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Signatories of the Act of the Re-Establishment of the State of Lithuania (Act of March 11)

Lietuvos nepriklausomos valstybės atstatymo (Kovo 11) akto signatarai

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  • Aloyzas Sakalas (1931 - 2022)
    VLE: Aloyzas Sakalas - Lietuvos politikas, fizikas. Kovo 11 Akto signataras. Habil. dr.
  • Juozas Dringelis (1935 - 2015)
    Juozas Dringelis (1935 m. birželio 25 d. Pabaronėje, Varėnos rajonas – 2015 m. birželio 4 d.) – Lietuvos žurnalistas, politinis bei visuomenės veikėjas, signataras.
  • Bronislavas Juozapas Kuzmickas (1935 - 2023)
    Signataras gimė 1935 metais Marijampolės apskrityje, dabartiniame Prienų rajone, studijavo Vilniaus universitete, čia baigė Istorijos-filologijos fakultetą. 1966–1973 metais jis dėstė filosofi...
  • Bronislovas Genzelis (1934 - 2023)
    Wikipedia: Bronislovas Genzelis was a Lithuanian politician. In 1990, he was among those who signed the Act of the Re-Establishment of the State of Lithuania. Genzelis was a well-known Lithuanian philo...
  • Bronislovas Lubys (1938 - 2011)
    Wikipedia: Bronislovas Lubys was a Lithuanian entrepreneur, former Prime Minister of Lithuania, signatory of the Act of the Re-Establishment of the State of Lithuania, and businessman.

Wikipedia: The Act of the Re-Establishment of the State of Lithuania or Act of March 11 (Lithuanian: Aktas dėl Lietuvos nepriklausomos valstybės atstatymo) was an independence declaration by Lithuania adopted on March 11, 1990, signed by all members of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Lithuania led by Sąjūdis. The act emphasized restoration and legal continuity of the interwar-period Lithuania, which was occupied by the Soviet Union and annexed in June 1940. In March, 1990, it was the first of the 15 Soviet republics to declare independence, with the rest following to continue for 21 months, concluding with Kazakhstan's independence in 1991. These events (part of the broader process dubbed the "parade of sovereignties") led to the dissolution of the Soviet Union in December 1991.

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VLE: Kovo 11 Aktas, Lietuvos Nepriklausomybės Atkūrimo Aktas 1990 03 11 Aukščiausiosios Tarybos-Atkuriamojo Seimo (AT/AS) aktas Dėl Lietuvos nepriklausomos valstybės atstatymo, kuriuo teisiškai atkurta Lietuvos valstybės nepriklausomybė.

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