Genealogy Projects tagged with curator on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Introduksjon til Geni - norsk

    Norway=Dette prosjektet har viktig informasjon for alle norske medlemmer av Geni! Prosjektet tar sikte på å forklare hvordan Geni fungerer, og være en veiledning til hvor man kan få hjelp. Om du nettopp er invitert til i prosjektet av en Kurator, er dette for å gjøre deg oppmerksom på denne informasjonen. Legg gjerne til andre brukere slik at informasjonen her når ut til flest mulig brukere som...

  • "About" Cleanup

    This project relates to cleaning up copy-paste dumps from external websites on historical profiles. Please add profiles with copy-paste issues to this project. Can repeated information in the "about"-field easily (by Geni automatic functions?) be edited and the "biographies" thereby shortened? Cleanup tools The example I gave when I started this discussion was Robert, Count of Mortain who ...

  • Driftwood, profiles without Parents,Spouses and/or Children

    Looking for volunteers who look for relations/duplicates of these profiles to connect with existing trees.= Curators can find more driftwood here

  • CuZZin - Curator Forum

    About the CuZZin Curator Communicate Portal This portal was created in order to facilitate communication between those requiring help adding their profiles to the South African branch of the "World FamilyTree" ('WFT') according to South Africa - Profile Conventions and your CuZZin Curators who have an interest in the SA branch but work for the good of the whole 'WFT'. Please encourage everyone...

  • Locked profiles

    The objective of this project is to identify all the profiles that are temporarily locked, pending arrangements for them to be unlocked. The Project Merge Issues turns this job so much easy. All curators are invited to participate. Feel free to improve this description. Explanation of Locked Profiles Geni allows the curators to create Master Profiles (MPs). Any PRO user has the power to edit...

  • Talvik - Alta, Finnmark, Norge.

    Talvik, Leirbotn, Årøy, Langfjordbotn, Kåfjord, Alta, Rafsbotn This project contents genealogical information about people born in Alta area and Talvik area, Finnmark, Norway. * Genealogy / Slektsforskning, wikipedia Norwegian immigrants to United States. Goldminers in Alaska. Shipwrecks along the Norwegian coast. Genealogyproject on Geni . Northernlights route, pictures and history, Tr...

  • Curator Profile Exchange: Master Project

    For users Only curators are added to this project as collaborators. This project is for already curated Geni Master Profiles. Please do not request the addition of profiles to this project. If you wish to have a profile made into an MP, please do so at the discussion thread titled " Curators: Please make this profile a Master Profile ". Be sure and read the expectations posted in the first ...

  • Geni Curator Projects - Guide

    Curators, please don't forget to add your projects, thank you. The aim of this project is to collect and identify curator projects so that geni members will be better able to see which curators are serving in the area of their particular interest. As the project progresses, links under the subjects will be better sub-categorized. Click "Related Projects" on right for more comprehensive ...

  • Connecting to the Big Tree

    Connecting to the Big Tree=Last updated 31 Jan 2019The goal of Geni is to create a single, accurate family tree that connects all members, with no duplicates. However, there are Geni users who are not aware that they are part of the Big tree - or not part of the Big Tree. Nor do they know " how to " connect to the "Big Tree". calls it the World Family Tree; see this page for World Fami...

  • Harry Potter Tree {Fictional}

    Description:==This is a sub-project of the FAKE Profiles.The main goal is to merge all of the Harry Potter profiles & maintain them, while keeping this tree DISCONNECTED from real profiles===Main Harry Potter Tree:===* Link to Main Tree ==Note to those wanting to manage these profiles==>You are most welcome to come & help us keep them accurate & prevent them getting smerged into other trees. Re...

  • HistoryLink

    HistoryLink - Free Geni Research Tools SmartCopy is a web browser extension that helps Geni users copy information and profiles from various sources into Geni. It also provides quick access to research links and HistoryLink tools. See that project for more details. History Search will compare your direct ancestors (and their siblings) to projects on Geni that focus on historical or famous indiv...

  • Mega Merge

    Purpose==Project to determine which profiles have been involved in a large number of merges. Please include profiles that have 100+ managers or more by adding them to the project. ==Possible Uses==* Performance benchmark tests* Researching collaborative genealogy trends* Possible profiles that need profile locking or curator following.* Draw attention to's goal of one person p...

