The objective of this project is to identify all the profiles that are locked, either permanently or temporarily while pending arrangements for them to be unlocked. The Project Merge Issues turns this job so much easy. All curators are invited to participate. Feel free to improve this description. Explanation of Locked Profiles Geni allows the curators to create Master Profiles (MPs). Any PR...
Conventions for name entry in the Geni "World Family Tree" (WFT) The naming conventions outlined in this project conform to GENi naming conventions . The intention is to minimize data conflicts and optimise consistency in the GENi matching /merging technology & ensure that we do not find ourselves with names in the wrong fields when the GENi software engineers release program enhancements. T...
ATTN! This is Estonian only project!Siia projekti ma paigutan need profiilid, mis ootavad kustutamisttegemist on profiilidega, millel on duplikaat.kasutaja ja mida niiehknii mestida ei saa. Paigutan isikud siia, et vältida nende "tagasipaigutamist", mis tekitaks puus asjata segaduseHenn PLEASE DELETE 1 PLEASE REMOVE 1
Image Library - Images relevant to South African Profiles Project Aim To encourage the use of profile images that depict the person. To encourage contribution of creative profile images and their use on relevant profiles. (Please upload or tag images to this project.) To discuss and replace generic images which do not accurately depict the purported profile. In many cases a suitable pr...
Siia kogume need kasutajad kes on erinevatel aegadel Geniga topelt või rohkem kordi liitunud. Seega peaks siin projektis olema iga liitunud kasutaja kui mitte rohkem siis vähemalt kahekordselt.Et saada lahti topeltliitunud profiilidest peab kasutaja omama / taastama ligipääsu mõlemale kontole. Seejärel on võimalik õigused andes ja mestides topeltprofiilidest lahti saada.Kui parool on ununenud j...