Gamle aner - slektsgransking - anesirkel Old ancestors - family researching. I dette prosjektet er det vedlagt en samling av profiler med personnavn for gamle aner. Og gjelder kun for familien til brukeren av dette prosjektet i slektsgranskings-sammenheng. Profilene som er linket til dette prosjektet er lagt til slik at de blir lett å finne i en fei. Det er kun de aller eldste personnavnene i...
Talvik, Leirbotn, Årøy, Langfjordbotn, Kåfjord, Alta, Rafsbotn This project contents genealogical information about people born in Alta area and Talvik area, Finnmark, Norway. * Genealogy / Slektsforskning, wikipedia Norwegian immigrants to United States. Goldminers in Alaska. Shipwrecks along the Norwegian coast. Genealogyproject on Geni . Northernlights route, pictures and history, Tr...
(Any of the text is written in Norwegian)The Scottish Project is established for genealogical reason. Specific for this Project is emigrating from Scotland to Norway. Such emigrating do we find written in Norwegian Sources. Some profiles of Scots who settled Down in Norway are linked to the Project.People (Homo Sapiens) have been living in Scotland since ca 10500 years ago. The archaeological s...
This is a collection of different biologic human find.National Geographic, Human journey -> (This site needs username and password)Wikipedia,Archaelogy , temporal studies i Bergen, Gamle naboer i Tromsø, unimus -> of the Saqqaq culture (Greenland) about 2040 before year 0 Wikipedia, Naia Wikipedia, Ötzi Wikipedia, Kennewick man
Genographic Project started by National Geographic Society to study human migration. DNA, Genetic markers, haplogroups, human migration, human journey etc. At the internetsite one can read more about the genographic project. Wikipedia