Postal stations (Relais / "Postierung")=* Hupel's Topographischen Nachrichten provide a contemporary description of the postal systems and the so-called post roads on which the postal stations were situated * Carl von Bronsert's 1786 map shows the post roads and postal stations in Livonia: EAA.3724.5.1579 * ee.Wikipedia: Postimaantee (Estonian Wikipedia entry listing the postal stations in Esto...
Lübeck= Lübeck , officially the Hanseatic City of Lübeck , is a city in he state of Schleswig-Holstein , northern Germany, and one of the major ports of Germany. On the river Trave , it was the leading city of the Hanseatic League, and because of its extensive Brick Gothic architecture, it is listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site . In 2015, it had a population of 218,523.The purpose of this...
Also known as: Benkhausen Benkhusen Benckhusen Benckenhausen Bönnighausen Bennighausen Benningshausen Bonninghusen Bonnynghusen Bonykhusen Punninghusen Ponnynckhusen Bonnyckhusen Bonninckhuszen Bonichuse The family originated in Westphalia . Several representatives of the family were Riga city councilors or high-ranking guild members. Although some versions of...
Stettin, Länsi-Pommeri, Puola Stettin (puol. Szczecin ) on satamakaupunki Luoteis-Puolassa ja Länsi-Pommerin läänin ( voivodeship ) pääkaupunki. Kaupungissa asuu päälle 400 000 asukasta, sen ympäristössä noin 730 000 asukasta. Stettin on läänin suurin kaupunki ja Puolan seitsemänneksi suurin kaupunki. Stettin on merkittävä poliittinen, kulttuurillinen ja taloudellinen keskus maan luoteisosalle ...
Prominent family from Riga (probably originally from Westphalia), several members of which were members (Ratsherr) of the Riga city council in the late 15th and throughout the 16th century, a few of whom were also mayors (Bürgemeister) of Riga during the 16th century. The family disappears from Riga around the middle of the 17th century. In documents, the name appears in a large number of perm...
The Baltic-German family, descended from Johannes Gamper who in the 16th century emigrated from Leipzig to Goldingen (Kuldīga, Latvia) in Courland. Until about 1770 the largest concentration of members of this family could be found in Goldingen and the surrounding towns, with some members of the family also appearing in Riga and from around 1710 in Mitau (Jelgava, Latvia). After this the famil...