  • Curator Profile Exchange: French Nobles

    Fellow curators, please use this project to deposit any Master Profiles (MP) of French Nobles you no longer wish to curate. When assuming curatorship of profiles, please do so with in intention of maintaining and improving them. Thank you. Please be sure to remove profiles from the project when you assume curating responsibilities.

  • Curator Profile Exchange: Living Americans

    Fellow curators, please use this project to deposit any living American Master Profiles (MP) you no longer wish to curate. When assuming curatorship of profiles, please do so with in intention of maintaining and improving them. Thank you. Please be sure to remove profiles from the project when you assume curating responsibilities.

  • Jewish Genealogy Curators

    The page lists all of the Curators on Geni who have expertise with Jewish genealogy. Feel free to contact any of these curators if you have questions or need assistance with Jewish genealogy on Geni. For information about Jewish genealogy projects on Geni, see the Jewish Genealogy Portal . Geni is now accepting self-nominations for potential curators. See . To learn about curators and what t...

  • Geni Curators

    See also Curator list About Curators The goal of Geni has always been to create a shared World Family Tree - the definitive family tree for the entire world, that respects the privacy of living people while allowing millions of users to collaborate on their shared ancestry by constantly expanding and improving the tree. In this effort, Geni management appoints Curators to help maintain and i...

  • Working with Projects

    Working with Projects Officially, projects are collections of profiles, typically tied together with a project overview page. Projects can be created for a surname, an event, or a topic - anything that connects a number of profiles together. Unofficially, projects can be used also to provide portals for regional genealogy projects, information about genealogical standards, tutorials, and just...

  • Common Genealogical Mistakes

    Don't fabricate facts! =Place or date unknown LEAVE IT BLANK or enter as such - Place assumed by other given facts - enter as eg: * Parents place of KNOWN marriage place* other siblings KNOWN birthplace* Place of residence pre Census RecordsDate should be left blank or listed as:* est - estimated* bef - before* aft - after* betw - between* or if assumed Placing facts not known and documented in...

  • Unlinked mathematicians

    This Project is temporary and will be transferred.Some profiles still need to be disconnected , and then moved to where they belong in the family tree lines.This is a temporary holder for number of profile that correspond to* Mentor-Student Mathematical ancestry ==Big Names==In order not to scare off potential contributors, and in order to have some places to start off, a list of big names in m...

  • Curator Profile Exchange: Colonial Americans

    Fellow curators, please use this project to deposit any Colonial American Master Profiles (MP) you no longer wish to curate. When assuming curatorship of profiles, please do so with an intention of maintaining and improving them. Thank you. Parameters: Born in or immigrated to Colonial America between the years 1600-1800. Please be sure to remove profiles from the project when you assume curati...

  • Geni Top 10 Lists

    This project recognizes the best parts of Geni and its top contributors. For your family group, you can find some of these at Awards . To suggest a profile for any category, or to suggest a new category, or to request to be listed anonymously, please contact Randy Schoenberg . If a separate project where you can find more detailed information for a particular category exists, the link is provid...

  • Curator Profile Exchange: French-Canadiens

    Fellow curators, please use this project to deposit any French-Canadien Master Profiles (MP) you no longer wish to curate. When assuming curatorship of profiles, please do so with in intention of maintaining and improving them. Thank you. Please be sure to remove profiles from the project when you assume curating responsibilities.

  • Curator Profile Exchange: Ancient World

    Fellow curators, please use this project to deposit any B.C./B.C.E. Master Profiles (MP) you no longer wish to curate. When assuming curatorship of profiles, please do so with in intention of maintaining and improving them. Thank you. Please be sure to remove profiles from the project when you assume curating responsibilities.

  • Working with the World Tree

    The World Tree is Geni slang for the largest tree on Geni. New users, and even long-time users, are sometimes unsure about the differences between working in the World Tree versus working in standalone trees. This page is intended to be a quick reference. If you don't find your answer here, look at the Geni Help pages or start a project discussion. World Tree versus Standalone Trees Geni Hel...

  • How to Improve Projects

    The purpose of this project is to discuss and collect ideas for improving the way Geni handles projects.== How to Participate ==# Start a discussion, or contribute your ideas to an existing discussion.# When an idea has been discussed and there is a clear sense of what should happen, submit a Feature Request to Geni. Please search first to see if a feature request already exists.# Vote for your...

1-25 of 34 projects