Dakota, Lakota and NakotaTribes The goal of this project is to collect and integrate the family trees of the Dakota, Lakota and Nakota ("Sioux") tribes. Očhéthi Šakówiŋ (Great Sioux Nation) The Sioux Nation was and is, comprised of 3 major sub-divisions; LAKOTA - or Teton: Prairie Dwellers - with Seven Bands: Oglala - They Scatter Their Own or Dust Scatters Sicangu - or Brule: Bur...
Welcome to the Native American Chiefs Project. The Native American Chiefs Project is for people who have a strong interest in Native American history and culture. Designed for people to learn about a variety of Native American histories and cultures and for the preservation of cultures and langues, for people to share what they know. For sharing and learning about Native Americans from 16th and...
The Tsimshian (/ˈsɪmʃiən/; Tsimshian: Ts’msyan or Tsm'syen also once known as the Chemmesyans) are an Indigenous people of the Pacific Northwest Coast of North America. Their communities are mostly in coastal British Columbia in Terrace and Prince Rupert, and Metlakatla, Alaska on Annette Island, the only reservation in Alaska.
The Ojibwe, Ojibwa, Chippewa, or Saulteaux are an Anishinaabe people in what is currently southern Canada, the northern Midwestern United States, and Northern Plains. They are Indigenous peoples of the Subarctic and Northeastern Woodlands. According to the U.S. census, Ojibwe people are one of the largest tribal populations among Native American peoples in the United States. In Canada, they ar...
Do not add profiles to this project. Add relevant profiles to related projects. This portal is meant to be a jumping off place for all Nations, Tribes, Clans. When finished it will contain no profiles but it will contain the links and documents that will help you name historic individuals. In the related projects you will find projects of specific groups. Since there are so many Indigenous ...
The Apache (/əˈpætʃi/) are a group of culturally related Native American tribes in the Southwestern United States, which include the Chiricahua, Jicarilla, Lipan, Mescalero, Mimbreño, Ndendahe (Bedonkohe or Mogollon and Nednhi or Carrizaleño and Janero), Salinero, Plains (Kataka or Semat or "Kiowa-Apache") and Western Apache (Aravaipa, Pinaleño, Coyotero, Tonto). Distant cousins of the Apache a...