11/1691
  • William Du Plain of Alderney 02/05/1690, 18/01/1691/2
  • Pierre Bonamy 23/08/1683, 25/01/1691/2
  • Rachel Roussel
  • Edward Cotton son of Henry of Little Compton in Glos
  • Guillaume Herivel (SPP) 01/03/1691/2, 16/03/1691/2
  • Samuel Careye 26/12/1683, 23/02/1691/2
  • Thomas Adams 06/12/1693, 15/01/1693/4
  • Daniel de Beauvoir 19/09/1690, 22/05/1693/4
  • Marie Cotton 24/03/1694
  • Marie Gruchy 06/03/1693/4, 13/03/1694
  • Jean Besnard 23/08/1694, 27/08/1694
  • Dame Cecile Brehaut 28/07/1694, 07/01/1694/5
  • Charles de la Marche 06/07/1693, ?/10/1695
  • Simeon Le Goubey (SPP) 22/07/1691, 12/12/1695
  • Marie de Jerzey fille André (C) 16/01/1694/5, 24/02/1695
  • Samuel Gaudineau 12/02/1694/5, 24/01/1695
  • Jean Perchard senior 18/04/1697, 17/05/1697
  • James Myry 02/06/1697, 21/06/1697
  • James de L’Isle 03/07/1697
  • Thomas le Mesurier fils Thomas (SPP) 08/06/1698, 01/12/1698
  • Colette de Quetteville veuve de feu Mr Jean Perchard 07/05/1697, 01/12/1698
  • Judith Garnier veuve de Monsieur Pierre Pabou of Saintonge, minister in Alderney 17/05/1700
  • Jean Gaudion (SPP) 01/01/1700/1, ?/03/1700/1
  • Michael Baillie West Town Indsdale [Ennis?] 03/01/1700/1, 10/03/1700/1
  • Nicolas Le Huray (T) 13/08/1702, 16/10/1701
  • Pierre de Jersey fils James (SPP) 30/10/1693, 17/04/1702, 08/06/1702
  • Jean Martin, Lt-Baillif 30/04/1697, 04/11/1702
  • Jean Blondel 09/09/1698, 20/03/1702/3
  • Magdelaine Barker wife of Mr Edward Hooper 17/03/1702, 02/07/1703
  • Elizee de Sausmarez 08/09/1699, 06/04/1703
  • Jean Vautier 09/05/1699, 04/05/1703
  • Pierre Hallouris (sic) fils Charles (SS) 12/05/1703, 27/05/1703
  • Marguerite Gagnepain 04/08/1703, 09/08/1703
  • Jean de Tubelin native of Jersey 16/09/1703, 10/10/1703
  • Jean Mauger (C) 27/10/1703, 02/11/1703
  • Jacques Lorens of La Rochelle, sailor 21/09/1703, 26/06/1703/4
  • Judith Careye (SPP) 28/04/1704, 01/05/1704
  • James Rougier fils Hellier (SPB) 28/04/1704, 01/05/1704
  • Jean Le Ber 03/12/1702, 07/06/1704
  • Pierre Ozanne 01/06/1704, 14/06/1704
  • Jonathan Trachy ?/05/1704
  • Jean Le Febvre of Jersey 21/07/1704, 07/08/1704
  • William Shepherd aged 20 years 27/06/1704, 09/08/1704
  • George Bourget 02/09/1704, 20/09/1704
  • James Allez [Alez] fils James (SSav) 05/10/1704, 17/11/1704
  • Marie Laurens fille de Thomas 05/09/1704, 24/11/1704
  • Aaron Guillaume 03/10/1704/5
  • Jean de Putron 23/02/1704/5
  • Neel Millings 18/11/1704, 05/03/1704/5
  • Jeanne Effard 04/03/1704, 15/03/1704
  • Matthew Mauger 16/03/1704/5, 03/04/1704
  • Robert Lee 07/11/1701, 12/12/1706
  • George Rose fils Pierre 11/02/1706/7, 10/07/1706
  • John Robson 28/08/1706, 13/02/1706/7
  • William Sharp 06/12/1703, 11/02/1706/7
  • Thomas Le Mesurier 22/11/1706
  • Sebastien Ollivier 08/03/1706, 12/03/1706
  • Pierre Nicole [Pierre Nicolle] 30/06/1704
  • John Chapman 07/04/1703, 12/04/1707
  • Henry Smith 16/01/1706/7
  • Jean Tourtel fils Pierre 23/02/1706/7, 25/06/1707
  • Moses Chiley of Cornwall 29/09/1707, 30/10/1707
  • James Mouton 27/11/1707
  • Guillaume Henry 20/11/1707
  • Thomas Nyon 31/07/1707, 10/01/1707/8

Library Document Collection Family History Wills & Legacies 17th century

Family Names - People were often named for the work they did:

  • Le Lacheur - Lace or lacet maker (made laces to tie clothes)
  • Le Marchant - the merchant
  • Le Messurier - the man who weighs and measures
  • Tostevin - taste de vin, wine taster
  • Le Pelley - an animal skinner
  • Le Couteur - a tailor
  • Le Feuvre - a silversmith
  • Le Moigne - the monk
  • Brouard - a brewer of beer
  • Bisson - hedge cutter
  • Le Tissier - a weaver, teases out threads

Some were rude nicknames:

  • Lenfestey - the drunkard
  • Le Sauvage - quicktempered


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