Q-M3 23764 Haplogroup
Native American= Kind of goes without saying that if there is someone able to take a y dna test via FTDNA, then the Cheraw can't be extinct, a myth tied to Colonialism.
Adding maps of locations in media section.
Capt Frances Exum Jesse Scott / Cheraw of Ft Christanna ydna Qm3 → Alice (Champion) Scotthis wife → Benjamin Champion, II
her brother → Elizabeth Burton Champion his wife → Charles Williams
her father → Nottoway Cheraw Leader, John Williams II his brother → Byrd Williams his son → Frances Byrd Williams his wife → Francis Parker, I, Marion's Raiders her father → Judah (Knight) Parker his mother → Isabell Carter of Oropeake/Coropeake, "Churrah Lands" her mother
Oropeake Location Changed: (Seat of Wahunseneca's government) moved to Coropeake in his older years and then he went back up by Jamestown in his very last years. The reason we know that is from the writing of George Washington who mentions stopping in Oropeake to rest overnight. This is mentioned in that it was reserve land that flowed to the self terming "Old Cheraw" from the Williams family.
What this has to do with the Scotts of this community is that they were the half of the whole who went to Ft Christanna and then did service under King Hagler's military confederacy where he died 2 years into the 7 Years War.