Genealogy Projects tagged with popular on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Google Doodle

    Google from time to time honor people or events with a customized version of their logo. In the early years ( 2001 - 2007 ), this was a rare honor. Starting in 2008 Google expanded this effort to recognize regional people as well as global figures. There is a full list that can be searched and filtered at the Google Doodles Library . The goal of this project is to list and tag all of those hono...

  • Mega Merge

    Purpose==Project to determine which profiles have been involved in a large number of merges. Please include profiles that have 100+ managers or more by adding them to the project. ==Possible Uses==* Performance benchmark tests* Researching collaborative genealogy trends* Possible profiles that need profile locking or curator following.* Draw attention to's goal of one person p...

  • Rang lista najpopularnijih

    U svega četiri generacije Hrvati - kao narod - bili su svjedoci : dvije propale totalitarne ideologije (fašističku i komunističku),tri rata (dva svjetska i Domovinski), dvije bankrotirane državotvorne ideje (austrougarsku i jugoslavensku), četvrt stoljeća života pod velikosrbijanskom diktaturom i krunom (1918. - 1941.), pola stoljeća života u komunizmu (1945. - 1990.) i deset godina života u st...

  • Cover of Time magazine

    Time was first published in 1923. As Time became established as one of the United States' leading newsmagazines, an appearance on the cover of Time became an indicator of a person's notability, fame or notoriety.=Cover of Time magazine=( Project Photo from Time Magazine cover February 21, 2011 )>== Lists of People on the Cover of Time Magazine ==>* List of People on the Cover of Time Magazine (...