Freemasons, or simply "Masons," have been an integral part of American culture since the Colonial period and have immeasurably shaped the Republic through their leadership, altruism, public service, and character. Although the most famous Freemasons have been presidents, CEOs, and other public figures, the vast majority of Freemasons were and are small-town members working in their own communit...
Freemasons in Australia - Masonic LodgeFreemasons, or simply "Masons," have been an important part of Western culture for centuries and have immeasurably shaped the world through their leadership, altruism, public service, and character. Although the most famous Freemasons have been presidents, CEOs, and other public figures, the vast majority of Freemasons were and are small-town members worki...
Scope of Project=== The Knights Templar is an international philanthropic chivalric order affiliated with Freemasonry. The purpose of this project is to collect the names and histories of these modern-day Templars.===Background===Unlike the initial degrees conferred in a Masonic Lodge, which only require a belief in a Supreme Being regardless of religious affiliation, the Knights Templar is one...
Please read this overview in its entirety before considering adding any profiles. Members of American, Australian, Brazilian, Canadian, Chinese, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, Irish, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Philippine, Russian, Scottish, Spanish and Swedish lodges should not be added here. Read on to find out why. This is the master project for Freemasons on Geni. Freemasons, or simply "Mason...
Freemasons, or simply "Masons," have been present in England since at least the Reformation and today can be found throughout the nation in civic and community roles. Much discussion of their history in the nation can be found in this excellent Wikipedia article .Although the most famous Freemasons have been presidents, CEOs, and other public figures, the vast majority of Freemasons were and ar...
Brazilian Freemasonry has been an integral part of the culture of the country, from the Colonial period, as has immeasurable importance in Brazil's independence from Portugal, the Abolition of Slavery and the Proclamation of the Republic, through its leadership, altruism, and public service character of its members. Although the Masons were the most famous presidents, CEOs, and other public fig...
Freemasons, or simply "Masons," have been present in Canada since at least 1634 and today can be found throughout the nation in civic and community roles. A detailed timeline of Freemasonry in Canada can be found via the Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon's website .Although the most famous Freemasons have been presidents, CEOs, and other public figures, the vast majority of Freemasons w...
History Freemasonry came to Sweden in 1735, with a Grand Lodge established 1760. In 1756 Carl Friedrich Eckleff, Cancellie-Rådet established the first St Andrew's lodge in Stockholm to work additional degrees, beyond the three initial degrees of Craft Freemasonry. A Grand Chapter was erected in 1759. Eckleff's ideas of a truly progressive system building upon the internationally recognised thre...
Vrijmetselarij in Nederland De eerste vrijmetselaarsloge in Nederland dateert van 1734 en is gesticht door Vincent la Chapelle. De loge noemde zich Loge du Grand-Maître des Provinces Unies et du Ressort de la Généralité. Na een wijziging van naam in 1749 naar L’Union en een fusie met loge La Royale ontstond loge L'Union Royale. Dit is de oudste nog operationele vrijmetselaarsloge in Nederland e...
This project aims to identify Freemasons who lived in Lithuania and/or had an impact on Lithuania's social, cultural, or political life. If in your family tree you have individuals that are among Freemasons of Lithuania, please add them to this project. It would be great if within the profile description there would be brief biography. Within opened profile page use the 'Actions' button to...
Freemasons, or simply "Masons," have been present in Scotland since at least the Reformation and today can be found throughout the nation in civic and community roles. Much discussion of their history in the nation can be found in this excellent Wikipedia article .Although the most famous Freemasons have been presidents, CEOs, and other public figures, the vast majority of Freemasons were and a...
Part of the Freemasons Portal =Freemasons, or simply "Masons," have been present in Ireland since the 1700s and today can be found throughout the nation in civic and community roles. Much discussion of their history in the nation can be found in this excellent Wikipedia article .Although the most famous Freemasons have been presidents, CEOs, and other public figures, the vast majority of Freema...
Tall Cedars of Lebanon of North America is an appendant Masonic organization devoted to fostering friendship and fellowship among Freemasons and to all mankind.We have an unyielding commitment to provide a "place in the sun" for those many thousands of victims of neuromuscular diseases who, through their own means, may not be able to share and enjoy the experiences of life that we so often are ...
The Social Order of the Beauceant is a ritualistic order with the theme of Faith, Loyalty, Love for God, the Order of Knights Templar and each other. Just as Knights Templar are known to be the only Christian arm of Masonry, so is Beauceant a Christian Masonic ladies group. Its ritual is beautiful, impressive, based on the New Testament, and allows us to have a deeper appreciation of Templarism...
The New England Order of Protection was fraternal benefit/mutual aid society serving New England. Its foundational principles were equity, benevolence, and charity. The Order was founded in 1887 and incorporated in Massachusetts. It had splintered off from the Knights and Ladies of Honor, which was one of the reasons the N.E.O.P. was always gender-inclusive. According to the N.E.O.P.'s founder...
Loges in Nederland en Leden=Dit project is een onderdeel van het project Nederlandse Vrijmetselaars >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>===Groningen===*Groningen, Loge L'Union Provinciale opgericht in 1772, Loge nummer 2>>>>>>>>>> Leden :>>>>>>>>>>* Jacob Appius **Groningen, Loge De Drieslag >>>>>>>>>> Leden :***Groningen, L’Union Provinciale , opgericht 1772.>>>>>>>>>> Leden :***Veendam, Het Noorderlicht opger...