Google from time to time honor people or events with a customized version of their logo. In the early years ( 2001 - 2007 ), this was a rare honor. Starting in 2008 Google expanded this effort to recognize regional people as well as global figures. There is a full list that can be searched and filtered at the Google Doodles Library . The goal of this project is to list and tag all of those hono...
Purpose==Project to determine which profiles have been involved in a large number of merges. Please include profiles that have 100+ managers or more by adding them to the project. ==Possible Uses==* Performance benchmark tests* Researching collaborative genealogy trends* Possible profiles that need profile locking or curator following.* Draw attention to's goal of one person p...
U svega četiri generacije Hrvati - kao narod - bili su svjedoci : dvije propale totalitarne ideologije (fašističku i komunističku),tri rata (dva svjetska i Domovinski), dvije bankrotirane državotvorne ideje (austrougarsku i jugoslavensku), četvrt stoljeća života pod velikosrbijanskom diktaturom i krunom (1918. - 1941.), pola stoljeća života u komunizmu (1945. - 1990.) i deset godina života u st...
Time was first published in 1923. As Time became established as one of the United States' leading newsmagazines, an appearance on the cover of Time became an indicator of a person's notability, fame or notoriety.=Cover of Time magazine=( Project Photo from Time Magazine cover February 21, 2011 )>== Lists of People on the Cover of Time Magazine ==>* List of People on the Cover of Time Magazine (...