Genealogy Projects tagged with Macedonia on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Split's Immigrants from other parts of Europe (1797. - 1828.)

    Split's Immigrants from other Countries by the Beginning of 19th Century and Their SurnamesAt the beginning of the 19th century, Split has seen a rapid increase in population by influx of people migrating from all over Dalmatia, the Apennine peninsula, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and some Mediterranean and European countries. They were doctors, administrative staff, music teachers, craftsmen, s...

  • Jews of (former) Yugoslavia

    YUGOSLAVIA ("Land of the Southern Slavs") , a Socialist Federated Republic in S.E. Europe, in the Balkan Peninsula. The various elements of which Yugoslav Jewry was composed after 1918 (i.e. those of Serbia and the Austro-Hungarian countries) were distinct from one another in their language, culture, social structure, and character according to the six separate historical, political, and cultur...

  • Croatian Diaspora

    Croatian Emigration indicates that of the Croatians who were reported to have "emigrated", at least 30% eventually returned to their homeland. Hrvati izvan domovine / Croatians outside the homeland Adresar trgovaca, obrtnika i drugih uglednijih pripadnika iz Hrvatske, Dalmacije i Istre nastanjenih u Americi, Africi, Aziji i Australiji iz popis hrvatskih družtava i hrvatskih novina u Ameri...

  • Makedonski portal / Geni Macedonia

    Kuratori za Geni - nominacije pogledajte --> Nominate == Ја Македонија== I Macedonia=✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄Оставете ги Вашите прашања или коментари на Форумот кој е приклучен кон овој проект или директно контактирајте со нас.За полесно да се снајдете овој проект е направен како портал - во него ќе бидат вклучени линкови кон сите останати проекти поврзани со македонското ст...

  • 1918 lnfluenza Pandemic - Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia & Hercegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia: Fatalities

    1918 Influenza Pandemic - Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia & Hercegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia : Fatalities=Please add to this project any profiles of those who perished in the 'Spanish Flu' pandemic of 1918 To participate in any project- you do need to first be a collaborator - so please join the project using the request link under "actions" at the top right of the page. Visit Geni Wikitext...

  • NATO Medal for Macedonia

    This project is for those that have been awarded the NATO Medal for service in regards to the Republic of Macedonia. The actual service had to have occured between August 22, 2001 and September 26, 2001 in support of Operation Essential Harvest . Service time was originally 25 days to be awarded this medal, but was changed to 30 days for the rest of the mission that took place after this part w...