VÄLKOMMEN TILL - Projektet Häxprocesserna i Sverige Till minne av de svenskar som på grund av falska vittnesmål och vidskepelse avrättades och brändes på bål under Häxprocessen i Sverige år 1668 - 1676. Syftet med projektet är att här samla Geni-profilerna för de personer som på något sätt var inblandade i häxprocesserna i Sverige. De utpekade eller dömda. De aktiva i häxprocesserna. De åtala...
Witchcraft (also called witchery or spellcraft) is the use of magical faculties, most commonly for religious, divinatory or medicinal purposes. This may take many forms depending on cultural context.The belief in and the practice of magic has been present since the earliest human cultures and continues to have an important religious and medicinal role in many cultures today.The concept of witch...
Witch trials in Norway Norwegian Witches - Hekser Trolldomsprosessene i Norge Geni project Archive of the Inquisition Geni project Help us to find NORWEGIAN Witches: Denne samlingen består av transkripsjoner og et bredt spekter av rettslige dokumenter, bøker og mer fra 1500-tallet og inn på 1700-tallet. Samlingen omfatter ca. 650 av de ca. 900 kjente heksekunstsaker fra denne perioden...
Please add Geni profiles of those executed by the state by burning . For accidental deaths by burning, please use the project Death by burning . Deliberately causing death through the effects of combustion, or effects of exposure to extreme heat, has a long history as a form of capital punishment. Many societies have employed it as an execution method for such crimes as treason, rebellious ac...
"this Countie of Lancashire ... now may lawfully bee said to abound asmuch in Witches of divers kinds as Seminaries, Jesuites, and Papists" (from: Thomas Potts (1613) The Wonderfull Discoverie of Witches in the Countie of Lancaster')The trials of the Pendle witches in 1612 are among the most famous witch trials in English history, and some of the best recorded of the 17th century. The twelve ac...
he had two sons, both of which died in their infancy by wicked practises and sorcerye (inscription on the grave of Frances Manners, 6th Earl of Rutland)The Witches of Belvoir were Joan Flower and her daughters Margaret and Philipa, local herbal healers who were dismissed as servants by the 6th Earl and Countess of Rutland. The earl, countess and all three of their children soon fell ill and a t...
===Ban de la Roche witchcraft trials "... witchcraft trials in Ban de la Roche or Steinthal, a small domain in bilingual Alsace. Till 1620 only one such trial took place there and after 1630 the local lord prevented suspicions of pernicious magic to evolve into full trials. But in the years 1620-1622 and 1629-1630 this territory was rocked by two waves of criminal proceedings in which at least ...
From “What It Was Really Like Being A Witch-Hunter” by Jenna Inouye What does the phrase "witch-hunter" evoke for you? For some, it might be a historical nobleman dressed in fine clothes, with a tall hat, long cloak, and expertly coiffed hair. (For others, it might be Vin Diesel — and for that, we have only Vin Diesel himself to blame.) Witch-hunters were most prolific from the 1500s to the ...